Grey Wolf
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  • phx1138

  • I wasn't thinking of paying the bills as much as getting them in the first place....

    As for posting there, no, not with a "this thread is old, it may be spam" warning, thx anyhow. :)
  • phx1138

  • In ref this thread (which I won't spam...), one thing crosses my mind: how do you get your bills?

    Hope you're doing all right otherwise. :):)
    Grey Wolf
    Grey Wolf
    I remember when I was a kid my parents would pay the bills by going to the bill place and giving them money. I imagine if you failed to do that things would get cut off and you'd get a red letter, and then some nasty men? Feel free to comment in the thread please, though, the story needs to be edited and finalised that this was a question for
  • Petike


  • Fingers crossed that you're doing fine. I send you my sincere best wishes !
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    Grey Wolf
    Grey Wolf 1
    Yes thank you so far. Things are getting difficult money-wise as week after week there are new restrictions on what is left of my business, even though I barely see actual people in doing it. I'm going to have to get my clients to write me letters of authority or something, the 3 that I have left. Monday I need to get new medical supplies and toiletries on a shopping outing. How are things where you are?
    Petike 1
    Things aren't too serious here, but we've had strict precautions in place since early February. A major irony, that one of our members didn't want to believe, is that we only recently had elections and one government transitioned into another when the crisis was already unfolding. I think none of our new governments had to start in such harsh conditions. There's an upside, though: They're doing a good job so far.
    Petike 1
    The testing and medical personnel coordination is improving and people have been disciplined for over two weeks, economic measures have already been taken to compensate small and medium businesses. Pity it might still be a long wait, but I hope we can weather it as a country. Best wishes that the UK government gets its head out of their arse too and gives at least some support to smaller freelancers like you.
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