Recent content by Slybrarian

  1. My condolences on the loss of your home. Sadly it appears there no longer is anything but corn...

    My condolences on the loss of your home. Sadly it appears there no longer is anything but corn in Indiana.
  2. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Heh, Operation Regisurp.
  3. Alternate world Propaganda

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. People recognizing the Draka as a threat? Completely implausible.
  4. Decision Points: The Presidency of Al Gore

    Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran...
  5. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    Oh, wow, this isn't possibly going to end up well, especially with Cheney practically drooling at the idea of an opportunity to declare nation-wide martial law.
  6. Japan refuses to surrender.

    Correction: the USAF was not just capable but by in large already had. Their next targets was going to be the transportation infrastructure and smaller towns, with the loss of railways meaning that even Japan's meager internal agricultural production couldn't reach the population.
  7. Yamamoto attacks Britain but not the US

    ... the Germans can't even pull off the Sea Mammal, and you think they'd be able to invade Canada? No, because capitulation by the UK in no way forces Canada to do so. There's no reason for the US to invade.
  8. Challenge: Submarine world

    When it comes to killing warships, attack submarines already are at the top of the pack these days. Carriers are too easy to kill (not that carrier admirals like to admit it) with missiles or torpedoes, and other surface warships aren't a whole lot better. Subs can even do land attack pretty...
  9. "City on the Edge of Forever"

    Maybe Spock just wasn't very knowledgeable about Earth history and misinterpreted what he saw through the Guardian? I mean, the man didn't even know the difference between World War III and the 1990s Eugenics War.
  10. 9/11 Nuclear Plants

    Ironically, slamming a plane into a reactor and having nothing bad happen might have the beneficial side-effect of making people trust nuclear power more.
  11. Aircraft that should never have seen service

    I think that the flying crowbar of Project Pluto should get an honorable mention. Even though it never got past the design stage, it certainly would deserve to be in this thread if it had ever entered service. From what I've heard, it's actually pretty popular with the Marines these days and...