Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

Nice to see the return of an old favorite, Jason has an unique perspective of the United States, as a Marine Brat he has seen and experience much more than the average American his age has.
On Guam during the Pacific War there were many drills carried out on the evacuation of civilian dependants in case the war came to them, in South Carolina he saw how brutal the public officials were in carrying out Jim Crow on the Afirican-American population and with him being from the north he probably had to fight a few battles with the locals himself.
Gee, what is Senor Arbusto, Herr Busch, Bey Cali, and any other names he is going by these days up to?
In transit, Rural Brandenburg
The Imperial Railway had been able to dispense with the tender car or fuel bunkers that the older locomotives needed with this new design. It got all the power it needed from the cable that ran above the tracks.
Railway electrification in Germany started long before the POD
From German Wikipedia:
1895 wird die Bahnstrecke Meckenbeuren–Tettnang als erste elektrisch betriebene Vollbahn in Deutschland in Betrieb genommen.
1911 wird mit der Strecke DessauBitterfeld die erste für den Regelbetrieb mit dem noch heute verwendeten Einphasenwechselstrom (Bahnstrom mit 15 kV, 16 2/3 Hz – seit 1995: 16,7 Hz) elektrifizierte Fernbahn in Betrieb genommen.
Part 82, Chapter 1250
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty

4th November 1957


Aunt Marcella had once told Kat that by having children there would come moments when her life would come full circle. Where she would have to answer for her own choices and conduct. The difference was that she would be seeing it from the other side of the equation as a parent. Taking in Kiki and Jo had sped that process up. Kiki was pushing the boundaries of her newfound freedom and Jo was extremely close to an age when everything was about to get a whole lot more complicated with her.

It was Kiki who was causing Kat’s latest headache as she found herself staring at what could be a potential royal scandal in the making. While it wasn’t the worst thing that she might have done, it was the sort of mistake that could loom over Kiki’s life in the years to come. The issue for Kat was that she had done something very similar when she had not been much older than Kiki. That was why she found herself having to tread carefully.

It had everything to do with something that Kiki had agreed to do with Zella and Aurora which Kat would have advised her not to do if she hadn’t found out after the fact. The three young women were sitting in the basement strong-room of Kat’s house. A room that only Kat and Douglas had been in since construction had been completed. It was the repository of all of Kat’s deepest secrets and it was as secure as she could make anywhere on Earth. Kat didn’t want to risk having anyone overhear this conversation. Just being in here seemed to make Aurora and Kiki aware of gravity of the situation. Zella however, had the same “screw you” attitude that she always did these days. It was said that the slight scar that Markgraf von Holz had over his left cheekbone was from his mother slapping him hard enough split the skin when he was a teenager. It was easy to see why that had happened if a young Emil Holz was anything like his daughter. Maria had told Kat that she felt lucky that Zella had high standards and had turned her nose up at almost every boy she’d met otherwise there would be a whole new level of trouble for her to get into. Today, Kat had stumbled onto what Zella had led the other two into and it was something that had to be dealt with.

“Do I need to tell you three why this is incredibly dangerous?” Kat asked as she dropped Zella’s sketchbook onto the table in front of them.

“I’m supposed to be expanding my portfolio” Zella replied, “It’s just art Tante Kat.”

With that Zella stuck out her lower lip defiantly. Kat took a deep breath. She was resisting the urge to repeat history by slapping Zella across the face and reminding herself that she had never abandoned any of her girls. As much as they had deserved it at times.

“I understand that this is art” Kat replied, “And your talent in that regard is what poses a problem. Imagine what would happen to Kiki and Aurora if your sketchbook fell into the wrong hands. They are both instantly recognizable.”

That was clearly a thought that Aurora and Kiki would have had. They looked uncomfortable now that Kat had brought it up. Zella still maintained her air of nonchalance over the matter. In her artistic efforts, Zella had talked her two friends into being models for her drawings. That had included studies of them close up, things like their hands and faces. The one that Zella had done of the left side of Aurora’s face and ear was incredible. However, included were several drawings of Kiki and Aurora’s bodies which had gone over the line. Zella was totally unrepentant on the matter, that was something that was going to need to change in a hurry. Fortunately, it was no longer Kat’s problem as the red light above the entrance of the strong-room started blinking, the signal from Doug that Maria was here.

“They were helping me” Zella said, “And I didn’t force them to do anything.”

“I take a different perspective” Kat replied, “And so does your mother.”

That was what finally broke through Zella’s wall of insolence.

“When did you…” Zella started to say.

“I have my ways” Kat said in a voice that let Zella know that the discussion was over. “Maria is upstairs Zella, I would suggest that you go now.”

Like a prisoner walking towards their execution, Zella trudged out of the room. Kat heard the door close and knew that Maria would be reading Zella the riot act in a few minutes. Kat had other concerns.

“I would have thought that the two of you had better judgement” Kat said.

“We were just trying help Zella” Aurora said, “No one thinks that she can be an artist and she keeps getting told to find something else that would be more practical.”

“Still” Kat said flipping open the sketchbook, “Didn’t you think that this was taking things too far?”

There were a series of extremely intimate drawings of Aurora and Kiki, in what Kat had noted was Zella’s style they were extremely detailed. Aurora’s appendectomy scar, a mole on Kiki’s right breast and a thousand other details were plain to see.

“Don’t blame Zella” Kiki said, “It was my idea.”

That caught Kat short.

“Would you mind telling me why you would do such a thing?” Kat asked.

“Because I wanted to” Kiki replied, “And we were supposed to be models for her art. That was a part of it.”

At that moment, Kat was acutely aware of an envelope stored in a safe that was in this room that contained photographs taken of her by Douglas before they had gotten married. How was she supposed to handle this without looking like a complete hypocrite?
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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty

4th November 1957


...At that moment, Kat was acutely aware of an envelope stored in a safe that was in this room that contained photographs taken of her by Douglas before they had gotten married. How was she supposed to handle this without looking like a complete hypocrite?

Consenting Adults.
Once Kiki is a consenting adult, then it's her problem, not Kat's.
Kat is an adult who is fully aware of the consequences of her actions and what would have happened if the pictures of her fell in the wrong hands, Kiki while almost an adult is still a child and is not thinking things thru and it is Kat's job to help her see the potential repercussions of her actions.
At least that is what Kat should be telling herself.

Edit: ninjad by Dan
My advice for Zella, hire a professional artists model for act studies. S/he will be a consenting adult and also know clasical postures. Or go to a VHS painting course with Models. ( Public evening school). I mean, as an artistically inclined member of high nobility, there are many options to continue without bringing your friends in danger of the yellow Press.
What this situation basically is comparable to is today's nude selfies by teens and when Polaroid came out with the instant camera there was many a time when a teenage girl was tricked by her boyfriend in to allowing him to take "Just for him" pictures of her then finding out that he shared them with the guys in the locker room.
The way to scare the girls is not to talk about some remote threat like the press.

"Kiki, what if your older brothers found out about these?"

"Oh shit."
Part 82, Chapter 1251
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-One

6th November 1957


Kat hadn’t looked at these photographs in years. She had them spread out on her desk and she couldn’t help but feel totally disconnected from who she had once been.

“You are still just as beautiful” Doug said as he walked in from putting Tat and Kol to bed. Jo was already asleep, and Kiki was still sulking in her room after Kat had spent a great deal of time over the prior two days trying to get her to see how potentially dangerous her actions had been. There was also the open question of what to do with Zella’s sketchbook and how that related to the photographs. Doug, being ever practical, had told Kat that she knew where the fireplace was. At the same time, Kat knew that someday in the future Kiki and Aurora might appreciate a reminder of who they once were on a purely physical level.

“Gravity and children have done a lot of damage since these were taken” Kat replied as Doug sat down in the chair across from her.

“Not really” Doug said, “I would say that your appearance had just gotten more interesting is all.”

Kat gave him a sour look.

“I ran out of things to say to Kiki” Kat said, “I kept coming back to what I might have said to the young woman in these photographs.”

“You could tell her that she has had a good life over the last decade” Doug said, “A good marriage, wonderful children and you’ve done most of it on your terms.”

“I think she would have been horrified” Kat replied. She remembered at the time letting Doug take these photographs was as much as she could have managed. It had been more than a year after that, well after they had become engaged before Kat had finally found the courage to do more with him. There had been many times when she wondered how he was able to tolerate someone who was such a complete mess.

“Horrified?” Doug asked.

“I was convinced that my biology was a death sentence” Kat answered, “The very idea that I would one day be carrying twins would have sounded like macabre comedy and learning how Marie was conceived would have caused me to have a panic attack.”

“Things did turn alright for you” Doug said.

“I know that” Kat said with a scowl, “But that isn’t the point. The person who I was would have been mortified and that doesn’t get me any closer towards how to deal with Kiki. If this is how she behaves when she thinks things are good. What are we going to do when things going to do when she learns the truth?”

It was a problem that Kat had been wrestling with for weeks. Kiki was going to get some very disappointing news at any time and Kat had been trying to get ahead of the inevitable personal crisis that was sure to follow. Having Kiki already acting out was something that further complicated matters.

Wadden Sea, off Cuxhaven

On fifth week of training, the Cadre had been told by their Drill Instructor that living in a nice heated barracks was making them soft. What had happened next was that they had been shoved onto landing craft that had ferried them out to the SMS Eisbär, the ship that was to be their new home for much of their training. For weeks now they had been bobbing in the ocean on this ship that was anchored outside the shipping channel on mouth of the Elbe River. It probably wouldn’t have been that bad during the rest of the year, but with winter setting in things had gotten difficult.

Today, the Drill Instructor had announced that they were going back to the barracks because their bleeding-heart Oberst had decided that going about training on an ice-covered deck was considered too dangerous. As Erik and Karl learned the relative comfort of the barracks would come after a climb down a cargo net into a waiting landing craft while wearing a full kit. It was a bone crushing fall or landing in the drink. Life vest or no life vest, the weight of the kit was enough to drag someone straight to the bottom. Even if a man could get their gear off fast enough to avoid drowning, they would have only a few minutes before hypothermia set in.

As the second and third youngest men in the Cadre, Erik and Karl had also been tasked with minding the youngest. If anyone outside their Platoon found out about Niko’s real age there would be Hell to pay. Nicolas Nguyen was the son of a Vietnamese mother and a German Marine who records indicated had been killed in the battle of Da Nang. Niko had hopped trains all the way from Saigon to Cuxhaven and had lied about his age so that he could enter his father’s profession. Eventually, someone had gotten around to doing the math and had realized that Niko couldn’t be more than fourteen-years-old. Even so, Niko was just as much of a legacy as Erik and Karl were as the nephews of one of the Division’s heroes. That was why the Officers turned a blind eye to his presence and the Drill Instructor made sure that he would be kept out of combat positions until he was older. The scuttlebutt was that Niko was expected to be the first of many who were likely to arrive in Cuxhaven.

“Took you long enough” Erik said as Karl climbed down into the landing craft. Increasing, Karl was getting annoyed with his cousin. Erik shooting his mouth off constantly had caused them considerable grief since they had come to Cuxhaven.

“This isn’t a race” Karl growled in reply. His helmet was doing nothing from keeping the pellets of ice from hitting his face and it was starting to smart as he helped Niko find a seat as he came down the net.

“Think that Uncle Tilo will have us over for dinner on Sunday?” Erik asked.

“You know that is not up to him” Karl replied.

Erik looked a bit disappointed by that reminder. Tilo might have had them, but weeks earlier Erik had said something that had caused Tilo’s wife Nancy to throw them out of her house. Another bit of joy that Erik had brought into Karl’s life.
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It has to do with Kiki not passing her early exit exams and her not taking it well.
I have some ideas that might happen but I know it will involve Ben in some capacity.

She is also a Princess, and is almost at the age when a "suitable" match would be found for her. Unless the Kaiser changed the marriage laws? Or is Kiki getting let off the hook? I can't remember if it had been brought up yet.
We are coming up quickly to the 40th anniversary of The Great War and I wonder how is it going to be commemorated?
in the United States the war has left a lasting bad impression on the American people with the George M Cohen song "Over There" either being forgotten or to be something that is in bad taste or a sick joke if played in public.
In the British Commonwealth the war is observed in a somber manner.
Only Germany it seemed to celebrate it as a great victory with parades and parties but starting during the ITTL Second World War it started to fall by the wayside and the celebrations became more muted and on a much smaller scale then before.
Part 82, Chapter 1252
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Two

27th November 1957


“I am truly sorry Kristina” The Headmistress had said, “While I find your diligence and hard work commendable, I cannot in good conscience allow you to take that examination. With your educational and emotional development where they are currently, I do not feel you are ready.”

Kiki had only a hazy memory of what had happened next. She had started bawling as her whole world had caved in.

She supposed that Kat must have come and collected her because she had come back to her senses she was in her room. Through the window Kiki had been able to see the grey light of the pre-dawn through the blinds, so she had been there all night. She had been aware that her throat was raw, her eyes hurt, and her nose was sore. Kiki was also aware of how she was completely exhausted, but she had not been able to stand another minute in that house. She had needed go someplace she would feel safe and no one would think to look for her so that she could process what had happened.

That was why she was in the hospital cafeteria. A tired girl who looked like she had been crying simply didn’t stand out there. What Kiki had failed to factor in was Doctor Nora Berg as she had dozed off.

“You look terrible” Berg said as she startled Kiki awake, “You aren’t neglecting your health again, are you?”

“No” Kiki replied, “I had a really awful day… yesterday.”

“I know” Berg replied, “Katherine called, she asked if I had seen you.”

“What did you tell her?”

“That I would keep an eye out.”

“No, what I mean is. Did you tell her I was here?”

“Not yet” Berg replied, “I figured I would let you do that, when you were ready.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet” Berg said, “She’s worried about you, afraid that you’ll do something stupid.”

“Oh” Kiki replied with some bitterness. She wasn’t too thrilled with the Gräfin at the moment. She had concluded that Kat must have known what was going to happen before Kiki had. Over the last several weeks Kat had said a lot of things that now in retrospect were intended to soften the blow.

“You’ve got to see things from her perspective” Berg said, “She wants to protect you and that includes protecting you from yourself at times.”

“I just wish that she didn’t just assume that I was stupid.”

“Kiki, you can’t help yourself” Berg replied, “You have the emotions and hormones of any other teenaged girl. Stupid is sort of baked into the cake.”

“This isn’t going to turn into another one of your talks about birth control?” Kiki asked.

Berg just laughed, “That is one of the risks of having your mentor be an FG” She said, “I’ll be right back, with fresh tea. If you want breakfast I would suggest not running off.”

Berg was probably right about that, specializing in what were termed “women’s issues” certainly put all of that directly in her wheelhouse. And the paper cup of tea that Kiki had been drinking had gotten cold after she had dozed off. Berg came back a few minutes later followed by Hospital Porter who was carrying two plates of food on a tray. One of the advantages of being a Senior Doctor meant that Doctor Berg seldom had to wait in line for anything.

“You aren’t here because of me?” Kiki asked.

“No” Berg replied, “I never went home, and you aren’t the only one who had a rough night. I had a complicated delivery that ended badly, difficult labor only to find that it was case of Anencephaly. Something that I’ve only seen once before and hoped to never see again.”

Kiki who had been studying Greek and Latin for all the good that had done her translated that. “No in-head?” She asked.

“It means exactly what it sounds like” Berg replied as she was buttering her toast, “Born without most of their brain. There are few things I hate to see more than a baby born only to watch it die a few hours later.”

That put things in sharp contrast. Compared to that, Kiki’s problems seemed very trite.

“I was told that my school would reevaluate my situation at the end of the next term” Kiki said, “In six months.”

“I’m sure your boyfriend will be happy to learn of that” Berg replied offhandedly.

Kiki felt herself blush at the mention of that. “Ben is a boy and he is my friend” She blurted out, “But I would hardly call him my boyfriend.”

“Does he know that?” Berg asked, “Because Katherine told me that the boy is totally infatuated with you.”

Kiki really wished that Kat had not told Doctor Berg about Ben. She shoveled some of the scrambled eggs on her plate into her mouth to keep from saying something untoward.

“Katherine also told me about your efforts to support your artistic friend” Berg said with practiced nonchalance, “Better hope that this Ben never sees those drawings, or his head might explode.”

With that Kiki choked on her eggs.

“Now” Berg said, “I know that Katherine is very strict about you having boys only on the floors of her house where they can be seen at all times. I only ask because as your Doctor it is important that I know if you have been creative in getting around Katherine’s rules.”

As she finally managed to get the mouthful of eggs down. “No, I’ve done nothing like that” Kiki blurted out.

“Are you sure?” Berg asked sternly.

“Yes” Kiki replied, “Why ask me such a thing?”

“Because it is important” Berg replied, “With the death of your mother and now this latest setback you are particularly vulnerable, emotionally anyway.”

Kiki heard that, in her own blunt way Nora Berg was concerned about what would become of her. “You’re right” Was all she could say in reply.

“Good” Berg said, “Because the last thing I want to see is you in one of the theaters in a few weeks or nine months depending, because you allowed yourself to be taken advantage of.”

There was blunt and then there was horrifying, especially when Doctor Berg wanted to hammer a point home.
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I am sure that 10 years down the line Kiki would look back at this conversation and laugh but right now she must be praying for the earth to open and swallow her :)
Part 82, Chapter 1253
Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Three

28th November 1957


“What is this holiday again?” Karl asked.

“Thanksgiving, we’re hosting a potluck and that is all you need to know” Nancy said sharply. Erik was mercifully keeping his mouth shut, but that didn’t stop Karl from complaining as Nancy had pressed the two of them into helping as they dinner ready as the party was going on in the next room.

Tilo had talked her into letting his nephews back into their house for this. Nancy had reluctantly agreed to give them another chance, however it was with the understanding that if they repeated their past transgressions in her house, they were gone for good this time. According to Tilo they had been getting the shit kicked out of them for the last couple months and had been sent out to the ship where trainees for the Marine Infantry were to become accustomed to life on a Naval transport. His hope was clearly that they might have learned something during that time, but Nancy didn’t share that hope. She didn’t see how that training might have taught them any respect, especially after the sort of misogynistic jokes that Erik made about her when he had mistakenly thought she wouldn’t overhear.

Nancy had seen the dynamic within the Schultz household. How Jost and Lenz behaved exactly the same as Erik and Karl. Tilo had a chance to break that pattern with himself and with Sebastian as he grew older. Having his nephews in this house would work against that if they were going to act like creeps.

Into this had stepped Nicolas. Nancy could see how the boy seemed particularly lost and she knew full well what it was like to be between two cultures like he was. The difference was that Nancy at least looked like she belonged. Outside of Cuxhaven, Niko didn’t really fit in anywhere. Cuxhaven itself reflected all the places that the 3rd Marine Infantry had been deployed to over the prior decades. That was the reason why Thanksgiving, an American Holiday was being celebrated here. The food at the table was an odd fusion of German, American, Mexican and Asian dishes.

Nancy had extended an invitation to Kat and Douglas. Kat had phoned to tell her that one of her girls, Kiki, was having a personal crisis at the moment though and she would try to make it up around Christmas time. When Nancy asked how bad it was, Kat had answered that Kiki had suffered an educational setback, her disappointment over that had brought the still raw emotions over the death of one of Kiki’s parents to the surface and it was a mess. “You know how teenaged girls can get” Kat had said, “Everything is the end of the world, for Kiki it really does feel that way. Lucky for us Doctor Berg, her mentor, was able to get through to her.” Kat then said that she would rather be in Cuxhaven as opposed to keeping an eye on a fifteen-year-old, so she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Nancy had said that it was sort of a lost cause because most people grow up despite their self-destructive best efforts to do otherwise. Kat had laughed about that and said that she felt she owed Kiki’s mother to at least try to her out of trouble.

That was a bit disappointing. Nancy had been looking forward to seeing Erik and Karl cowering in fear when they realized they had infuriated the wrong woman and Kat wouldn’t satisfied with merely having them thrown out of the house.

Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Freddy had been given one day to familiarize himself with the hydro-electric project before he had been expected to lead a group of Japanese businessmen on a tour of the vast construction site on the Krong Poko River. The reason for this was that he was one of the few Officers in the Pioneer Corps who knew Japanese currently in Vietnam. Presently, they were watching barges with mixers and pumpers that were on the river. The operation was in full swing and concrete was being pumped into what would become the dam at the rate of tons per second.

“We are expecting the dam to generate between six and seven hundred megawatts when completed” Freddy yelled over the noise of the diesel generators, “It will be seventy meters in height, and it will create a lake that will cover between sixty and seventy square kilometers.”

The businessmen certainly seemed impressed by the raw numbers as they chatted among themselves. As it had since time out of mind, the future of Vietnam was dependent upon commerce. The Vietnamese Government was also acutely aware that despite their desires, they were a nation that was behind the rest of the world in terms of development. They needed interests in other nations interested in investing in Vietnam. It was either lucky or unlucky depending upon one’s perspective that China sat just to the north of Vietnam. In recent years the moribund giant that had once dominated the entire region was showing signs that it might one day reassert itself. That had been enough to get the other nations in East Asia to put aside decades of animosity. Nothing like having a common enemy, Freddy thought to himself.

This dam was one of several that were being built as the Vietnamese had been informed that the potential that their nation had regarding hydroelectric energy was huge. There was also the side benefit of clean, safe drinking water being made available on a scale never before seen in South-East Asia. The Japanese businessmen were trying to gauge the potential of Vietnam as a market and a manufacturing base.
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If the Japanese businessmen realize that Freddy is in fact Crown Prince Friedrich they are going to be very impressed by the honor and respect that they were shown, and would be more willing to invest in this and other opportunities in Vietnam.
Somehow I think that Thanksgiving in Germany will catch on over the years as a celebration of family and friends.