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  • Xshatrapavan


  • Hello, I was wondering if you'd be interested in this story involving India!
  • mad orc

    mad orc

  • Thanks for liking man .
    Also read my Mexico divergence timeline .It must be somewhere on the second page in 'Before 1900' .
  • longsword14

  • My knowledge about India in the span from 10th to 15th century is weak. Could you recommend some books that explain the whats and the whys about Indian history?
    A list that orders the books in sequence would be extremely helpful.
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Emperor of Greater India 2
    Well I myself am not a expert. You should note that. And I haven't read many books about the period. I am sorry I couldn't help you in that respect. I am just an history enthusiast and just like to share whatever facts I know about my country.
  • longsword14

  • My knowledge about India in the span from 10th to 15th century is weak. Could you recommend some books that explain the whats and the whys about Indian history?
    A list that orders the books in sequence would be extremely helpful.
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