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  • J. R. García

  • I would like us to maintain contact with each other, nothing would please me more. A greeting from a grateful Iberian gentleman after delighting his eyes with such a story.
  • J. R. García

  • You have captured with certainty that character that from my childhood I imagined, they only changed their lives in very small aspects and relationships but it is HE, the Caesarion that the world waited for, that the Egyptians waited for.
  • J. R. García

  • Sometimes, reading their lines I fall into a reverie, nostalgic towards a past that could be. I can almost glimpse an aura of Lord Byron that harmonizes and completes the character of our Caesarion.
  • J. R. García

  • After concluding I could see in what since then I know as "the Caesarion of Velasco" the young Ptolemy Caesar that I had always considered, synthesizing with great elegance the mood of Gaius Julius Caesar with the cleverness and charm of Cleopatra.
  • J. R. García

  • Hi gentleman. I'm J. R. Garcia, Spanish and passionate about history. I would like to thank you for the artwork that you have created with "Caesarion", which I am in the process of translating to add it to my personal library. .
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