Recent content by AdA

  1. WI: The limit of "cruiser" was set at 15000t/9.2 inch gun in Washingtion Naval Treaty

    The POD could be a perceived need for the new ships to outclass existing armoured. cruisers and coastal defence battleships. At the time the USN studied the fighting ability of a treaty cruiser vs their own armoured cruisers and concluded that the treaty cruisers were superior, but there could...
  2. AHC have a coup be led by submariners

    After WW1 former U-Boat crewmen form the U-Boat veterans league in Germany. They get a large popular following by cultivating a "working class hero" image. Eventually they try a small scale coup in a German town. It lasts less than a day but many of the members later become prominent members of...
  3. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Is Obssessed Nuker your real name? AdA is not my real name either. If I wanted you to know who I am I would have used my real name, the way I do IRL. IRL rules do not apply to sites were you enter under an alias. It's not civil to ask people to give you personal details on the web.
  4. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Without an actual working SDI it was more difficult, but you could build a theoretical scenario in which a first strike would degrade the USSR response potential to the point of producing asymmetrical destruction. But it would be an hell of a gamble and not a real life possibility unless there...
  5. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    You don't even know I'm an actual person. That's how the internet works. Ignore what you don't trust. I would if you had not started demanding surrender terms and generally being offensive. My #25 post was basically an "agree to disagree" conversation ender Did you not get that?
  6. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    I was teaching nuclear war strategy in 1991 and actually gave a class on how the U.S. had developed the capability to launch a first strike. Didn't keep the notes either. Cruise missiles, SDI and the growing gap in computer technology really put the USSR in the defensive in the 80s. The speed...
  7. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    You forgot to say: Objection your honour! Your lack of trust in the NATO school is duly noted for future reference.
  8. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    And the pony is: Got that in briefings while attending NATO environmental officers course (in the 90s) from people who had done site inspections. Did not write down the name of the guys giving the Brieffing. Pretty sure it was not in a Baltic state.
  9. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Wait, you went from my post to "magical submarines killing missile silos"? Let's take it step by step: 1. US has a new,long range accurate SLBM and is wrking on a even more accurate version; 2.US Cruise missiles are entering service; 3. US Subs are much better than Soviet subs. Los Angles class...
  10. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    They drope They dumped the fuel from the fuel trucks into the fields. It never got into the aircraft. The units would log inflated flight hours and needed to get rid of the fuel so that numbers would match. Think of it as (hey pretend to pay us we pretend to fight.
  11. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Do you even read posts? Example: I specifically said that the Trident C4 was in service, and stated that it was not the "hole in one wonder" that was the D5. You repetedly insist that what I said was that the D5 was in service. Why it's not a debate? In a debate you can't say that:"professional...
  12. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    It's not a debate. It's an open forum. A debate has a set time, mandatory attendence and rules. This is a conversation where people can turn their backs to you when they don't want to talk to you anymore (which his a pretty natural raction when you proudly claim that even though people have told...
  13. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    1) Classified at the time. Depends on the country. 2) Irrelevant. The war will not last that long. It would be fight with what you have. 3) The airfields are out of range for conventional artillery. The threat is SSM. 4) Classified, Assume yes. France position was ostly for show. Even Sweden...
  14. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Nah, just no point in trying get through. You do have obsessed in your tag and that should have been a clear warning not to bother....
  15. Attrition rates in WP NATO air combat scenario

    Well, if you've heard it a thousand times and still don't see I won't bother you for the thousand and one time.