Recent content by English Nationalist

  1. English Nationalist

    AHC: Have an OTL Extinct Language become the Lingua Franca of the modern world

    Something a little more unusual, how about a random branch of Protestants towards the start of the Reformation decide to adopt some sort of form of Aramaic in an effort to make Christianity more like "Jesus Time" or something. Whatever the reasoning, this form of Protestant Aramaic catches on...
  2. English Nationalist

    Edward VII- Another 10 Years

    Yeah it was and increasingly more so towards the end of his life.
  3. English Nationalist

    AHC: Make Pablo Escobar president of Colombia

    Well, it is certainly not impossible, unlikely yes but not impossible. For example, there is that football (soccer) club whose name I cannot recall at the moment that he was involved with and the supporters there absolutely love him! Certainly, that could be a starting point of sorts.
  4. English Nationalist

    Edward VII- Another 10 Years

    While I am sure having the smoking cut from an earlier age would really help add on at least ten years, perhaps he becomes enamoured with something like football as a bit of a sporting rebellion. It might be difficult to completely kill off his rebellious streak and so having a disapproved sport...
  5. English Nationalist

    Her Imperial Majesty, the White Tsarina, Anastasia I- Russian Empire Timeline

    Really like the timeline though, in my opinion, military resolving the conflict as fast as you have seems a bit too quick in my mind. Otherwise, my only other point I want to raise is this... I believe you want accept not except as her kindred is not recognising her as head as supposed to...
  6. English Nationalist

    WI: No 1979 Iranian Revolution; Effects on the world?

    Well, Saudi-Iranian relations might just end up being relatively positive. Plus taking into account that the Shah was a lover of American weaponry and so that could help weave the two nations militaries together somewhat. American-Israeli relations might actually get worse or not be as prominent...
  7. English Nationalist

    After the Romans, can an empire survive on both sides of the Alps?

    How about the Carolingian Empire? There is also the Napoleonic Empire if you can ensure Bonaparte stays in power. The Hapsburg's held territory on both sides of the Alps so you could count that depending on just how much territory you want controlled as a minimum.
  8. English Nationalist

    WI: “It’s just a prank, Bro!” snowballs into a World War?

    I wouldn't say it is likely relevant as if they were to somehow pull this off, the first people to fire at them would likely be farmers who probably wouldn't have a clue what an English accent sounds like or a military detachment who would be more worried about the "soldiers" marching towards...
  9. English Nationalist

    WI Empress Joséphine Has An Heir

    As on the tin, what if Empress Joséphine is able to have an heir and so ensuring she is able to remain married to her beloved Napoleon?
  10. English Nationalist

    AHC Tudor Cymraegisation

    For further perhaps now required clarification. I didn't say English needs to be eliminated and replaced by Welsh, merely through whatever circumstance, the linguistics policies are reversed and there is a spread of Welsh throughout the Kingdom. The spread of a language and the absolute...
  11. English Nationalist

    AHC Tudor Cymraegisation

    Your challenge is to have the Tudor's beyond Prince Arthur ancestral pride to instead reverse their policies of Anglicanisation and spread the Welsh language (aka Cymraeg) throughout the Kingdom.
  12. English Nationalist

    How would English culture develop if the Normans are defeated?

    We might not have football for one thing. I have never found any record of it existing prior to the Bastard hoping across the water. Be a bit hard to imagine sporting culture without it.
  13. English Nationalist

    WI: Independent Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia

    While I am not sure about specifics nor am I sure about Galicia I have a couple of possibilities. Firstly, you could have a drawn-out civil war of which somehow you manage to get this all lining up resulting in de facto independence. My second idea is for whatever reason Franco draws Spain into...
  14. English Nationalist

    Anglo population included in Apartheid

    I don't know just how factual this is but my understanding is there was and largely remains a massive divide between the Afrikaaners and those of British ancestry with the former holding a strong separate identity. This is why it was largely the Britonic populations that held loyalty to the...
  15. English Nationalist

    AHC/Wank Basque Supremacy

    As there has been a lot of love for Basque atm, I thought I may as well up the challenge. With zero time restrictions, make a way for the Basque language to be the dominate language in the regions associated with the Vasconic Substratum Theory...