DBWI: Happy Dies Natalis Sol Invicti!

You weird rationalists up in Kanata... Down here in the Kingdom of Texia we still hold on to the religious traditions passed down to us by our Roman ancestors. Hell, we just had a beautiful weeklong Saturnalia season dedicated to thanking Saturn for all that he has given us in the past year.

You guys are in the minority down there, though. In fact, I've got relatives in Trinitaria in the Republic of Texia del Norte: They say even in South Texia, the Invictians are considered to be strange folk; most Texians stick to the basic secular stuff. In fact, perhaps you know this, but maybe not; the current Emperor of South Texia has actually discouraged hardcore religious festivals, as to not upset the primary Scottish/Teutonite/native Victorian northerners.
Even here in Kanata, we know of the Texian Civil War of 1944-47, and it's effects on the rest of the continent; Kanata may be a massive & powerful country, stretching from sea to sea, but even we could have been badly affected by the regional violence which could have followed the collapse. (Thank goodness it was contained, though)
ugh not this again. look sol invictus is not just about sun itself. it's about how the energias of the sun come to feed the plants, critters and men of terra. he is eternal and all-powerful; the physical sol is his manifestation AND gift to men, showing us every day of his benevolence, and the example of nurturing love for us emulate while reminding us to be humble as all live under His gaze. so please don't take the literalists' word for it and do some reading of your own.

if i had a denarius every time a boy-loving hellen bitched about Him wihout even reading his Sc. Augustine or the Mandata..
And yet you people hate from your very same cult of the sun, over in far Nippon who say the sun is a woman. How many people died in that war? Millions? Read your history. Christians used to get fed to the lions. Religon is so ruinous.
Can someone tell me why the western sun worshipers hate the eastern sun worshipers so much just for saying the sun is a woman "Amaterasu" instead of the western sun worshipers' male "Sol Invictus"? The sun is lifeless and genderless. Plus that hardly seems like justification for war and genocide. Abd yet there are still fanatics on either side waiting to start it up agian.


Can someone tell me why the western sun worshipers hate the eastern sun worshipers so much just for saying the sun is a woman "Amaterasu" instead of the western sun worshipers' male "Sol Invictus"? The sun is lifeless and genderless. Plus that hardly seems like justification for war and genocide. Abd yet there are still fanatics on either side waiting to start it up agian.

Way must you atheistic materialists always use the action of mortal men to feebly try to diminish the glory of Sol Invictus and his religion ? Just becorce some men that clam to follow follow the true path of light, walk in darkness with those that have not yet come to know the true light doesn´t say anything about our god and his religon.
Way must you atheistic materialists always use the action of mortal men to feebly try to diminish the glory of Sol Invictus and his religion ? Just becorce some men that clam to follow follow the true path of light, walk in darkness with those that have not yet come to know the true light doesn´t say anything about our god and his religon.
Why do you continue to follow a faith that has been proven false by science? We have sent ships to the sun. Studied it. We know of it's inner workings, and yet you refuse to accept it. Why is that? Why do the worshipers of Zeus and Thor refuse to accept that lightning is the very same electricity that powers their houses? It seems religous people hate reason and sceince when it goes against their ancient superstitions, yet at the same time are glad to accept the improvements the very same science and technology grants them in their daily lives.
You people are so superstitous. The sun is powered by the same atomic processes that fire the Solaris Electric Plants. Not some magicaly nonsense. I swear, it's just like is Socrates time, reason is declining and ignorance and superstition rule the day.

Ah, more evidence of the War on Sol! Typical Mercurials* and their militant-unbelief, trying to destroy our cherished traditions so that they can immenantize the eschaton! :mad:

*OOC: ATL "liberals", in the US sense. Named for allegedly "wanting society to flow like quicksilver"
Thanks for worshiping me guys!:)
It won't be in vain, I guarantee you that.

EDIT: Yes, my name is the Sun. Or the God of the Sun. :D
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Ah, more evidence of the War on Sol! Typical Mercurials* and their militant-unbelief, trying to destroy our cherished traditions so that they can immenantize the eschaton! :mad:

*OOC: ATL "liberals", in the US sense. Named for allegedly "wanting society to flow like quicksilver"
First of all, I'm not at "war agianst the sun" the sun's an inanimate object, and the only thing that one could accomplish in such a battle would be one's own death. What I am at "war" against is all these ignorate people who try to shove their out dated and scienfically unsound beliefs down my throat. No, I don't want my child praying to the sun in school every morning thank you very much. I don't care what the sun priests have to say about politics, and I certianly tired of having it automatically assumed that I'm a horrible person just because I don't believe in gods there are no evidence for.
Funny, I never realized until now how this board was divided between wingnuts and atheists.

Look, being a sun worshiper doesn't make one necesarilly any less of a rational person. We are aware of science and how the sun works in the physical realm, okay? That doesn't mean it can't have a spiritual aspect. Find me a religion, any religion, that doesn't have some detail which can be utterly disproven by modern science if taken with absolute literalism, I dare you. And quite frankly, what's so "strange" about worshiping what is literally the most important object in the solar system? At least our god physically exists and has a proven beneficial effect on human existence.
Wow, this is weird! We here in Nova Dumnonia (OOC: South Carolina, a former colony of these guys) still celebrate DNSI, but its more an excuse for overeating than anything; why, we haven't really believed in the Unconquered Sun for a century and a half! Why, 'round these parts advocating daily prayer is grounds to be called a religious fanatic. I'd find all this fanaticism funny if it weren't so sad....
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At least our god physically exists and has a proven beneficial effect on human existence.

And if I don't appease Sol Invictus by anointing my skin with zinc oxide before going outside, He burns me with his fierce rays. Just like Turtletaub said in his moral-fable, The Tale of Sun-Shunning Sam Carsten.
And if I don't appease Sol Invictus by anointing my skin with zinc oxide before going outside, He burns me with his fierce rays. Just like Turtletaub said in his moral-fable, The Tale of Sun-Shunning Sam Carsten.
That's SV* radiation that does that. The Zinc Oxide blocks it. Has nothing to do with "appeasing" the sun.

*OOC: Supraviolet. In OTL we'd say Ultraviolet, or UV.