Recent content by vrumagen

  1. An Empire Divided, A World Where Constantine Never Unites Rome.

    Korea moving into Japan has some interesting butterflies.
  2. An Empire Divided, A World Where Constantine Never Unites Rome.

    It's interesting that pagan practices seem to be holding on in the old empire. Look forward to a religious map. And the legionnaire state and even more so the remnant legion in china crack me up.
  3. An Empire Divided, A World Where Constantine Never Unites Rome.

    Wait a minute. On rereading this it looks like some of the emperors are recruiting women into the army? Isn't that a big divergance?
  4. An Empire Divided, A World Where Constantine Never Unites Rome.

    I admit I just found this but it does seem interesting. The breakup of Christian faiths. Warriors of god cult looks like trouble later. The fact that some of the library of Alexandria survived is a good sign.