AHC: Smallest, most desolate rump state possible

They definitely wouldn't like it, but Uncle Sam will likely want to wash his hands of it all, after the disastrous interventions in Siberia and Northern Russia. Besides, in this scenario, the Aleutians have been Russian for a long time. Soviets or Japanese taking those islands won't be seen as some great strategic blunder, but a return to the status quo (at least in the Soviet's case).
As I've said what's stopping the US from taking over them or the local Russians to cede the islands to the US in exchange from protection from the US?
As I've said what's stopping the US from taking over them or the local Russians to cede the islands to the US in exchange from protection from the US?
They wouldn't want to cause a diplomatic incident by just rolling in and taking land that never belonged to them (this is the edge of the world, yes, but it's not Latin America). On the other hand, if they are really concerned, they might offer to buy them from the Russians.

As for the local Russians, they will be too small to be of any significance. Washington will see no value in pissing off the new Red Giant because some Whites asked nicely.
Tiny in size and population, but it won't last long either. It's right on the border, which both the US and Canada would prefer to keep clean, without some upstarts creating statelets in between (especially with some uprising going on, they'll want to make sure none of it spills over).
I was thinking it would perhaps be part of a larger war between the USA and the UK? Unlikely but it's the best I got, OP.
I was thinking it would perhaps be part of a larger war between the USA and the UK?
Ah, I didn't realize what you meant. My mistake.

If it's some larger war, then I could see it surviving for a while only if both sides agree to avoid it. Bigger fish to fry and all that. It definitely won't last after the war ends though.

Unlikely but it's the best I got, OP.
It's fine, I've never gotten so much engagement to any of my threads yet, so I'm glad to hear everything! :)
If the retreat to Taiwan fails, you could still have a tiny version of the ROC in Kowloon Walled City (1949- 1997)
Maybe for a few years. I don't think they'd stick around for the better part of a century though. Shit's cramped and infested with crime. Opium trade in Burma is one thing, but contending with Triads on their turf? Ehhhhh...
Colombia falls to Communism in the 60s/70s and the government flees to Providencia?, And since Nicaragua isn't in any place to seize the islands I could see them lasting a while
Yep, that'll do it. Again, similar to the Brazilian archipelago.

Is there a way to get a UK government in exile on the principality of Sealand?
No. If Britain fell to some hostile regime, they won't set up shop right next to it.
Argentina actually builds a settlement in Antarctica, said settlement ends up being Free Argentina after they decided that they were powerful enough to take on the British Empire, they weren't.

(There's a lot of POD there)
Maybe for a few years. I don't think they'd stick around for the better part of a century though. Shit's cramped and infested with crime. Opium trade in Burma is one thing, but contending with Triads on their turf? Ehhhhh...

Latest till 1997 would have been better phrased
Argentina actually builds a settlement in Antarctica, said settlement ends up being Free Argentina after they decided that they were powerful enough to take on the British Empire, they weren't.

(There's a lot of POD there)
Possible, though it would be difficult to survive there continuously even in the 80s. Maybe the Brits would help them out, send food and supplies.
Another one is that during WW2 Norway flees to Svalbard, but it's pretty unlikely in my opinion, after all London is right there and Britain is willing to grant them exile
Yep, London is better in every way.
Somewhere out in the Tien Shan mountains of Central Asia, you could have a small enclave of:
1. White Russians post 1918
2. Soviets Post 1993
3. Nationalist Chinese post 1949
4. Germans that were moved there by Stalin to build up the area after 1945
5. Some other group from post 1918 thru present.
How about the apartheid Government in South Africa is violently overthrown and the remnant takes refuge on South Africa's Prince Edward Island chain. Nearest other landmass, Kerguelen.
On that note, any entities like the Knights of Malta in the sense of entities having sovereignty but no territory you see being a thing in an alternate history scenario?
Slightly different idea, and it being pre-1900 would place it outside the bounds of this thread's challenge, but the idea of the British arriving at a deal with the Knights Hospitaller similar to the one between Italy and the Papacy is interesting. Essentially the Hospitallers get to keep the Grandmaster's Palace and be recognised as a territorially sovereign entity within those boundaries, when Malta becomes independent that arrangement continues to be recognised. How you arrange things so that Hospitallers are in a better position to be able to get concessions as opposed to the a British just doing the diplomatic equivalent of "Yeah, no" I'm not sure.
I'm a bit surprised nobody suggested the Dry Tortugas as a possible site for a rump US, regardless how unlikely that might be. The islands are accessible only by water or air, and are uninhabited save for "a handful" of park rangers and maintenance workers that are billeted in/near the Civil War era fort. Plenty of sea birds and turtles and not much else--and vulnerable to hurricanes in the bargain.