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  • VRA321

  • I love how creative you are with the different types of power boosts characters get and the system. How do you come up with it? Also I remember you mentioning a devil fruit idea you were planning on working on, are there any other series you're planning to write for?
  • Lavie-en-Red


  • Bonjour, je suis nouveau sur ce site. J’ai découvert tes histoires et j’ai été surpris de voir que tu étais français, la commu d’ASOIAF en France ne me semble pas assez développée. J’aurais aussi aimé savoir si tu regardais HOTD, que pense tu de la série ? et de la manière dont Baela est représentée ? En tout cas Tu fais du super boulot continue :)
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    Reactions: Antony444
    Antony444 1
    Bonjour...enfin bon soir! Content d'entendre qu'il y a plus de lecteurs Français oui, la communauté d'ASOIAF...est plus petite que l'Anglaise, j'en est bien peur.
    Antony444 1
    J'ai à peine commencé à regarder House of the Dragon il y a quelque jours (le premier épisode). Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas vu Baela...mais bon, j'aime bien la série pour le moment, donc je vais continuer et voir comment il traitent ma Reine Noire...
    Merci pour les compliments!
  • etha

  • Hi,
    I just found your content. Wondering what would you say is time between chapters on your stories? if nothing get hectic in real life. though I’m manly inquiry about The Weaver Option. Though I’m sure others wouldn’t mind if you included the other. If it’s already posted somewhere i haven’t managed to find it. I noticed it very around 2-3 months I just want to make sure so I not constantly check back on it.
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    The time between two chapters of my stories is very variable, I'm afraid.
    The only guarantee I give is that I try to post one chapter of The odds were never in my favour (Harry Potter AU, not updated here for now) once per month.
    For the Weaver Option...yeah, 2-3 months is in general the 'norm'. It is heavily dependent on the size of the chapters in questions.
    etha 2
  • Flickering

  • Hi,
    Could you put threadmarks on the latest announcement for the chapter going into beta in the Weaver Option Discussion thread please?
    It would make it easier to remember when it went and estimate when it will be out. You answer a lot of questions so finding the newest announcement is always a slog and I do not dare ask the question since people take it as "when will it come out?"
  • mazagrob

  • Saaaaaaaaaaaaarge.....................on FF you promised LtGB update in January. Now on patreon I saw new update, but for ADinO? What happened??????????
    Antony444 4
    Covid vaccine and winter weather happened, which took away a lot of days and made sure I was really tired most of the time, and not in the mood (or with the energy) to write another 20000+ words chapter.
    Alfred Magnus 1
    Yikes my condolences on the COVID vaccine backlash. My first sick day in over two years was as a result of my second dose of the darn thing (basically I was barely able to move for the better part of three days). Needless to say I'm not planning on getting anymore boosters after that experience.
  • mazagrob

  • Since you're working again on "Let the Galaxy Burn", I HAVE TO ask: will it be single, isolated update, or you have gained enough inspiration to write more ?
    Antony444 1
    No, it will be the first update of a whole arc of at least 3-4 chapters. I can't promise the update schedule will be regular for this story again (mainly because I can't promise that for any of my stories really) but the next chapter will be the first of events which are...going to make life unpleasant for the Seven Sectors as a whole. Normal should I say, since it's the Chaos Arc...
    Alfred Magnus
    Well that's good news. 2021 maybe an even worse shitshow than 2020, but I've at least discovered a fair number of fun fanfics and the return of my favorite story on this site just seals the good news on that front.
  • Paladín Wulfen

    Paladín Wulfen

  • I have a idea.... What you think a crossover between ASOIAF and Fallout... That can be interisting see (sorry my bad grammar, i am spanish and i am writing from phone)
  • Paladín Wulfen

    Paladín Wulfen

  • Hi Anthony. What program do you use to make the Let The Galaxy Burns maps? Its lovely.... And are you going to continue the story or did you lose your muse?
    I use the basic Paint to create the maps of Let the Galaxy Burn. It isn't complex to master, and it conveys easily the information I want to impart upon my readers.
    I am going to continue Let the Galaxy Burn, but yes, so far my muse isn't cooperating at all...
  • Alkmaion

  • Hi, Anthony, just a little question(I didn´t know if I could post it in the thread...and also didn´t for another reason) I´m curious about. Do you also have a map for the Essos part of LtGb? With all the detail you put into those maps this question just came up in my mind. I´m just curious and have a little bet running with myself. I believe: yes! ;-)
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    Antony444 1
    No, I'm afraid not. I have a rought list of places I intend to use eventually, but since I firmly intend to concentrate on Westeros (and the maps for that took a lot of my free time, believe me) Essos wasn't touched...otherwise I would have published the map long ago, I don't restrict knowledge for my readers just for the evil giggles...
  • suul'ken

  • About Profile posts sorry those were parts of the same whole and I don't really know how to use PMs
  • suul'ken

  • I know this seems unecessary, but in the last year life has taught me to be mindful of Bad Outcomes and I felt I had to warn you now that GW is going on a warpath with it's own fanbase!
  • suul'ken

  • If You want I can send you an invite to conversation where Caek and I discussed copyright?
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