Duesal Bladesinger

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  • SavoyTruffle


  • Just dropping by to compliment that awesome Duessel pic you have.

    Duessel > Barristan, tbh.
  • CaekDaemon


  • If you're reading through the Dragon Commander in Westeros, brace for disappointment :p It was my first ever project, and it's...pretty bad, and gets worse the longer it goes on. But the Dragon of Harrenhal - which has Carik in it - is a lot better, and I'm actually planning to reboot the Dragon Commander eventually - best to wait for the better version, in my opinion :D
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    CaekDaemon 1
    It's mostly the quality of the writing that's bad - there's not just grammar problems, but the way I put the story together. Writing is like LEGO - you've got a ton of different pieces to play with and you can arrange them in an infinite number of ways, but only a few setups actually look good.

    In the case of the DraCo, the pieces I used were fine, but I put them together badly. That's why I plan to reboot it :D
    Duesal Bladesinger
    Duesal Bladesinger 1
    Yeah, that's a problem we have in common. Great ideas, but when we look back at our old stories certain parts of our souls just shrivel up and die with embarrassment. I swear I've dropped close to 17 stories for this very reason. :/
    Duesal Bladesinger
    Duesal Bladesinger 1
    But seriously, it's fantastic that you're rebooting the story. I've already read Dragon of Harrenhal, and if you could infuse the skill in writing you've already displayed in that story into Dragon Commander 2.0 it would just blow my mind.
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