Islamic Basques

What if the Basques as a distinct people had been converted to Islam in majority early ? What if they went from Paganism/ early Christianity to Muslim Religion ? Maybe as opponents of the Franks ? How could such a scenario be realistic? What would that mean for Christian Europe if the historic Basque regions are Muslim majority ? What would their relations with Moors/ Arabs be ? Also the Basques had been prominent sailors, whalers, explorers and pirates in Medival age who reached many regions in the North Atlantic as far as Island and possibly Greenland.
This would require massive Islamic penetration into northeastern Spain which was a bastion of the Reconquista-so this probably butterflies the Reconquista, or at least puts it on much weaker military footing. A successful continuing Muslim Spain has big repercussions in the early modern era, with no Columbus expedition and no massive Spanish empire in Europe since marrying into the Hapsburgs and claiming Christian kingdoms as inheritances is out.

The Basque people themselves would probably still be pirates, even more so than IOTL since they will be raiding Christian nations to gain slaves to sell to the Muslim world. IIRC they hunted whales for money but didn't eat it themselves, so whether or not whale meat is halal they may still get into this trade. Outside of piracy, their relationship to Europe doesn't need to be hostile. For example, they could trade spices from the Muslim world to Atlantic Europe.
A Muslim Basque kingdom would draw enmity from Christian kingdoms of Europe, especially Spain and Portugal who feel that a Muslim Basque kingdom is essentially a remnant of a dark time where Al-Andalus and the Moors ruled nearly all of Iberia and tried to breach France. The only ally of a Muslim Basque kingdom would be the Ottoman Empire, and that it is difficult to travel from Istanbul all the way to a portion of Iberia.
A surviving Muslim Basque kingdom requires a surviving predominantly Muslim Spain.

Unless . . . hmm . . .

Lets say that the Reconquista is somewhat less successful or is being configured differently so there is more Muslim presence up north.

And lets also say that the Crusades are more successful. They take Egypt. The new Egyptian society blends together all its diverse ethnic and social elements into a new Christian religious movement that has significant military fervor. They drive west into N. Africa and then north into Spain. Most ordinary folks and even some elites make their peace with the new conquerors, but some convinced Muslims flee and keep fleeing. They finally retreat all the way to the far north of Spain.

Around this time, however, the *Copt Crusader empire starts experiencing internal dissensions and power struggles, plus the remaining Christian kingdoms in Iberia are jealous of this huge power that is gobbling everything up, so the crusade peters out and Spain dissolves into byzantine power politics.

In the resulting chaos the Muslim Basque area survives, with the Basques going Muslim and the Muslims becoming Basque. Isolated, they form their own distinctive brand of Islam but also see it as part of their ethnic heritage that allows them to stand out from and survive the surrounding Hispanic sea.
Perhaps an Albania analogue emerges - a Muslim majority area amidst very Christian neighbors. If this holds we might see increased Basque nationalism with a slightly larger Euskia as either autonomous or a small independent country. They might even form a distinct branch of Islam.
I think this is hard if the Franks do not also convert. If only the Basques are Muslim and their neighbors in France/Iberia are Christian, they will almost inevitably be conquered at some point.
After Reconquista, the Baque Country will be some kind of western Circassia. Quite an interesting concept, IMHO.
Would be interesting to have a region like that between Spain and France. Could lead to interesting developements. Possibly conflict aswell.
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