Explain the AH Quote

"What would you have me do, Planeteers? Shut down the plants and farms? Leave hundreds of thousands with no work? Condemn untold millions to a slow and painful death from starvation or frostbite? Is that good economics? Is that sound for the country? Is that what's best for my people?"

The climactic line of a very special "Captain Planet", wherein the Captain teaches a hard truth to kids of the nation as well as his own team. The episode was aired only once before being pulled under a hail storm of complaints from parents for attempting to corrupt their children towards the idea of the Almighty Dollar. This would lead to a major crackdown of television known as the "TV Witch Hunts" wherein hundreds of episodes were edited to fit the political mold after the downfall of President Trump due to his own tax evasion charges.

My Quote:
"Better Red than Dead!"

(PS I hope that was good, it was a first try.)

Deleted member 97083

"Better Red than Dead!"
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz said this, as he oversaw the evacuation of Vladivostok in 1941. Vladivostok, which hosted 700,000 people after an influx of Bolshevik refugees from Russia, and became the last successor state of the Soviet Union, was being besieged by Tzar-Khan Roman von Ungern-Sternberg's "Army of Death". The Army of Death was composed of Tzar-Khan Roman I's highly trained veterans of war in Mongolia, Tibet, and European Russia, who by the 1940s had become a secretive death cult. Ultimately 500,000 people were evacuated from Vladivostok to Japan, and the Russo-Mongolian navy was held off by the US. The other 200,000 were enslaved by Tzar-Khan Roman I of the Russo-Mongolian Empire, most of them perished in the prisons of Siberia, mining gold, tungsten, and uranium for the Tzar-Khan. The Vladivostok People's Republic was abolished, its government in exile moving to Hawaii.

"The entire world has been destroyed before our eyes. And we are the ones across the ocean."
"The entire world has been destroyed before our eyes. And we are the ones across the ocean."

General Julius Marius Carbo, who led a group of Roman refugee fleeing on boat during the sacking of Rome, explaining the presence of his fellow to native Beothuk on Newfoundland where they berthed. The small refugee population would found the city of Remus and began a new life, eventualy mixing with the native population leading to what is called today the Beo-Roman. Natural sailors, they would stay cut from Europe until the 14 century when vikings encountered the population and exchanged with them, bringing back the quote of Carbo to Europe.

''War is unavoidable, why do you blind yourself ?''
General Julius Marius Carbo, who led a group of Roman refugee fleeing on boat during the sacking of Rome, explaining the presence of his fellow to native Beothuk on Newfoundland where they berthed. The small refugee population would found the city of Remus and began a new life, eventualy mixing with the native population leading to what is called today the Beo-Roman. Natural sailors, they would stay cut from Europe until the 14 century when vikings encountered the population and exchanged with them, bringing back the quote of Carbo to Europe.

''War is unavoidable, why do you blind yourself ?''

General-President Douglas MacArthur of the Military States of America (f. 1937 after the Khaki victory in the Second Civil War) to the UN General Assembly, chastising them for their sanctions against his country for invading Mexico. During his time in power, he had come to believe that warfare was the ultimate expression of human nature, and claimed that the Second Mexican War had made everyone stronger, even the defeated Mexicans.

The regime lasted until 1997, when a worldwide invasion of America toppled the government of Norman Schwarzkopf, replacing him with Colin Powell, who began the transition to civilian government. Unfortunately, large pockets of MacArthurites persist to this day, dedicated to "driving out civilian liberalism and replacing it with traditional military discipline, honor, and strength."

Shout out to TFCH

"It is a widely-known fact that carbon dioxide is highly beneficial to the human body: the carbon is rendered into carbon nanotubes that make bones indestructible! Likewise, CFCs strengthen the lungs, and everyone knows that ozone is unnecessary! You global warming alarmists are a horde of money-grubbing liars!"
-Pres. Andrew Carnegie IV
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"It is a widely-known fact that carbon dioxide is highly beneficial to the human body: the carbon is rendered into carbon nanotubes that make bones indestructible! Likewise, CFCs strengthen the lungs, and everyone knows that ozone is unnecessary! You global warming alarmists are a horde of money-grubbing liars!"
-Pres. Andrew Carnegie IV

Even in 2081, Global Warming had not been completely fought and led to positive feedback loops making predictions about Earth looking like in the PETM by 2200-2300 increasingly common, denialism or belittlement of climate change was still a problem. And fossil fuels, now mostly from the deep sea including methane hydrate and from Antarctica (the Antarctic Treaty had been voided by neoliberal interests in 2033), were still the most common energy source. Genetic manipulation, however, had indeed managed to strengthen human bone by carbon nanotubes and to make CFCs into something positive for the lungs.

However, recently elected GOP president Andrew Carnegie IV., a hardcore climate change denialist and fossil fuel lover, still talked bullcrap in his State of the Union Address as it was nowhere near proven that ozone was unnecessary. Also, the carbon necessary for bone strengthening had to be taken in over nutrition as the carbon level you breathe in with air was far too low (for this to suffice, one would have needed an atmosphere composed of at least 74 % CO2, which was by far not the case), and last, but not least, it was not proven yet that the bone strengthening effect was inheritable.

"The so-called 'renewables' emit even more carbon dioxide than burning conventional fossil fuels! And anyway, our children will be delighted to live in the age of the Second PETM! Canadians and Russians especially!"
"The so-called 'renewables' emit even more carbon dioxide than burning conventional fossil fuels! And anyway, our children will be delighted to live in the age of the Second PETM! Canadians and Russians especially!"

Renowned climatologist, William Navers (with a Ph.D. in climatology, he could call himself "Doctor" if he wanted to, but prefers not to), in the closing parts of his speech in dissent, not of climate change itself, but of the "solutions" posed to it at the Third Paris Convention. As he had stated previously in said speech, no one with any real sense and in actual power truly denied that climate change happens, or that humans were a definite contributing factor, but the questions were "to what degree are we contributing" and, more importantly (he believes) "what should the proper response to it be?". In his view, merited from both personal study of the subject and from the studies of others, the mainstream solutions were such that the developed world should cripple its economies pursuing regulatory reform that would make it less competitive, and of such negligible value even in the long term that any good that ends up being done by them over the course of years would be completely undone by the likes of China and India (among others) within a matter of weeks. As to actual solutions, he posed hydraulic fracturing and nuclear power. Both far more environmentally friendly than coal, and both more cost effective and labor efficient than the many failed solar and wind initiatives only kept alive by government subsidy. While the statement above was mostly made sarcastically, he did point out that the materials and energy to make the solar panels and windmills had to come from somewhere, alongside the fact that, due to solar power and wind power both being intermittent by their very nature, the plants needed back-up energy sources to keep the turbines turning (most often in the form of coal), thereby causing the "renewables" to be a good bit more polluting than one might be lead to believe. Even the "age of the Second PETM" comment, while acknowledged as a legitimate possibility, was more of a tongue-in-cheek reference to the pop-"scientists" (some of whom not actual scientists at all) making a much larger deal out of the problem than it actually was, especially since many of them had said that said age would begin in 2020, a full two years before the Third Paris Convention, and were resoundingly quiet when, surprise of surprises, it didn't. Since then, a renewed interest in nuclear power had taken root in the United States, well, more so than in Europe. And even before then, Navers has said that, while he would not depend on them in their current state, he did not rule renewable energy out of the equation entirely, hence his at-that-time statement of "they aren't very effective right now".

"What's brave about standing up in front of a room full of your peers and saying things they want to hear?" Dave Cullen
Congressman Dave Cullen talking to President Romney

"Tell this Narai that he should be rewarded for his conversion!"-Louis XIV

After the famous Thai King Narai converted to Catholicism, he was rewarded with military support and finances to conquer the petty states to the north of Bangkok and, later, the Khmer and Viet peoples. But he did become a mere puppet of the French King, and from 1659 onwards, L'état c'est moi also applied in Ayutthaya.

"Holding this in your hands indicates that you have chosen to take a trip to the Human Union. While in the Human Union, I presume you want to survive the Jour de l'Épinard (Day of Spinach). Here are the 20 most important survival tips - if you follow them, you can be about 90 % sure to return safely to your loved ones."
After the famous Thai King Narai converted to Catholicism, he was rewarded with military support and finances to conquer the petty states to the north of Bangkok and, later, the Khmer and Viet peoples. But he did become a mere puppet of the French King, and from 1659 onwards, L'état c'est moi also applied in Ayutthaya.

"Holding this in your hands indicates that you have chosen to take a trip to the Human Union. While in the Human Union, I presume you want to survive the Jour de l'Épinard (Day of Spinach). Here are the 20 most important survival tips - if you follow them, you can be about 90 % sure to return safely to your loved ones."

A survival guide written by Jean de la Seine, a French expat in the Ottoman Union, that advised the brave few travelers to the Human Union (France and Spain, formerly also Portugal before the War of Defense), aka "Frangistan" to the rest of the world--even Europeans--on how to survive in the ultra-strict society there.

The HU, despite claiming to be a beacon of democracy and equality, really operates on an ethnic hierarchy: the Enlightened Français, Vanguard People of the Eternal Revolution, are served by reeducated Spanish populations, the Liberated Iberians. Anyone else is "Benighted" and must be either pressed into servitude or removed to make way for Enlightened Français people. Despite this, limited rights are afforded to tourists--except on the Jour de l'Épinard, when all EFr persons were allowed to abuse Benighted and Iberians to any extent: murder, theft, arson, rape, and more are all recorded on this day with no repercussions.

This orgy of violence is inspired by the bizarre beliefs connected to EFr superiority: the state claims that because they have thrown off traditional institutions such as monarchy and religion, they are "enlightened by their own intelligence" and thus exempt from any conventional moral code, meaning that on the international stage the HU claims it can do whatever it pleases, and that all negative responses are illogical and illegal. This belief led to the War of Defense, which pitted the HU against the Ottomans, Britannia, Portugal-Brazil, and eventually Bukhara. The HU's German vassals were formed into the Norddeutsches Kaiserreich (Nordereich), now a wealthy neutral nation.

"You don't understand, vaccines are the real killers! Tuberculosis, measles, influenza, smallpox, polio--they're all just benign childhood conditions!"

[based on an actual guy I heard once]
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Deleted member 97083

"You don't understand, vaccines are the real killers! Tuberculosis, measles, influenza, smallpox, polio--they're all just benign childhood conditions!"
Said by "Prophet Jonah Zalmoxis" of the League of Suffering, a cultist religion that maximizes the suffering of the self, up to including death. Members of the League of Suffering put themselves through dangers which they call Trials of the Three-Eyed God. The favored Trial is infecting themselves with deathly diseases such as tuberculosis and refusing medical treatment. If they survive, they consider it a sign from the heavens that they were meant to survive, and if they die, that they were condemned to Hell. The League of Suffering was banned in many countries, such as East Florida, The North Korean Citystate, China-Mongolia, and the East Taiwan Democratic Kingdom, where the cult found converts. However, the cult appeared to eliminate itself over time through its own practices, and law enforcement suppressing the cult, until it is no longer an issue for public health.

"An usurpation of this magnitude, of one empire by a smaller and militarized state, has not occurred since Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire over 2200 years ago. This, I think, will be the turning point of the 20th century. Unless we fight with all our might, the forces of freedom against all who stand against us--Unless we join together, and battle against this monster that has been created, we will see the death of self-determination and the liberty of any kind of individual. If we do not fight, then... We will gaze upon and watch in terror, the rise of a new brand of empire, one which seeks to subsume all that is before it until there is nothing left on Earth but itself... and its distorted idea of 'order'."
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"An usurpation of this magnitude, of one empire by a smaller and militarized state, has not occurred since Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire over 2200 years ago. This, I think, will be the turning point of the 20th century. Unless we fight with all our might, the forces of freedom against all who stand against us--Unless we join together, and battle against this monster that has been created, we will see the death of self-determination and the liberty of any kind of individual. If we do not fight, then... We will gaze upon and watch in terror, the rise of a new brand of empire, one which seeks to subsume all that is before it until there is nothing left on Earth but itself... and its distorted idea of 'order'."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the Rise of Golden Square Iraq and its subsequent conquests in Arabia and the Middle East. The defeat of Britain at Barqa proved disastrous, and Iraq then went on to conquer Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, all of Arabia, Persia, and splitting Egypt and Turkey with the Axis Powers, before their fall. Despite British and Soviet attempts, the United Arabic State under the Golden Square survived the end of the Second World War and much of the 20th century, only collapsing after the Arab Spring a couple years ago, though showing many signs of internal weakness before that.

"While most states have an army, the Swiss Army has a state." -Voltaire

Deleted member 97083

"While most states have an army, the Swiss Army has a state." -Voltaire
The Seven Years' War devolved into a decades' long conflict like the Thirty Years' War. This time, the Habsburg realm was almost destroyed by the alliance of Prussia and Russia. The Swiss principalities decided to join in the war to establish their border to the east in Tyrol. As part of the alliance with Britain, Prussia, and Russia, the Swiss received Prussian officers who trained them. However, concerned about the balance of power with the Habsburgs defeated, Russia switched sides. After Russia switched sides to join Austria, and especially after France brought Spain and the Ottoman Empire into the war, Prussia was completely occupied. The Prussian military based itself in Switzerland during the last year of the war, leading to even more Prussian ideas being adopted by the Swiss. Ultimately Prussia was turned into a weakened vassal state while Switzerland became a militarized though largely defensive state.

"When the Confederate States of America are defeated, I have some interesting -- I dare say, revolutionary! -- ideas for the reconstitution of the southern states into the Union." - President Karl Marx
The Seven Years' War devolved into a decades' long conflict like the Thirty Years' War. This time, the Habsburg realm was almost destroyed by the alliance of Prussia and Russia. The Swiss principalities decided to join in the war to establish their border to the east in Tyrol. As part of the alliance with Britain, Prussia, and Russia, the Swiss received Prussian officers who trained them. However, concerned about the balance of power with the Habsburgs defeated, Russia switched sides. After Russia switched sides to join Austria, and especially after France brought Spain and the Ottoman Empire into the war, Prussia was completely occupied. The Prussian military based itself in Switzerland during the last year of the war, leading to even more Prussian ideas being adopted by the Swiss. Ultimately Prussia was turned into a weakened vassal state while Switzerland became a militarized though largely defensive state.

"When the Confederate States of America are defeated, I have some interesting -- I dare say, revolutionary! -- ideas for the reconstitution of the southern states into the Union." - President Karl Marx

After writing the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx Sr. only thought himself safe in the USA and thus emigrated to the - supposedly - most liberal country on Earth. Civil war, though, was unavoidable by 1851 and it started after a very controversial election in which the actual candidate, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated together with Hamlin and a certain William H. Seward became POTUS. This led Kentucky and Missouri into secession, as well as Kansas. While Kentucky and Kansas remained whole, Missouri experienced a counter-secession creating the state of "North Missouri". Britain and Mexico intervened in the Civil War in the hopes of "rectifying" results of the Oregon Dispute and Mexican-American War, respectively, and indeed, the Civil War was "won" by the South when the Union, in February 1863 and after several more secessions and fronts opening up (importantly among them a Second Californian Republic and a "Kingdom of the Cascades"), had to recognse the independence of the CSA and of the Californian Republic, along with Deseret of course.

The USA was thus defeated, but Karl Marx got a son, Karl Marx Jr., in 1858. After a popular isolationist phase between 1865 and 1885, the boll weevil and thus total collapse struck the CSA in 1887. The Confederate Civil War was harsh and grueling and again cost many American lives, until the Union could reconquer both the CSA - over several intermediate independent stages - and Deseret by 1899. And Karl Marx Jr., President for three terms (1901-1913), was the guy who built a truly equal Reconstruction and made the USA - in a democratic and popular, non-revolutionary way - what everybody would call "communist". He was the one to establish a state on his fathers' ideals!

"Hull City is champion of the Premier League! HULL CITY! The second miracle in a row after last year with Brighton and Hove Albion! You obviously cannot buy guaranteed success with all the money in the world! Liverpool is third, okay, but ManU is sixth! The Citizens are ninth, Arsenal tenth! And worst of all, Chelsea FC under Eden Hazard has been relegated as 19th!"
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After writing the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx Sr. only thought himself safe in the USA and thus emigrated to the - supposedly - most liberal country on Earth. Civil war, though, was unavoidable by 1851 and it started after a very controversial election in which the actual candidate, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated together with Hamlin and a certain William H. Seward became POTUS. This led Kentucky and Missouri into secession, as well as Kansas. While Kentucky and Kansas remained whole, Missouri experienced a counter-secession creating the state of "North Missouri". Britain and Mexico intervened in the Civil War in the hopes of "rectifying" results of the Oregon Dispute and Mexican-American War, respectively, and indeed, the Civil War was "won" by the South when the Union, in February 1863 and after several more secessions and fronts opening up (importantly among them a Second Californian Republic and a "Kingdom of the Cascades"), had to recognse the independence of the CSA and of the Californian Republic, along with Deseret of course.

The USA was thus defeated, but Karl Marx got a son, Karl Marx Jr., in 1858. After a popular isolationist phase between 1865 and 1885, the boll weevil and thus total collapse struck the CSA in 1887. The Confederate Civil War was harsh and grueling and again cost many American lives, until the Union could reconquer both the CSA - over several intermediate independent stages - and Deseret by 1899. And Karl Marx Jr., President for three terms (1901-1913), was the guy who built a truly equal Reconstruction and made the USA - in a democratic and popular, non-revolutionary way - what everybody would call "communist". He was the one to establish a state on his fathers' ideals!

"Hull City is champion of the Premier League! HULL CITY! The second miracle in a row after last year with Brighton and Hove Albion! You obviously cannot buy guaranteed success with all the money in the world! Liverpool is third, okay, but ManU is sixth! The Citizens are ninth, Arsenal tenth! And worst of all, Chelsea FC under Eden Hazard has been relegated as 19th!"

The Groata Ænglisc Prym Lyga, an urban combat league (the most popular sport in Groata Ænglalanda), announcing the winners of the latest tournament, just before the televised memorial service for that year's 67 player fatalities.

"We will make America strong again! We will make America safe again!"
-Maj. Gen. Donald J. Trump, US Army
"We will make America strong again! We will make America safe again!"
-Maj. Gen. Donald J. Trump, US Army

Quote from a Donald Trump rally in Michigan during his insurgent campaign for the nomination of the Democratic Party in 1992. While his efforts drew over "blue-dog" Democrats, he failed to attract other members of the Democratic base. He soon dropped out and endorsed Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

"To this day, the Federal Democrat-Progressive-Socialist coalition in the 1910s remains a topic of much historical study and public fascination."
-From an American history textbook published in 2015
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A reflection of the academic and popular interest in the dynamic and multifaceted period of early 20th century US politics.

"All hail King Charles V, Lord of Vienna, King of Jerusalem, First Citizen of Rome, Emperor of Constantinople and Great Khan of Karakorum"
"All hail King Charles V, Lord of Vienna, King of Jerusalem, First Citizen of Rome, Emperor of Constantinople and Great Khan of Karakorum"
The words proclaimed before any speech of the current leader of the LSA (Lord's State Of Africa). Charles V is infamous for his absurd ego, warmongering, and use of child soldiers. The LSA, located in the former Kongo Sultanate, is considered a rogue state by many politicians.

"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director."

Deleted member 97083

"Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director."
Director John Malinowski was former member of the Polish Mob and ruler of the Eastern Directorate, an American client state on the coast of China in the 1920s, a decade called the Rough Twenties after the hardships of the Great War (1901-1919). After Malinowski said that he wanted to unite "all of China under my rule. My rule!" the General Secretary of the American Freedom Party, Alfred Salerno, replied to him by saying "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director." Ultimately, Malinowski was assassinated in 1931 before he went very far, however, he did rule the city of Nanjing and protected it against the Japanese from 1929-1931.

"After 2,000 years of pain, we rise again with the fury of a phoenix!" - Giuseppe Bonaparte
Statement regarding French literature and art by a descendent of Napoleon circa 2012 AD. Her statement was one of confidence of the revival of French culture.

"Members of the Kriegsmarine your final victory is at hand, in front of you lies the harbor of New York City. Your brothers in arms have blockaded all of America's major cities-the mongrelized Yanks will put up only the most pathetic resistance. Remember your training and watch for snipers by the end of week New York City will be ours"

Admiral Donitz.
Statement regarding French literature and art by a descendent of Napoleon circa 2012 AD. Her statement was one of confidence of the revival of French culture.

"Members of the Kriegsmarine your final victory is at hand, in front of you lies the harbor of New York City. Your brothers in arms have blockaded all of America's major cities-the mongrelized Yanks will put up only the most pathetic resistance. Remember your training and watch for snipers by the end of week New York City will be ours"

Admiral Donitz.

Karl Dönitz during the initial Kriegsmarine landings in New York, after a strangely uneventful voyage across the Atlantic on June 9th, 1944

This turned out to be a titanic trap, planned by the US Army and Navy and the Royal Navy. The Allied fleet struck hard from three sides with double the ships the KM had, while the previously-held back US Army and Canadian Forces drove the German troops back into the sea by September of 1944. This crushing blow broke the back of the Nazi war machine, and combined with the atomically-induced surrender of Japan in May of the next year it brought the end of the war.

"TO ALL AMERICAN, SOUTHERN, AND CHINESE FORCES OUTSIDE PYONGYANG: We have Kim Jong-sup in our custody. We hereby issue a formal surrender to invading forces, and request only our lives."