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  • Pragmatic Progressive

  • Also, have you heard (of) any music which resembles the style you imagined as Spectro? I don't follow music charts to be honest.

    Isn't Steam something a lot like what you imagined TNC (The Nintendo Channel) to be? You explained TNC in the year of 2021. I of course know that this is to be seen from a 2007-08 perspective, thus I am focusing on music and tech developments instead of, e.g., war and conflict.
  • Pragmatic Progressive

  • I've thought once again about A Revised History of the Future, this time because I remembered the radical environmentalist groups (eco-terrorism)... maybe a splinter group of what's now called "Last Generation" will become something like the August 23 terrorist group?
  • Pkmatrix


  • Farewell, 2020! You were good to me, but it's high time you head on home. :)
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    Reactions: JWQ
    Oh what happened?
    Pkmatrix 1
    Nothing really, @JWQ , I just didn't have anywhere near as bad a year as so many others seem to have had. :)
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    Reactions: JWQ
  • FireDragon845

  • Hi, I just read your Up from the Depths TL, and being a Kaiju fan, I already had myself hooked up until the last page, and I wanted to ask you, are you going to make a new version of it?
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    Reactions: Pkmatrix
    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

    Maybe? I've been thinking about returning to it (and The King Under The Mountain) for a while now, and the thought of redoing Up From The Depths but in a more...planned fashion seems like a good one. ^_^ We'll see! 2021 is an open book!
  • Pragmatic Progressive

  • Hi Pkmatrix,
    thanks for (once again - I saw that most of these questions had been answered in 2012 already) answering my questions.
    Have you ever thought about doing a new RHotF in 2020 (2020-2100/2150/2200)? Or would even reviving the original TL be more likely?
    Pkmatrix 1
    You're welcome! RHotF as is I consider finished. I've thought a few times about starting up a new Future History timeline, but haven't really had enough personal interest. Maybe someday? We'll see. :)
  • Pragmatic Progressive

  • Hi Pkmatrix,
    I re-read or am re-reading A Revised History of the Future, and I still love this timeline! Such an optimistic vibe for the future, especially in medical and space technology!
    Could you imagine threadmarking the timeline posts? Or, even more "outlandish", answering some more of our questions that remained unanswered throughout the TL?
    Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D I'll be honest, I thought I already HAD threadmarked all the timeline posts...let me take a look and see if I can get that done, maybe today. :) If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in the thread (it doesn't count as bumping if it's going to generate new content!)
    Pragmatic Progressive
    I think it does count as necromancy. I would ask the mods, or you should post in the thread first.
  • Pkmatrix


  • What's gotten into me? Not only have I started a new TL, I updated Bird Men?? It's like I remembered I was a writer or something. :p
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