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  • Screwhorn77

  • I was directed to your post regarding television in Russia in the Chat by @InfernoMole. While I try to avoid Chat as much as I can, I was interested in the fact that you seem to have a good grasp on how things work, yet some of the statement confused me (calling TV6 and Match TV the same thing is oversimplification to the point of being wrong, for one).
    I'm somewhat interested in history of television in Russia (being Russian myself), so I'd enjoy some chatting on the topic (provided that politics-related matters wouldn't be the only thing to talk about).
    Thank you for your encouragement. :) I'm always willing to learn more about Russian TV, as I have some fascination with it but have had very little direct exposure to it outside of DX specialist publications and academic literature.
  • dakkafex


  • Thanks a lot for recommending Kanopy, somehow I had totally forgotten about it. PPL and my hometown's library are both on it, so I should be set for a while now.
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