Recent content by Lone Wolf 666

  1. WI the Great Polynesian Ocean Journey

    Assuming my Polynesian ancestors didn't just stop at Hawaii or Easter Island. They instead expanded and contact all four corners of the Pacific. How will this change everything in history?. What will be consequences of such contact between each continent?. Or trade of ideas and goods.
  2. We Stand On Guard by Brian K. Vaughan and Steve Skroce

    Sounds like a comic to read with your brain turn off.
  3. Japan Divided Cold War WI

    This is how I imagine anime is going to be made north of the border.:p
  4. Japan Divided Cold War WI

    What if Russia didn't stop at Manchuria. But invaded half of Japan before the US drop the two bombs. Which prompted the Russians to reveal their own, by testing it near Japan. Now with the cold war earlier than expected and Japan divided by a wall. How will this change Japan?. Their culture...