Recent content by Comte de Geneve

  1. AHQ: Is a prosperous Congo possible with a 20th Century POD?

    That may be, but the challenges of geography to settlement and development are very distinct between Brazil and the Congo.
  2. AHQ: Is a prosperous Congo possible with a 20th Century POD?

    Sorry but there are 2 huge differences between Brazil and the Congo. Brazil has a long and well populated coastline, the coastal areas providing a solid basis for expansion into the interior, including the mineral regions. Congo has only a few miles of coastline scrunched between Cabinda and...
  3. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Same show, different corporal?
  4. AHQ: Is a prosperous Congo possible with a 20th Century POD?

    Best Case: Kenya or better if you get a stable period under a Kenyatta style strongman who is reasonably honest, tries at least in part to bridge tribal identities, and is not a hard-care socialist. Actually with Congo's resources I would say better. Worse case: Tanzania level if you have...
  5. AHQ: Is a prosperous Congo possible with a 20th Century POD?

    I do not believe a Balkan/Latin American level of development is possible anywhere in post-colonial sub-Saharan Africa. If nothing else Iberian colonialism in LA ended circa 1820 and Ottoman occupation of the Balkans ended between 1820 - 1885 (except for Albania/Macedonia). African...
  6. PC: Mussolini remembered as a hero?

    Prior to Abyssinia and intervention in the Spanish War Mussolini was popular even in the USA. If he dies in 1935 and his successors avoid those two errors and remain tied to the Stresa Front he is remembered somewhat as a hero. This of course would depend on one's political beliefs.
  7. AHC: Earlier Fourth Television Network?

    Fourth Network was not possible until cable became widespread. There were not enough channels in VHF to support 4 national networks. In the end it came down to Dumont or ABC surviving and ABC did but until the 60's ABC was always weak in number of outlets and often was shared in smaller...
  8. What would still happen if the central powers won ww1?

    Japan gives back nothing. in any such 1918 CP powers victory the colonies are gone but really who cares as long as the Kaiserreich has a free hand in the east. But why would they prefer a reinstated Tsardom or a nationalist Republic controlling a traditionalist and revanchist Russia as opposed...
  9. Afghanistan becomes Switzerland of Asia

    Not going to happen. IIRC, Afghanistan has always been governed from the center by the latest internal conqueror and the multi-ethnicity of its current boundaries, and cross border common ethnicities are the result of how far the rulers can expand and what boundaries its neighbors set (i.e...
  10. Oldest leader your country could have.

    Does 'Leader' include ceremonial heads of state like King of England or President of Germany or is it limited to those who actually wields power, whatever their title?
  11. What if Ferdinand Lived?

    Obviously, WWI as we know it does not happen. Before the July Crisis there were no imminent sparks for a European conflict. Perhaps the most pertinent crisis looming was Irish Home Rule. This does not rule out a subsequent crisis generating such a conflict since there were a number of...
  12. AHC: Ways to delay the Counterculture Movement?

    Nuremburg had nothing to do with it. I was in high school and college in the 60's and no one mentioned Nuremburg (and I was a history major). Yes birth control was an important part but, but 2 other things to consider. What if no Sputnik. The counterculture was basically a coworking...
  13. Question: Nixon as bhreznev in a Communist usa TL?

    I prefer to think of the question as pertaining to a Nixon analogue, a suspicious toady who plays get-along to go-along and worms his way quietly up the party ranks until he finds the right mentor and becomes a junior member of the politburo equivalent. I don't see this quasi-Nixon as a...
  14. Effects of greater European emigration to North America 1600 - 1800?

    One problem is simply the carrying capacity of naval transport in the age of sail. Another problem is that Continental rulers are not going to welcome British agents trying to recruit their subjects to leave. It's one thing for a German Princeling to sell the use of his soldiers to England or...