Austro serbian alliance holds and different world war 1

hello all alternate history enthusiasts I am creating my first timeline and starting tomorrow I will update and keep you all entertain. I hope you all enjoyed and all feedback is welcome.
Obrenovic, yes?

Do they not get chucked out the window?

Or does a claimant (I recall this could have gone bastard or by marriage) challenge and beat the Karageorgevics?
that was the first part, tomorrow i'll post the second part and keep you all updated as best i can.
Hi, and welcome to the site, I don't know enough about Serbian History to comment on the story but am intrigued and will watch for future updates.
Just a heads up this timeline would be better in the post 1900 forum than help and rules, you will certainly get more readers and comments if you repost your Timeline there.
Good luck with the rest of your tale.
Nice and I will definitely be watching.
Just a small point Britain 's King in 1903 was Edward VII George was Prince of Wales unless there is a yet to be revealed point of difference.
to anyone reading can someone please post a map of the Balkans in 1903 thank you.

Would this qualify?
This does actually change a lot. No WWI as we know it. Balkan Wars might be different if it were to happen.

Interesting... I wonder if it might turn in a Civil War...
Tim turner the ottomans may be hostile to Austria but from what we saw during the Bosnian crisis in the otl they didn't care about bosnia and received from if I recall correctly 20 million dollars in krones in compensation and were much more focus on Bulgaria, besides Enver pasha was way more invested in a german ottoman alliance and did not cripple relations with Austria.

The annexation of Bosnia did piss off the people in the Empire. So saying they did not care about it highly ridiculous. The Ottomans however could not risk a war with Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria declared indepence, Greece was still hostile. A war with Austria could have started an earlier Balkan War if the Ottomans started a war with Austria Hungary. Side note though, Serbia would very likely remain neutral in such case OTL. They might even try to cut a deal. But as I said, anyone calling for a war with Austria-Hungary will be commiting a political suicide. The money was easing the tension though, unlike the Erin and Agincourt being taken away.

Enver Pasha has power in 1913 after the death of Mahmud Sevket Pasha. So he is not really powerful in 1908 as he was in 1914.
Could part of Bosnia be given to Serbia ? OTL 1908 crisis and annexation by AH is probably butterflied away, but if an annexation is still going to happen then high costs of developing Bosnia and not getting too many Slavs in the empire would be an argument for giving the east part to Serbia.
How about the wider European constellation ? AH is, I presume, still allied with Germany, which has been heavily investing in the Ottoman Empire. I doubt whether a Serbia tied to AH would get a go-ahead in such an situation.
How about the wider European constellation ? AH is, I presume, still allied with Germany, which has been heavily investing in the Ottoman Empire. I doubt whether a Serbia tied to AH would get a go-ahead in such an situation.
IOTL Germany invested in Serbia as well (especially in its military). The Germans were not at all opposed to buttering both sides of their bread.