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  • JCC the Alt Historian

    JCC the Alt Historian

  • Hey gap80, I just have to say that I really love the nine Simpsons infobox post you made, as well as the Futurama ones and the two you made about Family Guy. You've actually been quite the inspiration to me, my friend.
    • Love
    Reactions: gap80
    Gosh, thanks; I'm honored!
  • MildredSimms


  • Thank you so much for liking my stuff! It means a lot to me, considering your TL was what got me onto the site in the first place! :)
    • Love
    Reactions: gap80
    gap80 1
    Really? How awesome; I'm blushing here! You have interesting ideas, so, you're welcome, I guess! :D
  • gap80


  • I typically buy 20-30 masks every January at the Dollar Store to prep for my spring allergies (they're pretty bad). Usually, I get stares from passersby when I wear them outside, but not this spring.
  • Igeo654

  • Thanks for the Love, man. With everything that's been going on with the lockdown here in the UK, not to mention the 50/50 chance that my PC's hard disk could be about to fail and the impossibility of being able to get a new one under the circumstances and the stress that lies within, it feels good to be appreciated.
    gap80 1
    Others would fill Elton's shoes, though, right? (Queen? Phil Collins?)
    Igeo654 1
    Absolutely. And if you keep Freddie Mercury alive, he and Elvis can help fill the gap. As a matter of fact, I take back what I said about Elvis and Eminem collaborating. Freddie would be a much better fit. He's Bi, meaning he can get Slim to cut out the homophobia, he's a great and passionate singer and he'd relate to Marshall's plight more than Elvis would.
    Igeo654 1
    One other thing I will say, prediction wise, Maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't see there being much of a demand for Cyberpunk during the Bellamy years, or the 90s in general. CyberPREP on the other hand...
  • Igeo654

  • thanks for all the likes. Not sure what I did to earn them, but I am grateful. :)
    • Like
    Reactions: gap80
    Igeo654 1
    Look, I'm just really sorry If I made you feel like you wasted your effort. I should have looked it up more. I really do care about TTL and I do take the time to read, it's just that sometimes I forget certain things. + my enthusiasm for Bellamy getting the nomination is still there, I was just surprised that she won the straw poll, since EKS had been beating her quite easily up until that point.
    Igeo654 1
    But I won't lie. I really did feel awful about pissing you off like that.
    Don't feel awful, it's all fine now. And the poll was a toss-up near the end (it went back and forth a few times), anyway.
  • gap80


  • I think they should have gotten Bobcat Goldthwait to voice Pikachu in that new Pokemon movie...
    gap80 1
    ...It looks like they wanted to add a gruff voice to Pikachu while maintaining the character’s cuteness. While Ryan Reynolds is a good (if not overused in a “he’s-in-so-many-movies-I’m-getting-sick-of-him” kind of way) actor, his deep voice sounds too...
    gap80 1
    ...unnatural when it exits Pikachu’s mouth. I’m tellin’ ya, nobody can do an engaging voice both high-pitched and gravely with enough range to balance humor and drama better than the Bobcat!
  • Amateur Psephologist

  • Hey Gap, your Simpsons wikibox series is gonna be a lot more interesting with all the lore about the deaths of characters at the end of the recent season of the Simpsons.
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    Reactions: gap80
    gap80 1
    (...) made a wikibox for Smithers, Flanders, Krabappel or Principal Skinner, and Mr. Burn’s alternate wikibox would now have to include his marriage to Angelina Jolie. However, in the Christmas episode of the Simpsons set in the future, we see an elderly (much older than 50) Smithers, so… which future happened? Did both occur? – (...)
    gap80 1
    (...) – cloning technology does apparently exist in the future, so maybe Burns had Smithers cloned after his suicide! This could also explain why Chief Wiggum does not have a robot body anymore at the time of his death – he got a new body. Other than those two, though, all other deaths are not contradictory. I especially like how Bart is wearing Supreme Court justice robes, as it bolsters (...)
    gap80 1
    (...) the case for that being canon. So… that all means I’d have to make new wikiboxes for Burns, Chief Wiggum, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Ralph (Though the King Ralph could be one of Ralph’s many clones). And maybe a constellation wikibox for Maggie. Plus the ones mentioned before, and that’s twelve (12!) new wikiboxes to be made... Oy…
  • gap80


  • Are vampires just astral-projecting time travelers?
    gap80 2
    If you were just a projection, you would seem pale to an onlooker, you’d avoid sunlight as it would not give you a shadow, you’d have no reflection in mirrors because you aren’t really there, and if you’re projecting to a series of years over the course of what to you is just a few weeks, you may be recognized by someone and be viewed as unable to age!
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