Recent content by 'Allo 'Allo Secret Army

  1. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Of course they did. Marx and Engels of course did. Engels' The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State is perhaps the most definitive exemple of pre-Beauvoirian gender analysis, but these analysis' are limited in their usefulenss because they subordinate womens' struggle, history...
  2. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Yep teg, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. And on men being raped. That of course happened OTL, only no one investigated or took it into account. This means that for instances of sexual violence against men to even be represented and looked into there must be quite a lot of them...
  3. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Yes those poisonous attitudes is patriarchy. And rape is not (sadly) a deviant sexual behavior, rape is rape. Rape is a violent assault upon the bodily integrity of a person. It really has the connection with sex only in that it is ideas about sex and sexuality that create the worldview and the...
  4. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    We have to avoid a theory of rape coming out of repressed sexuality. Remember that such a line of throught stems from the notion that women are to blame for their own victimization: that men are owed sexual services by women and when they do not provide such it's their own "fault" that rape...
  5. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Oh local populaces are sick of it plenty by 1946. But what the FBU has here that the Brits didn't have OTL is an imperative. There is no choice but to fight for the colonies. The FBU cannot, literally cannot, survive as a society without maintaining the colonial markets and the supply of...
  6. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    The Afghanis know nothing about what a communist government is going to bring, history proves that all communists states vary greatly ITTL. And since the Soviet Union is next door and their religious policies and their treatment of their former ruling elites is the most pressing example of...
  7. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Sadly I think that the rapes committed will not be an atrocity lessened but aggrevated by the presence of American soldiers. The recent history of sexual abuse by the military (think Abu Ghraib) also proves that not only is the presence of women not a deterence, they can be active participants...
  8. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    It's obvious that the decolonization of Egypt won't happen, since India stays in the Empire the Suez Canal must be in FBU contro and Egypt continues to be occupied by British troops. There also will be more resistance to Home Rule from the British authorities. There's also the question of the...
  9. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Still doesn't mean they won't try. And we can't be too sure, we're talking about different armies as well. The big difference is the jungle-trained soldiers of the British Empire. All I'm saying is, we cannot ignore Indochina. Because it will be a bloodbath, and the Imperial Powers will not...
  10. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    In a sort of addendum, I also would like to point out that in a world where both The Romanov Empire and the liberal democracy of the United States of America have been swept away to the ashheap of history, Britain and France will surely shore up their colonial assets for a cultural perpose as...
  11. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Uhm... Indochina was a French colony? A colony they gave up OTL very reluctantly to say the least. In an even more unstable world for the colonial powers of the UK and France, they would clearly hold on even tighter to their assets across the sea. Also there's strategic value for the French...
  12. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    That's a very good point. Also I think it's implied that America enters the Indochina War on North Vietnam's side against the FBU. Meaning that Vietnam most probably will be an even more drawn out and bloody conflict. Because there is no way that staying out of Vietnam wouldn't clash with...
  13. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    I see your point. Thank you for that rundown, I really appreciated it. American post-war youth will have an interesting position within their own society. They are the first "Red Generation", in that they have known nothing but the UASR. It's this generation that sees the revolution's failures...
  14. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    I see that too. I also see Maoist thought achieving influence (which of courrse happened OTL) among youth. Of course in a Communist America, Maoist thoughts about the necessity of constant revolution will have a completely different interpretation. So anti-establishment views will be pretty well...
  15. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    Of course we won't have the counterculture of our world. It can't exist in the UASR. But there will be one because, as you said, particular types of art will become cliché, overused and hegemonic, and people will react to that. In my mind, Art in the UASR will be pushed forward by the constant...