Recent content by David T

  1. What would have happened if Trotsky had taken over the USSR?

    The whole topic of Trotsky as Lenin's successor has been pretty much done to death here But anyway on Trotsky and war, I'll quote an old post of mine: *** Really, "socialism in one country" has...
  2. WI: Staten Island secedes from New York City in 1997

    He beat Messinger by 17.2 points. He beat her in Queens, Brooklyn, and even Manhatttan, losing only in the Bronx. He beat her by 136,541 votes in OTL; he beat her by 34,382 votes on Staten Island. So wiithout SI, he would...
  3. Lyndon B. Johnson chooses Eugene McCarthy to be his running mate?

    To recycle an old post of mine: "Albert Eisele and others have contended that had their positions been reversed in 1964, Hubert Humphrey and Gene McCarthy would have found themselves in similarly reversed positions in 1968. McCarthy was one of the most likely choices for Lyndon Johnson's...
  4. President JFK in 1957

    Stevenson took the unusual step of allowing the convention to choose his running mate beecause he had to gamble--Ike seemed almost unbeatable, so Stevenson had to do something to shake the race up. If Ike were not the candidate, Stevenson would have acted more conventionally, which almost...
  5. Truman in Moscow?

    No reason both Chiang and Mao couldn't be there. Chiang was of course officially recognized by Stalin (and everyone else) as president of China, Mao as head of a "fraternal party" would also be welcome as would Togliatii and Thorez. It is true that Mao was sometimes hot-headed (he wanted to...
  6. WI: Staten Island secedes from New York City in 1997

    There's a legal problem whether this can be done without the consent of New York City: And remember, even after the 1994 elections, the Democrats easily dominated the Assembly...
  7. Zhukov-Beria duumvirate post Stalin's death

    This is incredibly unlikely. Zhukov listed his greatest accomplishment in life *not* any battle of the Great Patriotic War--but his role in the arrest of Beria! Honestly, there has been a strange obsession with Zhukov in this forum. The idea that he wanted to seize power in a coup is unlikely...
  8. What if the Soviets set up the Jewish AO in Byelorussian SSR instead of Far Eastern RFSR?

    See It is probably unrealstic, though, to expect the BSSR to expand any futher east than it had already done in 1924 and 1926 (in 1921 the eastern border of the BSSR was not far...
  9. What if the Soviets set up the Jewish AO in Byelorussian SSR instead of Far Eastern RFSR?

    Soviet Belorussia was quite small before 1939. Much Belorussian territory was controlled by Poland and some arguably Belorussian territory had been given to the RSFSR. Moreover, part of the very point of establishing Birobidzhan in OTL was to get Soviet Jews away from Belarus and Ukraine where...
  10. WI: Andrew Jackson dies in 1825

    Johnson was too controversial in the South because he openly lived with an enslaved African American woman, insisted that their daughters be treated as white, ettc. "Openly" was of course the key here. "If Col. Johnson had the decency and decorum to seek to hide his ignominy from the world, we...
  11. WI: Andrew Jackson dies in 1825

    No, Van Buren never became an abolitionist, He was cautious about the annexation of Texas, fearing it might stir up sectional tensions, and this helped lead to his defeat for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1844. This in turn embittered him against the southerners and "doughfaces"...
  12. WI: Andrew Jackson dies in 1825

    To quote an old post of mine: *** IMO the real founder of the Democratic Party was not Andrew Jackson but Martin Van Buren. Van Buren thought that the disappearance of the Federalists and Monroe's policy of "amalgamation"--adopting many old Federalist policies, appointing some ex-Federalists...
  13. WI: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Successfully Transitioned Away from Communism?

    Adam Ulam wrote in Understanding the Cold War: A Historian's Personal Reflections, "One must agree with the hapless [August] conspirators on one thing: there was no earthly chance that the proposed new constitution could hold the country together. It was at once vague and too specific, vague in...
  14. WI : Mao dies in the 1950s but Stalin survives another Decade, what happens to China and the USSR

    I don't think it will be democratic or even semi-democratic; as in the east Eurppean "peoples democracies" (and as in the PRC itself in the early and mid- 1950s) the minor parties will basically be auxiliaires to attract non-Communist support for a Communist-led government. What I do see is a...
  15. WI : Mao dies in the 1950s but Stalin survives another Decade, what happens to China and the USSR

    Not for the Soviet Union. But he was actually a force for moderation vis-a-vis Mao; see Michael H. Sheng, *Battling Western Imperialism: Mao, Stalin, and the United States* "Here , an old pattern in Mao - Stalin relations manifested itself again : Mao was more of a radical revolutionary...