Ah republicans, so dismissive of everything of value.
question is if Henri hasn't made it harder for himself if he becomes king by basically terming Paris "first among equals"

Great to see Henri getting his hans dirty and helping his men, even for such an act. And that he's still hard and work and that he intends to show mercy when his time finally comes.
figure it's a "put your money where your mouth is", he's always speaking about the workers and the poor, for him to stand there, arms crossed while the others dig the grave is going to give the government in Paris the means of saying "hey, we're at least on your side, we don't just say we're on your side"

Henri 😻😻😻😻😻😻
because he's digging ditches?


question is if Henri hasn't made it harder for himself if he becomes king by basically terming Paris "first among equals"

figure it's a "put your money where your mouth is", he's always speaking about the workers and the poor, for him to stand there, arms crossed while the others dig the grave is going to give the government in Paris the means of saying "hey, we're at least on your side, we don't just say we're on your side"

because he's digging ditches?
Depends if the people will remember he said that in five days time.
figure it's a "put your money where your mouth is", he's always speaking about the workers and the poor, for him to stand there, arms crossed while the others dig the grave is going to give the government in Paris the means of saying "hey, we're at least on your side, we don't just say we're on your side"
Amen to that, Henri putting in the Hard Work! It will pay dividends later.
Because he is doing well and inspiring his men…
Figure if the main critique against him is that "he's a Bourbon, he thinks he'll get to Paris on a featherbed" and "snobby" plus "callous/outdated", what better way to refute it than to actually get your hands dirty?

Even his "complaint" to Ney about "Napoléon making it look effortless" is more along the lines of "what will they think of the fact that I'm to blame for getting their sons/fathers killed" rather than "I thought you said it would be easy".

Plus, I couldn't resist Henri doing something - like digging graves - that would actually horrify the actual republican elites in Paris and they're like "wait, so are we supposed to be digging ditches now?" To say nothing of his aunt and uncle. And, this probably isn't the first time he's done something like this either. On his "progress" he was perhaps "involved" speaking to the locals (on "his" estates), why not let him have picked grapes or gone to an agricultural show to award a prize or stuff like that in addition to finding out "what" these people need.

I said to @VVD0D95 that It's something I can't understand why no regime in 19th century France did it. Napoléon III-Eugènie's "journeys" were basically Paris-Fontainebleau-Saint-Cloud, Lyons, Biarritz, Toulon, Corsica and Cherbourg (occasional segues for him to Chalons, Plombieres-les-Bains or Marseilles). Louis Philippe's were basically Normandie, Picardie, Lorraine and Paris. Was it simply because they feared being away from Paris too long? Or was it because they regarded that as sufficient? When actually visiting those areas could've done the monarchy's image a world of good. Even if it wouldn't have changed the temperature in Paris any, surely it would've helped enforce the monarchy as being "tied" to the country?
As for granting a constitution, where has Frankie encouraged a prince to do that? He's touted the value of educating the masses, of establishing a central judiciary in Frankfurt, a single currency for the Reich, etc, but he hasn't breathed a word about a constitution. In fact, Henri's the one that's on about constitutions (mostly because he knows France won't accept him without one), Frankie is...ambivalently silent on the matter. And given his dad's flouting of the very constitution he drew up, I suspect that Frankie would prefer to remain...unfettered.
Did he not do that in Spain, and Brasil or helped along it ?
he's not treating them casually at all. High handed? Yes. But nothing that they can go back and whinge and plot over. They all got something (if some got more than others, that's the way of things) out of it. Even Rainier who acts all offended is coming out ahead. It's Machiavelli's principle in Chapter 22 of the Prince (and also why Metternich keeps turning up like a bad penny: he's not capable or loyal, but he is able):
I am not talking about that he treat casually his contemporaries but that he is very cavalier in the how he treat the governance of the north italian states :the champter is very Congress of Vienna, from this I can gauge that the mentality is still a bit the same
there is the option of recalling General Bugeaud and his troops from Algeria, sir. They could land all along the south coast and-
In regard to this you could recall the troops in Piedmont or use bugeaud in Piedmont
Did he not do that in Spain, and Brasil or helped along it ?
Spain was Henri and that was more just he and his uncle (Angoulême) throwing suggestions around. All Frankie's done for the Spanish is get them money and troops (the latter comes from clearing out Habsburg prisons after the 1832 to avoid the backlash. Instead of being seen as cruel, Francesco IV of Modena (where most of these carbonari likely come from) is seen as just/merciful. Since most would've ended on the scaffold).

As for Brasil, Frankie hasn't done anything there aside from playing matchmaker for Pedro I's daughters and ensuring thegirls have a better dowry than OTL by forcing Pedro I's bastards (who were included as coheirs) to give up their shares in exchange for him arranging matches for them to "minor partners" such as Italian or German aristocracy.
I am not talking about that he treat casually his contemporaries but that he is very cavalier in the how he treat the governance of the north italian states :the champter is very Congress of Vienna, from this I can gauge that the mentality is still a bit the same
Parma going to Modena is because Modena's armies are the ones that conquered it. Giving it back to the duke or Marie Louise when one is on the defeated side and the other unable to hold it will piss Modena off more than them. The duke of Parma is an enemy and not likely to get it back once Louis Philippe cut his deal with Metternich. The arrangements in Italy are mostly Metternich's doing (although he would've probably liked his pet, Rainier to stick around) which might be why it looks similar to Vienna. Giving Parma back to Marie Louise also raises the problem of her heir. The accord of 1818 that Frankie can't succeed her is likely invalidated, but the problem comes in that while Frankie wouldn't mind being passed over as heir for a cousin, he is going to make a very big noise about being passed over for his bastard half-siblings he hates (he gave his mother's best jewellery to Louise d'Artois to avoid them trying to claim it as rightful inheritance).
In regard to this you could recall the troops in Piedmont or use bugeaud in Piedmont
That's how a military genius would think. But Dupont de l'Eure is no military genius. He's seeing it through a personal lens. Lamorcière is - unfortunately - republican, but he owes most of his career to Bugeaud. So he can't push to hard. And given how Bugeaud treated the Algerians OTL, I pity the Piedmontese. Even Bugeaud's own friends and contemporaries thought he was too harsh. Cavaignac and Lamorcière are just as "bloodthirsty". It was one of the things that counted against Cavaignac in the Second Republic's OTL election
Revolution or Reformation?
Thanks to @VVD0D95 for his suggestions

Soundtrack: Stephan Paluselli - Veni Creator Spiritus [1]

*exterior* *Edinburgh* *various shots of the city* *the Castle* *Arthur's Seat* *St. Giles' Cathedral*
*cut to an interior* *we see a room packed with men arguing*
*cut to the house of Lords* *Henry Thomas, Lord Cockburn, former Solicitor General for Scotland is speaking*
Cockburn: There has never been a greater cause adjudged in the House of Lords on reasons more utterly unworthy of both. A case about a horse, or a twenty pound bill of exchange, would get more thought. The ignorance and contemptuous slightness of the judgement did great mischief. It has irritated and justified the people of Scotland in believing that their Church was sacrificed to English prejudices [2]
*cut to John Edwards being barred from entering his parish church at Marnoch by his parishioners* *judging by the clothes, this is clearly on a Sunday, with the sermon due to start shortly*
*cut to a courtroom where a judge pronounces in favour of Edwards* *we see Edwards gratefully shaking hands with his lawyer and with his patron, the 5e duke of Richmond*
*next thing we are back to the packed room of men arguing*
*cut to seeing one minister after another - seven all told - entering their churches for sermons and finding another minister already in the pulpit* *these ministers are undeterred preaching fearlessly on a soap box at the churchyard gates or on a street corner* *to very large crowds*
*cut to a courtroom where the seven ministers are now in front of the judge, where Edwards formerly stood* *the judge reads out the verdict banning them from preaching in the open-air* *by the verdict, he also declares their suspension and being barred from preaching illegal*
*cut to the packed room of men arguing* *one man, Thomas Chalmers, is standing up and declaring that since the government and the courts continue to interfere in ecclesiastical affairs, he and his ilk are prepared to leave the church* *and we watch Chalmers, followed by an endless stream of other men [121 ministers and another 73 elders] walking out[3]*

*cut to exterior of Holyroodhouse Palace* *Thomas Chalmers, some of his colleagues are standing in the back of the roofless Holyroodhouse Abbey church* *the church itself is packed with courtiers* *Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and their two children are both seated in the front row* *alongside Prince Ernst of Coburg and a pregnant Marie of Prussia* *William of Weimar and Marie of Baden are on the other side of the aisle* *on a broken off pillar, Reverend Robert Smith Candlish is giving his Pentecost sermon [4]*
*the adult royals in the front row are paying rapt attention* *even if technically only Marie of Prussia is Calvinist (everyone else, except for Victoria and her children, is Lutheran)*
*cut to i ictoria and Albert holding a reception on the palace lawns* *among the ministers and their wives [usual after church "meet and greet"* *we hear some of them telling her roughly the same story* *that because of their/their husband's stance, not only have they been chased out of their church, but they have also been put out of various manses, their children have been put out of parish schools, those who doubled as the parish schoolmaster have lost that income as well[5]*
Victoria: that doesn't sound very Christian...are we not supposed to want to be more like Christ then?
Rev. David Welsh: of course your Majesty, but the...fools at the general assembly - and that is an insult to fools in general - have deemed that they are to be the supreme arbiter of Christ's words. They have set themselves up as pope, prophet and priest over us, answering to the House of Lords rather than the Lord[6].
Victoria: and there is no hope of a reconciliation being reached between the two sides? Have things truly broken down so far?
Welsh: unfortunately they have, madam. All we wish to do is to facilitate the return to good, solid, Christian principles, and unfortunately there are certain peers who have their fingers in the honey jar already, and are unwilling to withdraw them.
Albert: unfortunately, Reverend Welsh, neither the queen nor myself can take your side - however justified - against the duke of Richmond.
Victoria: *looks apologetically at Welsh*
Welsh: *half smirking* but your Majesty can. We have the law on our side.
Victoria: *smiles indulgently at Welsh* Reverend, while I am sure that the Lords are all Christians, I would find it very difficult - as a woman - to argue scripture with the archbishop of Canterbury.
Welsh: not scripture, madam. Good British law that they have all sworn to uphold. We are not republicans, madam, not like that vile lot in Paris. We have a concern for legality, and we should've never appealed to your Majesty had we not a good firm foundation on which to stand.
Victoria: and what is your foundation, Reverend? I'm afraid nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
Welsh: the Claim of Right of 1689, Majesty.
Victoria: that was the act that allowed William and Mary to become king and queen of Scotland, correct?
Welsh: it also includes a...however brief...paragraph on how the Kirk of Scotland is to be run. Namely that aside from the king- or queen's- naturally, no head in Scotland is to be above the presbytery's. And as ministers of the church, we take our oath to your Majesty. Not to the Lords, not to the Commons, not to your Majesty's prime minister or government, but to your Majesty directly. So it would be perfectly legal to involve oneself, madam.
Albert: *curiously* *but you can see the wheels turning behind his eyes* are you to be a politician, Reverend? Or a man of the cloth.
Welsh: since I am no longer one, I am simply falling back on the other.
Victoria: we will see if there exists anything at all that we can do. *looks at various children running around, including the prince of Wales* it is such a pity that these men have decided to vent their spleen on innocent children.
Albert: *after thinking* I would like to start a patronage for them. Gather a group of likeminded persons who would likewise be interested in assisting them. I'm sure Lord Ashley, and perhaps the duchess of Buccleuch [7] will take an interest.
Welsh: *half stammering* your Royal Highness is most kind, but we could not possibly accept such charity. [8]
Victoria: then if you will not accept it for the duke's sake, I ask that you will accept it, not as charity, but as a gift from your queen. I am also queen of Scotland, am I not?

*cut to Buckingham Palace* *Victoria is having a meeting with her PM, Sir Robert Peel*
Peel: *in response to something she said* yes, your Majesty.
Victoria: *one more thing tone* concerning Scotland.
Peel: what of it, Majesty?
Victoria: matters with the Kirk.
Peel: *innocently* which matters would these be, madam?
Victoria: the recent, well...I suppose not just recently...disputes in the Kirk of Scotland.
Peel: *blasély* a few ministers with radical ideas, Majesty, is nothing to be concerned about.
Victoria: I wonder if that is what the cardinals said to the pope about Martin Luther, Sir Robert. And four hundred ministers of the Kirk of Scotland have left over this matter. Hardly a few. King Louis Philippe was overthrown by a few noisy Parisians. And as for the Kirk's behaviour since- *twists face* barely conscionable.
Peel: what has the Kirk done?
Victoria: expelled these men from their parishes, their wives from the manses and their children from schools. All for holding to their view?
Peel: to their view that they are to be the supreme arbiters in matters of religion, I agree with them, madam. But I do not believe that a few rowdy, misbehaving churchmen should hold themselves in higher regard than the law.
Victoria: except that is their right, is it not? *Quotes paragraph of the Claim of Right [9]*
Peel: *now nervous* those terms were set in place in a time of chaos, Majesty. Both King William and Queen Anne later passed acts enforcing the patronage these men object to.
Victoria: allow, Sir Robert, permit, tolerate, consent to, not enforce. And as you have pointed out, that was a very different time, and the circumstances were very different. We had a foreign king ruling by right of conquest-
Peel: he was invited by parliament.
Victoria: *smiles sweetly* did he not threaten to leave you to the mercy of King James by withdrawing his armies if parliament did not agree to make him king?
Peel: *now visibly awkward*
Victoria: as I understand it, King William and Queen Anne's acts were the products of bribery. To the Scots lords from the monarch, in order to keep the peace in Scotland. The days of the Jacobites are over, but it is now the Lords who abuse that privilege settled on them in order to what, exactly? They cause chaos and disorder by persisting in this course.
Peel: the Lords will not like it, your Majesty.
Victoria: and I do not wish for the Kirk of Scotland to be torn in two. We've already had one Reformation, and I think anyone will agree that that was quite enough blood spilled. Or would they prefer we end up as they are in France at the moment? The king a fugitive, the comte de Chambord reduced to digging graves and hiding in barns, while an army sent by Paris rampages through the countryside unchecked? It sounds an awful deal like our own civil war.
Peel: if I may make a suggestion, madam, perhaps you could mollify the Lords somewhat by...picking a side to support. Lord Palmerston is already saying we should support the French Republic now, in order to benefit by leveraging relationship in our favour.
Victoria: *indifferently* does he now? And what does Lord Aberdeen say?
Peel: that we should sit this dance out and, when the smoke clears, dance with whomever wins.
Victoria: *shudders* even if that is a republic?
Peel: provided they do not do as the last did and execute their sovereign or insist on waging war across Europe, they might be a more...reliable ally than King Louis Philippe was. After all, our relations with the Texans have improved considerably...to the point where they are similarly holding back on recognizing the new French Republic.
Victoria: *looks at Allen Ramsay's portrait of George III* I will not recognize any French government prematurely before, as Lord Aberdeen says, the smoke clears. The duke of Wellington pointed out that these are exactly the circumstances Napoléon exploited. Fortunately for us, the duke of Reichstadt seems to show no inclination towards being a new Charlemagne.
Peel: you trust him in this regard?
Victoria: I think that he saw with this recent war how easy it would be to range opposition to him. -back to the matter of the Scots, I think the recent French analogy of the count of Chambord...that why is only a Parisian wise or enlightened enough to rule counts for Scotland as well? If the Lords persist in arguing this point, there may soon be no Kirk to argue matters of patronage over. They may turn aside, but this lady is not for turning [10].
Peel: perhaps if your Majesty were to grant them concessions elsewhere-
Victoria: such as?
Peel: if the crown were to surrender something small, such as the interest in the post office or the India Company. As a gesture of good will?
Victoria: *stands up* *stares Peel down* I must present the Lords with a gesture of good will in order for them to surrender a privilege they cling to at the expense of the commons? So that they can decide to turn men, women and children into the street? When I am attempting to prevent Scotland once more into vermin's nest of dissent as it was under George II? Would they have me ready to flee at a moment's notice?
Peel: these are different times, your Majesty.
Victoria: *puts hand out for Peel to kiss* yes, they are *as Peel is kissing it* which is why you may tell them that is time to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to ask them, who is the caesar and who is to do the rendering?

*Fade to black*

[1] Come o creator spirit, a common hymn for Pentecost. I realize that these are Kirk of Scotland men who are unlikely to say it in Latin, but the martial tone just "fit" so well
[2] Cockburn really did say this
[3] this would be the Great Disruption of the Scottish Church of 18 May 1843, 474 ministers and 191 preachers later signed
[4] Easter Sunday 1843 was on Sunday 18th April. Which puts Pentecost 29 May 1843. As for Robert Smith Candlish, he was commonly acknowledged as one of the Evangelicals (what Chalmers and his crew were called) finest preachers, so I could definitely see him being chosen to preach before the queen. I could also see it being...quite different to anything these royals are used to. The Abbey being used because as they are technically under "censure" from the Kirk, they would be unable to preach in the palace's chapel (which would be Kirk "property")
[5] all OTL. Never let it be said that the Calvinist Church does things by halves. They black ball you, they black ball practically everyone who agrees with you as well (as a result of this Scotland's Kirk's numbers dropped by more than half)
[6] even at the time, the Disruption was compared to the Reformation, so I could see Welsh - the foremost thinker of the group - using a lot of Reformation imagery such as popery
[7] Emma Mary Mcinnon, her dad is the guy who founded the RSPCA
[8] why is Welsh suddenly so reticent? Not reverse psychology, but this is like when you ask your parents for something, make an argument for why you should get it, then instead of no, they say yes. Suddenly your brain goes into "what's this gonna cost me"
[9] That Prelacy and the superiority of any office in the Church above presbyters is and hath been a great and insupportable greivance and trouble to this Nation and contrary to the Inclinationes of the generality of the people ever since the reformatione (they haveing reformed from popery by presbyters) and therfor ought to be abolished
[10] couldn't resist the idea of Victoria channeling her inner Margaret Thatcher

@The_Most_Happy @isabella @VVD0D95 @Jan Olbracht @Ramontxo @HortenseMancini @Anarch King of Dipsodes @Dragonboy @kaiidth @SavoyTruffle @Wendell @nathanael1234 @Fehérvári @Guatemalan Nat-Synd @Valena @maw @LordMartinax @EmmettMcFly55
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Oh, it's going to be glorious!
And TBF, Victoria timed it perfectly by arranging herself on the side of Welsh and Chalmers against the "General Assembly/Lords". She's not taking sides, simply pointing out that the Lords' refusal to give up a power that times HAVE changed. They can either cling to this power and be swept aside (as in France) or relinquish it willingly to keep some level of influence.

She also neuters Welsh and Chalmers by removing their cause for leaving (interference by the govt) and replacing it with a far more worrisome spectre (the queen's power over the church) that I suspect the General Assembly will be like "yes, yes, please come back, we don't want the crown getting involved". Never mind that the crown already has a foot in the door. The irony beig that its not by oppressing the Kirk but by defending its unity. No matter how Chalmers/Welsh feel about returning to the fold, to say, after the Queen has done what she has (at their request, I might add) "sorry, we don't want it", well...it looks petty, if not treasonous.
@VVD0D95 why can I see those "model homes" that Prince Albert was a supporter of OTL being built in Edinburgh, Glasgow etc for these ministers who were thrown out of their manses? Even if the ministers themselves don't end up using them (this will not be overnight that it will be undone when its taken them a decade to get to this point), but they get built as part of this initiative (IIRC only one of Prince Albert's designs were built and that was the Great Exhibition). These ministers then repurpose the houses for the poor and the working class (once they return to the manse)


@VVD0D95 why can I see those "model homes" that Prince Albert was a supporter of OTL being built in Edinburgh, Glasgow etc for these ministers who were thrown out of their manses? Even if the ministers themselves don't end up using them (this will not be overnight that it will be undone when its taken them a decade to get to this point), but they get built as part of this initiative (IIRC only one of Prince Albert's designs were built and that was the Great Exhibition). These ministers then repurpose the houses for the poor and the working class (once they return to the manse)
I like that, would win him a lot of brownie points.
Show Me The Colour of Your Money
Hope @HortenseMancini @isabella @ everyone else who thinks Marie Antoinette got a crappy deal OTL is satisfied with her ultimate "vindication" here

Soundtrack: Ferdinand Hiller - Die Zerstörung Jerusalems - Chor des Israeliten

*exterior* *Rome* *we see a papal procession through Rome* *that thousands of pilgrims have flocked to the city due to Pope Gregory XVI declaring an extra-ordinary Jubilee Year because of the peace*
*shots of the seven pilgrimage churches: San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori la Mura, San Lorenzo fuori la Mura, San Sebastiano fuori la Mura, Santa Croce delle Gerusalemme, Santa Maria Maggiore and finally Saint Peter's* *all of them are packed* *a title card announces that many of the pilgrims have traveled to the Eternal City by these spanking new train lines that the papal states have been building while the rest of Europe was at war[1]* *it tells us that many of the pilgrims include a special stop at a non-clerical destination: the Palazzo Farnese* *there they hope to catch a sight of, or even kiss the hand of the daughter of "San Luigi" [2]* *it then announces that the pope has beatified not only Louis XVI, but also Marie Antoinette, Madame Élisabeth, Louis XVII, the Princesse de Lamballe and the duc d'Enghien, the Fourteen Martyrs of Compiègne, Salomon Leclerq [3], the Daughters of Charity of Arras [4], the Martyrs of Valenciennes [5], the Martyrs of Orange [6], Father Noël Pinot [7], Father René Pierre Rogue [8], the Martyrs of Rochefort [9], Father Pierre Adrien Toulorge [10] and while we're at it, Joan of Arc also gets named a saint*

*Cut to the pope's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo* *night*
*Men with flaming torches stand along the darkened driveway as a carriage drives past* *while the shutters are drawn and we can't see in, we do catch a glimpse of the arms on the door* *a lion and five arrows*
*Cut to the dinner table* *his Holiness and several guests, both cardinal and lay , are in the midst of the meal when the camerlengo enters with the message that "there's a man here to see your Holiness"*
Gregory XVI: *rises from his seat*
*Rest of table rises*
Gregory XVI: Antonio, will you accompany an old man?
Antonio Tosti, the Papal Treasurer: of course, your Holiness.

*Cut to library* *an eagle-faced man with swept back hair is lounging in a chair next to a small table with sherry and biscuits* *another man with similar features is browsing the shelves*
*Takes out a book* *opens it* *we see his eyebrows go up*
Man: now, what do you think a nice old man like the pope is doing with a copy of the *checks the cover* Kama Sutra in his library?
Man in chair: put it back Carl.
Carl: I'm simply saying, James, I can understand why the Protestants regard it as decadent and corrupt.
James: they say the same thing about us wh-
*doors open* *Gregory XVI and Tosti both enter* *James rises to his feet* *both men walk over to the pope* *James goes down on one knee and lifts the bottom of the pope's skirt to kiss it* *Carl replicates the gesture*
Gregory: be seated, my sons
Tosti: *takes his place at the side of Gregory's arm chair* you did not do that last time.
James: last time we had not yet made the acquaintance of the king of Rome. He told us that if we were ever to show such disregard for your Holiness again [11], he would consider it a personal privilege to ensure that no one in Europe, Britain, the Americas or the Indies would ever do business with anyone with the last name of Rothschild ever again.
Tosti: and you believed him?
James: *cynically* I believe that he believes that. And when dealing with a man who has his own brother's death on his conscience, I find it's best to nod and agree.
Tosti: typical Jew.
Carl: *starts out of his chair*
James: sit down, Carl.
Carl: *clearly irritable sits back down*
James: now...as to why we are here...the recent events in France have occasioned some...reordering. Namely the seizure and nationalization of several banks in France, such as Banque Hagermann [12], who is seen as "unpatriotically French", same with Banque André & Cottier [13] I'm afraid.
Gregory: so they are just as greedy and rapacious as the first lot of republicans?
Carl: some would say even more so, since at the rate they are slitting one another's throats I dare say what the First Terror and the Terreur Blanche didn't finish, this government will accomplish.
Gregory: it is tragic that such a great and powerful kingdom like France has been laid low by this cycle of revolutions and counter-revolutions.
James: very, your Holiness.
Tosti: that has outlined the situation, not why you are here.
James: in the contract when we extended a loan ten years ago to Monsignor [Antonio] Garibaldi and Monsignor [Alessandro] Torlonia, there was a condition to that loan: namely that the papacy may not apply to any banking house for a new loan without first informing the Rothschilds so that we could offer our own options. Which means that technically-
Tosti: the Church would be in breach of contract.
Carl: that would seem to be the case.
Gregory: so you are coming to collect then, Signor Rothschild?
Carl: fortunately for you, my brother is a bigger fool than even I thought possible.
James: *smiles like "ignore him"* due to the current situation, with Hagermann and André & Cottier both currently being in difficulties- there was a run on A&C just last week. I am willing to deduct the amount your Holiness borrowed from both banking houses from the total that you owed to us. Which would make it around two-hundred-and-fifty-nine thousand pounds-
Tosti: and what is the reason for such charity, Jew?
James: *mockingly* has your Eminence not heard? It is the year of jubilee [14]?
Tosti: *sourly* you don't say.
James: and since this is my fiftieth birth year, forgiveness of certain debts are...mandatory.
Gregory: for which I am most grateful.
James: there are certain requests that I wish to make of your Holiness-
Tosti: *rolls his eyes* of course there are.
Gregory: what are those, my son?
James: the Jews of Ancona. The local priest, Vincent Soliva-
Tosti: inquistor.
James: forgive me, your Holiness, I do not know the hierarchies aside from pope and cardinal. -But he has revived an old law by which the Jews are to once more be confined to the ghettos.
Carl: don't forget the special uniform we must all wear identifying us as Jews.
Gregory: and you wish me to tell Fra Soliva to desist?
James: I do not wish to tell your Holiness what to do, I only ask for the relief of my people.
Tosti: they are the pope's subjects.
Carl: did his Holiness become Jewish while we weren't looking? Mazel tov.
James: I ask this of your Holiness, please do not allow him to restrict us back to the ghettos.
Gregory: the papacy is an ecclesiastical, not a secular state. The church cannot abolish such statutes, for what should happen if the poor Christians who are obliged to work for Jews? Or-
Carl: they'd get paid. Probably far better than what their Christian employers do.
Gregory: Or how can I allow Jews to live outside the ghetto among the Christians?
James: because the Jews - regardless of their beliefs - are your Holiness' faithful subjects. They do not deserve to be rounded up and penned in like livestock. Not when they were willing to fight for your Holiness the same as any other soldier in this recent war. They-
Tosti: his Holiness has given you an answer, Signor Rothschild. Now leave the matter be.
James: if a Protestant army were to invade Italy, sack Rome, and pen up all of Rome's Catholics in the Vatican, would your Eminence not also be pleading for them to be set free?
Tosti: *scoffs* what Protestant army?
Carl: there are Württemberger, Saxon, and Hannoverian soldiers still loitering around Lombardy, I'm sure they could be prevailed upon to make common cause with whatever Waldensians are left in the Alpine valleys.
Tosti: is that a threat?
Carl: that is a statement of fact, your Eminence.
James: I had hoped that this would not be necessary *reaches into jacket pocket* *hands pope a letter* from the comte de Chambord.
Tosti: he cavorts with Jews?
Carl: wouldn't call it cavorting no.
Gregory: *reading letter* *puts it aside* you have enlisted him in your cause?
James: your Holiness has the comte and the queen of Westphalia [15] to thank for putting up the money I wrote off the church's debt. Such are good friends to have in times such as these-
Tosti: but you would be better?
James: no, your Eminence. I am simply pointing out that it would be foolishness for his Holiness to dismiss their good will out of hand [6].

*fade to black*

[1] the Habsburgs in the North and the Bourbons in the south probably made sure that the papal states had a sort of protective pocket.
[2] OTL the pope refused to canonize Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Madame Élisabeth despite several requests from members of the French royal family up until a final ruling that "no, we can't canonize them because they didn't die for their faith". Here... it's probably very different to refuse their very stubborn daughter when confronted with her face-to-face.
[3] the Fourteen Martyrs of Compiègne were a group of nuns from Compiègne who were executed. The first of them was strapped to the guillotine singing Laudate Dominum (same as Madame Élisabeth), and they rode to their execution singing the Salve Regina. They were such an inspiration that when the soldier threw the 78-yo Mother Thérèse - who could barely walk - out of the cart into the street, the republican crowd attacked him. Leclercq was executed because he refused to take the oath to the republic. He was only beautified in 1926. The sisters of Compiègne in 1906.
[4] the daughters of Charity (oldest of whom was 71yo, youngest was 41, refused to take the new oath to the Revolution. They were only beautified in 1920
[5] eleven Ursuline sisters who fled to Mons at the outbreak of the Revolution, but returned to Valenciennes to continue teaching the Catholic faith despite the law. They went to their execution singing the Veni Creator. Only beautified in 1920
[6] 32 nuns of various orders who were executed at Orange in July 1794 for both refusing to take the oath and teaching the Catholic faith, in their prison cell they sang the Te Deum, cared for the other inmates' medical and spiritual needs, and watched as day by day their group was whittled down. They were only beautified in 1925
[7] Noël Pinot fought in the Vendée and guillotine in his clerical vestments. The martyrs of Angers likely included as well. Only beautified in 1926
[8] guillotine in Vannes by one of his own former students, after being arrested while administering the Last Rites to a dying man. Only beautified in 1934
[9] 505 priests who were held aboard ships moored in Rochefort Harbour in conditions that make slavery look humane (not condoning slavery, just how bad it was). There was even a decision (never carried out though) of burning the ships down to the waterline with them inside. Only beautified in 1995.
[10] French priest executed on false testimony. Only beatified in 2012. What's with all the beatifications ahead of schedule? It's the Church firing a shot across the bows of the new republic. Saying to them "we remember what you did last time. Kill Catholics, we'll make martyrs of them". Louis XVII is included on the list just in case anyone decides to come forward and "claim" to be him. Enghien because - while it reflects badly on Frankie, the fact is he seems to have little truck with his father's actions, so he probably encouraged it - if we're doing Lamballe, might as well go the whole hog. Joan of Arc because I seriously believe it was long overdue (and trying to get a king to Reims to be crowned has a lot of parallels both in Caroline de Berri's aborted 1832 rising - it made Rossini consider an opera on Joan and Eugène Scribe even prepped a libretto - and what's currently happening). Granted, here they all likely get a single feast day (27 July - the end of the Reign of Terror and start of the Thermidorian Reaction - also happens to be slap bang in the middle of Les Trois Glorieuses, so you can't celebrate the one without the other). Joan of Arc is likely the only one who gets a separate feast since she's canonized, not beatified
[11] when James and Carl met the pope in 1832, they sparked outrage in Catholic Europe by not showing due deference to Christ's vicar. One wrote: "a wealthy Jew now kisses the pope's hand, while a poor Christian kisses his feet. Still, the Rothschilds are nobler than their ancestor, Judas Iscariot, for Judas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver while James [Rothschild] would buy Him were he for sale". For reference James was the head of the French branch of the Rothschilds, while Carl was head of the Neapolitan branch (even though King Ferdinando did most of his banking through the Protestant Pourtalès family), Francesco I had still taken out sizeable loans from the Rothschilds in the 1820s.
[12 Jonas Hagermann -a Swedish Protestant - owned a bank at Genoa that had made several (very large) loans to the Sardinian crown over the past fifteen years. Of course, Sardinia now being shrunk in size, means that those loans (specifically where assets in Savoy/Piedmont which now belong to the French government were pledged as surety) are going to default. Unfortunately, the pope also has borrowed a loan from Hagermann. Hagermann also put up the money for Maria Cristina, the Dowager Queen of Spain, to buy Malmaison with, as well as being Agustin Munoz's business partner and backer in several deals. Likely also the bank that handled the payment of the duke of Modena for what would become Théodelinde de Beauharnais' dukedom of Galliera, since Hagermann was close to the Bernadottes as well
[13] again, a foreign owned bank based in France where the pope has loans. In both cases, the papacy took out these loans in order to pay back the massive (£34-36 million) loan they had taken out from the Rothschilds, for which (surprise surprise) Metternich and Louis Philippe had stood surety for.
[14] under Old Testament Law, in the year of Jubilee, debts were to be forgiven and repayment on loans cancelled according to Deuteronomy 17. Jubilees were every seven years, and then each fiftieth year was to be a "special" jubilee. James is born in May 1792, so while he's now technically 51yo in June 1843, he has his reasons
[15] Betsy Patterson. Betsy knew how to turn a coin three ways before she spent it. It's the reason Frankie has given her charge over Jérôme's finances. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are several other Bonaparte relations (like Henri's secretary, Fritz Baciocchi whose wife was an heiress to a banking fortune herself; or Betsy's stepdaughter, Mathilde) who also contributed, but didn't want to tarnish the family's rep as anti-church (after all, those Bonapartes married in France will be expected to toe the religious line, this would be a good way of "proving" it)
[16] Gregory dismissed Metternich, Ferdinand of Austria, Leopoldo II of Tuscany and the Rothschilds (although OTL they communicated by letter) requests like this OTL when he was in far worse straits (James was not so magnanimous in forgiving the debt, he simply bought up the "tickets" that the other banks held for their loans so the pope now owed him twice). His refusal (ecclesiastical vs secular state) is OTL. However, he hasn't thrown his chestnut as he told Metternich that "Nor does the loss of the Jews' primitive fanatacism render the observance of the canonical sanctions on them any less necessary. Indeed, it makes such observance all the more necessary, because i fthey lose their fanaticm regarding Jewish laws and practices, they certainly do not lose their national hatred for the religion of Jesus Christ and for the Christian name itself. On the contrary, these increase as they abandon themselves to philosophism and iniefferentism". So whether he'll force Soliva to walk back (since I've no doubt that Henri's letter has also been signed by other people the pope owes money/favours to- like Ferdinando of Sicily or the regent of Spain (for the iron and steel for those new railways))

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