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  • Leonidas

  • Hi, I don't want to be rude and bump it, but I really enjoyed reading It's Always Sunny in Nicaea. I know it's been a good few years since it was last updated, but do you recall any plans for the future developments in that timeline?
    LostInNewDelhi 1
    I'm pretty sure I still have my Google Docs where I kept my notes but IIRC it was for some imperial core to be surrounded by Frank/Slav states for which Nicaea was to be the prototype. Back then I wasn't sure how it would go after that, but now I think 1100s France could be a model-- duchies formed in separate migration events centuries apart, forming permanent links to eliminate today's rivals.
    LostInNewDelhi 1
    Check out John Baldwin's "The Government of Philip Augustus" for the story that I would have more or less paraphrased :p

    But you've got me thinking. Back then I had no solution for the religious issue, but now-- were the Pope to support the near Franks over the far in some conflict of interest, if the Teut. Order's answer was Protestantism... there's another way to reject the Pope and build an autocephalous church.
  • Vinization

  • What's the meaning of your profile pic? Are you a Brazilian citizen of Japanese descent?
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    Reactions: gap80
    LostInNewDelhi 2
    US citizen of Indian descent. I remember liking this poster in particular, the way it looks so Japanese but then the guy is dramatically pointing to a country (and a continent) most Japanese probably hadn't even heard of just twenty years before that poster went up, like "Hey! You could totally go here!"
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