This TL deserves a unified Roman based world setting off into Interstellar Space and kicking some Alpha Centaurian ass.
Those Trisolarans don't know what's coming xd
Remember Citzens...

Also with today being June 2, I would love to read about a famous Elysian gladiator who had to retire in the prime of his career due to a rare disease. He delivers the famous quote, ‘Hodie me existimo felicissimum hominem super faciem terrae.’ That man of course is Ludovicus Garigus.
Also with today being June 2, I would love to read about a famous Elysian gladiator who had to retire in the prime of his career due to a rare disease. He delivers the famous quote, ‘Hodie me existimo felicissimum hominem super faciem terrae.’ That man of course is Ludovicus Garigus.
*Looking the June 2 455 how Rome burn for the Sack of the Vandals from Africa* ahmmm
I finish the main part of the Ch. 53. We are going to see the Crimean and American Civil War level in one same war in Poland. And remember. If want help to fill the Elysium-verse can collab doing things in the expanded universe thread, don't be shame.
Chapter 53 Caesar Agrippa Cornelius Barbatus 2612 AUC / 1858 AD - 2626 AUC / 1872 AD

Imperator Augustus Caesar Agrippa Cornelius Barbatus
By the time Tiberius Sertorius Dives passed away peacefully at his Imperial Villa on the Eleutheriae Insula in the year 2612 AUC (1858 AD), Elysium. The Empire was in what was called a PAX ELYSIUM. A period of stability that the Empire experienced, characterized both by its internal calm and its external security, which allowed it to reach its maximum economic development while the administration and legal system pacified the regions that had previously suffered disputes between tribes or enemy ethnic groups. It was a period of relative calm, during which there were no wars of the caliber of those of the 10th century AD, nor major conflicts with foreign powers. The trade was favored by the increasingly secure communication routes, which motivated the imperial economic well-being. This prosperity was reflected in the cities, which were embellished and established as centers of Romanization and culture.

Perhaps one of the most outstanding symbols of this was the statue of Mars Pater that had a height of 40 meters on a pedestal of 8 meters located 700 meters above sea level in view of Polis Sarmatiae (OTL: Rio de Janeiro) The construction of reinforced concrete, of more than 1000 tons, combines engineering, architecture and sculpture; and one of its achievements is the fact that nobody died in an accident during the works, something that was not normal at the time and less so with projects of this dimension. Due to the difficult construction conditions, which included working on a base where the scaffolding almost did not fit, withstanding strong winds and developing the great structure of the statue, the work was described as "Herculean". This was one of the many monumental works that began to plague the Empire and that attracted national tourism to different provinces, which allowed greater use of the transcontinental Imperial Railway network and the Auto-Vías that were traveled by Autocinetum of different types.

But while the Lex Romana that ruled Elysium was almost as sacrosanct as it cursed three times the very idea of the word Rex Romanum (Roman King), a voice familiar to any Elysian cried out for improvements in their society: Women. These only had access to public positions in the religious sphere, being vestal virgin priestesses of the goddess of the home: Vestal. The Vestals had the duty to safeguard the flame of Rome, in this case Elysium Augusta, which was not allowed to extinguish, essential for the continuity and security of the capital city. The Vestals by luck or misfortune were freed from the usual social obligations of marriage and childbearing and forced to take a 30-year vow of chastity to devote themselves to study and the correct observance of state rituals that were forbidden to colleges of male priests. . An act that in some cases was comparable to becoming a Christian nun.

Most of Elysium had an obsession with the purity of the free Elysian woman and her role as faithful wife and dutiful mother in the family. The laws targeted both men and women between the ages of 20 and 55, who were rewarded for having "healthy" relationships and punished if they were unmarried and childless. Therefore, what a woman's body and relationships were was a public matter that could be regulated by even applying punishments to adulterous wives and banished from the city or province. But this same obsession gave rise to Patrician women who served as standard bearers of a feminist movement with simple objectives: Access to political positions, Access to jobs within the army even if they are as servants, access to more specialized medical positions and, for the most part, access to a even greater access that was normally only achieved due to relationship to certain people whether through family or marriage. But it would be a woman close to the new one who would be the greatest ally of this movement.

The new emperor would be Agrippa Cornelius Barbatus. Barbatus, who would have the cognomen of him due to his customary beard, was a patrician born Nova Carthago who rose to prominence as governor of Nova Venetia. Under his rule, Venetia began to profit from the oil of Lake Carthago while starting a fight against corruption, anti-poverty programs along with the welfare of the Plebs. This fame made him manage to enter the Senate and relate to the political class of Augusta Elysium. In his time in the Senate, he also served as ambassador to London, Madrid, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, and Istanbul, although the Elysians still called it Constantinople. Barbatus returned and by the time he ascended the Imperial throne at the age of 41, he was known to most European and some Asian monarchs. This fact only improved relations with the Empire to the point that Barbatus decided to encourage immigration, although at the insistence of certain anti-Christian conservative members, immigration quotas were imposed.

But in Europe, a situation was developing. After reaching its apogee, the Polish Commonwealth entered a phase of decline for which it was dubbed the "sick man of Europe". Due to his religious conservatism and rejection of foreign influences, he had not been able to assimilate the ideas and technology that emerged in Western Europe; their trade, moreover, was weakened by feudalism and industrial stagnation. Corruption was endemic and local authorities enjoyed wide autonomy, which they took advantage of to enrich themselves at the expense of the central government. the European powers in an aspired time of forty-sixty years. With frequent conflicts with the south, that is, the Ottoman Empire, to the east with the Russian Empire and to the north with the Swedish Empire. Of course, there were also internal conflicts such as riots.

But Poland was genuinely afraid of its Russian neighbor. After freeing itself from Tatar overlordship at the end of the 15th century, the Moscow Principality unified the Slavic states of ancient Rus' and became first a Tsardom (in 1547) and then an Empire (in 1721). This political expansion led him to soon collide with the Ottoman Empire and Poland. For this reason, a colonization program was launched in the Ukraine and the eastern Polish territories that led to the foundation of new cities such as Sevastopol, while Poland encouraged the settlement of Christians from Germany (Germans from the Black Sea), Poland and Serbia to develop this hitherto sparsely populated region. The settlers were wary of the 300,000 Crimean Tatars, Muslims who had long maintained an intense slave trade, captured in frequent raids across the Ukrainian steppe, and had some autonomy in the Ukraine region.

The Russians tried to expel the Tatars by various methods: land confiscation, forced labor, and the use of Cossacks to intimidate them. The rapid Russian expansion and its military power, which was evident in the successive Russo-Ottoman Wars, worried the other European powers, the Catholic nations saw Russia as the New Byzantine Empire, while the Protestants saw Russia as a nation of autocracy and absolutism. Perhaps one of the biggest supporters of Poland would be Albion. Poland had become home to numerous English companies that used Polish resources for their benefit, the same companies that had sympathizers within Parliament. But the brutal campaigns of Aleksei Yermolov in the 1810s and 1820s and then Mikhail Vorontsov in the 1840s and 1850s in Siberia and the Caucasus caused the Poles to beg the English and the Papists for help. All those prayers were fulfilled in 1860 when Russia used an attack by Polish Tartars to attack Russian citizens and burn down an Orthodox Church.

Nicholas sent Adjudant-General and Admiral Aleksandr Menshikov to the Polish capital a month after the event. The Russians demanded the signing of a new treaty that would allow them to intervene in Poland to protect Russian Orthodox Christians; in practice, this would have made the Polish provinces inhabited by Russian settlers a Russian protectorate, and thus a vassal of Russia. If it was already unlikely that the Poles would accept the conditions demanded by the Russians, Menshikov's disrespectful behavior eliminated any possibility of agreement, thus perhaps achieving the goal desired by the Tsar. Menshikov would leave the Republic of Poland after sending a telegram from Warsaw to Saint Petersburg. As the number of Russian troops concentrated on the border continued to increase, the Poles, worried, requested help from the Papal States, Austrians and British. Rome answered by sending fifty thousand Papal soldiers, while Austria thirty thousand and England fifteen thousand.

The Imperial Russian Army had a greater deployment and movement capacity per tonnage thanks to its larger rail network which was capable of moving dozens of Divisions from Siberia to the border, in a matter of days when it would take months. Even so, many Russian aristocratic officers continued to use old-fashioned tactics even emphasizing the use of the bayonet en masse to the point that the Russian war cry of "Urrah" was joked with "Fix Bayonets". By the time the declaration of war reached Warsaw, 150,000 Russian soldiers and 40,000 cavalry, a good part of that Cossack, crossed the border, engaging Polish militia while groups of Russian settlers acted as a fifth column harassing Polish loyalists who organized themselves into columns of partisans and regular Polish and allied forces.

The Austrians were the first to arrive and face the Russian bear in full charge, hundreds of Austrian soldiers were swept away like a broom when Cossacks emerged from the plains riding under the Tsar's Standard. The Cossacks were considered the Czar's prey dogs, in the Ukraine the Russian dogs faced the Polish-Ottoman mestizo dogs that were the Tartars in clashes where gunpowder and arrows were mixed to such an extent that warnings were given that in case that a Polish allied unit was close to such a situation, kept its distance and let its colors be seen well. The Austrians in a respectable feat managed to form a line of fortifications along the Dnieper River that managed to stop the Russian advance, but between the currently deployed thirty thousand Austrians and one hundred thousand Poles, more numbers were needed. The Russians could replace their casualties with their larger population, while the Poles fought at home and the Austrians suffered from being overrun by the Ottomans.

That's when help came when on trains through Austria, fifty thousand Polish soldiers arrived under the command of Field Marshal Giuseppe Garibaldi "The Red". The arrival of the Catholic Soldiers of the Papal States was celebrated by the Poles at a level that was unofficially called the Ninth Crusade, while Garibaldi assumed full military command as he began to establish mounted infantry units to serve as military forces. Quick reaction to support positions that are under attack. As a modernist image of the Mongols in the invasion of Hungary, the Tartara cavalry together with the allied infantry far superior in number and quality of weapons compared to the Russians, created static defenses and fought battles that in the end were successive waves of bayonet charges and with cavalry lances that served as feasts for wolves and scavengers. But in early 1862, British reinforcements would arrive just as the Russians had been occupying the Crimea for three months.

The Royal Marines managed to secure the peninsula after a night battle that culminated in the destruction of the Russian fleet anchored there and the landing of fifteen thousand British soldiers under the command of General William Thomas Sherman (OTL: William Tecumseh Sherman), born in the colonies. The Russians soon began trying to invade Crimea to recapture it and Sherman ended up earning the newspaper nickname of The English Crusader of Crimea. landed under the command of Hiram Ulysses Grant, fifty thousand soldiers and several dozen pieces of modern artillery. One of the greatest disasters due to the British ignorance of the rules of Tartar-Cossack engagements, would occur in Balaclava, a short distance from Sevastopol, when there was a disastrous British cavalry charge, led by Lord Cardigan in the course of the battle. of the town, when due to a mix-up in the communication of orders, the brigade attacked the wrong enemy position and lost almost half of its troops (between dead, wounded and prisoners) at the hands of the Russians.

As a consequence of this action, as brave as it was inappropriate, the Light Brigade, made up of five regiments of Light Dragoons, Lancers and Hussars, was almost totally destroyed. At the same time the Russians managed to severely weaken the British forcing them to adopt a defensive position on the peninsula the rest of the war.

Although the war involved a massive use of kilometers of trenches and fortification along with chemical weapons. The situation was a test of the logistical capacity of both sides. In the allies: the Papals and Austrians got through it with difficulty, while the British suspended it completely; the Papal and Austrian soldiers had been given warmer clothing before leaving for the campaign than was available to the British; their tents and shelters were better insulated and better designed. In addition, they had canteens that allowed them to be well fed despite having lower rations than the British who, however, had to prepare their own meals. In addition to the fact that British logistics were poor and allowed supplies and material to accumulate in the port and food to rot at times, the British soldiers were mostly urban and poor and lacked the knowledge and skills of the others, mainly peasants. , to transform almost any object into food.

British problems were not limited to logistics. While the soldiers lived in the mud and cold, the officers enjoyed considerable comfort: Lord Cardigan slept on his private yacht, and some of his colleagues were able to spend the winter in Constantinople. This contrasted sharply with the situation of the Papals, whose officers generally shared the living conditions of the troops to the point that having spent the night outside without authorization could constitute a quasi-crime of desertion. All this accentuated the Catholic disdain for their British allies, who were unable to adapt to the combat conditions imposed by the terrain and climate. The harsh conditions in which the soldiers lived soon caused thousands of casualties among the allies, due to hunger, cold and disease. Which worsened during the so-called death trains full of wounded transported in cattle cars to more peaceful territories.

The situation of the Russians was at first better than that of the allies, since they enjoyed more direct and reliable supply lines. Even so, on his arrival the military surgeon Nikolai Pirogov was astonished by the incompetence of the doctors who operated without concern for hygiene and by the habitual abandonment of the wounded. As a result, he immediately implemented a classification system for patients, increased the use of anesthesia, enforced hygiene standards, and invented new amputation methods that were faster and less dangerous for the patient. These improvements increased the number of patients who recovered; for those who suffered amputation of the leg at the level of the thigh, the percentage of survivors rose to 25%, almost three times higher than that of the enemy, who used much less anesthesia in operations. Such achievements served for the future of medicine.
But in 1864, a phrase would travel Europe. "The Vikings are back."​

Russia traded with Scandinavia, its entry into the war using as points, a Russian help in the Scandinavian economy who, despite having a greater industrialization than Russia, lacked the volume of people while a good degree of food production. Scandinavia at the same time, faced with England the so-called dominium maris septentrionalis (Northern Seas dominion), an issue that pitted the British Royal Navy against the Scandinavian Kungliga flottan from the coast of Greenland in the west to the Jutland peninsula in the southeast. and the North Cape of Norway in the northeast. thus including the respective parts of the North Sea, the Atlantic and the Arctic. This did nothing but strike terror into the hearts of the English as the so-called Nordics had been significantly modernizing and expanding their navy by building armored steamships, producing numerous technologies new to Europe such as naval artillery designed to fire explosive shells including the first submarine of the world propelled by mechanical energy.

The entrance to the war of the Scandinavians, occurred when one hundred thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand cavalry together with twenty thousand Hakkapeliitta (well-trained Finnish light cavalrymen who excelled in skirmishing, raiding and reconnaissance) went through what a hot knife in butter, the northern border posts of Poland while the Scandinavian Kungliga flottan led by the Carolus Rex, the flagship steam battleship, attacked the English ports at Den Helder, Amsterdam, Vlissingen and Texel in the English Netherlands and an attack on Royal Naval Dockyard Rosyth in Scotland , while there were clashes between the fleets. Due to the more direct threat to England from the Scandinavian Navy, budgets and supplies were directed to the Royal Navy rather than the British Army, which contributed more to what would later happen in the Crimea.

The Swedish forces, organized in three groups of armies, the first led by Gustaf Adolf II Montgomery, the second by Charles Bergenstråhle and the third by Prince Charles, fourth in the line of succession from Scandinavia. The Invasion was intended to serve as a flanking attack to weaken Polish positions along the Dnieper Line, which was achieved when within two and a half weeks, Poznan and Warsaw were under siege by Scandinavians or already had their troops parading through their streets. streets while Wilno surrendered to the first artillery fire that destroyed the tallest Catholic churches. Although the Norsemen did not have many troops, they were among the five most industrialized nations in Europe and brought with them two hundred high-quality rifled breech-loading artillery pieces. With a high rate of fire, triple the range of Polish smoothbore guns and much greater accuracy they proved devastating for Polish fortifications.

The so-called Vikings achieved almost total surprise and to the point that when the news came through, the pro-Polish officials were stunned. The Hakkapeliitta proved to be comparable to the Mongols when they burned Catholic churches with Polish inhabitants inside after looting them and raping women deemed attractive by their standards. While the Carolean infantry, they fired with even greater precision than a hundred years ago, although they continued to bayonet charges to the cry of Hurrah, which inflicted some fear on the defending Polish and allied troops.

By the time Scandinavia entered the conflict, Russia had almost nine hundred thousand soldiers deployed on a front that stretched from the Black Sea to the Scandinavian Baltic territories that encompassed Prussia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Pomerania. While the Papal States had increased the troops to two hundred-seventy thousand troops, Austria one hundred-ten thousand soldiers and the British fifty thousand. At the same time that Poland mobilized part of its population of three million. Which concluded with one million ten thousand Russian and Scandinavian soldiers fighting against an average of five hundred thousand Poles and four hundred and thirty thousand allies. The combined war capacity of Scandinavia and Russia was not only superior, but overwhelming. The Polish defense soon collapsed. Most of the conscript soldiers surrendered, pale and trembling, after hours of Nordic artillery bombardment and the subsequent charge led by Russians followed by Scandinavians who acted with impressive aggressiveness and fanaticism.

The following weeks showed that the Russo-Nordic armies were actually advancing at a fast pace with each seeming to outnumber the other in numbers of enemies defeated, villages occupied and cities conquered. The small Polish army did not have the slightest chance of being victorious and the limited British support led to another bitter dispute between the British and the Poles, who were at odds over the decision of the British High Command to focus more importance on their territories in the continent than in helping Poland to the point that many Polish officers took it as yet another act of treason on the part of England. The Russians and Scandinavians advanced under the cry of "fire, sword and noble fury". Still, Giuseppe Garibaldi managed to mount a series of effective counterattacks that resulted in heavy casualties for the Russians who blindly advanced into combat.

Either way, the Allies and Poland could never imagine the extent of the horrors that lay ahead. The most widespread fate of every woman and girl, regardless of her age, was to be a victim of gang rape. Russian soldiers do not believe in "individual briefing" when it comes to Polish women. Nine, ten or eleven men could collectively rape a woman who could be as old as someone's daughter and even look like a grandmother. Even many Polish women preferred to offer themselves, in a desperate attempt to get protection to the Scandinavian troops who after the war, due to stigma or ostracism, ended up marching with the regiment where their "protector-rapist" was. The initial advances of the Russian armies were so fast that the Polish authorities even sent several trains of refugees unaware that the destination had been captured by some Cossack army. For the Cossacks, this type of transport was an ideal combination of women and loot that went directly into their hands.

The Russian and Scandinavian armies advanced in endless broad columns in which the modern mixed with the medieval. In them could be seen Swedish soldiers in blue uniforms accompanied by Panzers (Swedish-german Testuda Invictas) making the earth shake as they fell and rose with the terrain; Cossacks on their shaggy mounts with their loot strapped to the saddle, steam tractors pulling large howitzers. These marching armies sometimes had conflicts due to treatment with women. One of the most influential factors was drinking (of all kinds, including dangerous chemicals seized from laboratories and workshops). In fact, compulsive ingestion seriously diminished the fighting capacity of the Russian Army. The situation reached such extremes that the STAVKA had to inform St. Petersburg of "mass intoxications due to alcohol seized in the occupied Polish territory".

The occupation of Poland except Crimea by Scandinavia and Russia was already complete by 1865, so the Austrian Empire decided to start peace negotiations to end the conflict. The Vienna Treaty of 1865 ended the Polish War, in which Russia and Sweden fought against the Austrian Empire, England, Poland and the Papal states. The treaty meant the division of Poland between Scandinavia, Russia and the Austrian Empire although the Crimea region was ceded to England in exchange for peace and the end of hostilities with Russia and Scandinavia.

Crimea would become a key base for the Royal Navy, being described as one of the imperial fortresses while its strategic value increased with the opening of the Suez Canal, since it was close to the maritime route between the United Kingdom and the colonial possessions. in east africa. Large investments were made to improve the fortifications and the port. In the year 1870, in the Khedivate of Egypt, which emerged after the defeat and expulsion of the Ottoman forces from Libya, a conflict would break out between the natives and British merchants, which would end with the landing of a British expeditionary force that would end up taking control of the country under the quality of a protectorate although unofficially it would be a British colony. In the same time, the Suez Canal gonna start building.

In Elysium, Barbatus would begin his government with greater financing in the civil sectors while his Airliners and Ocean liners plan allowed private companies such as the Elysium Dirigible Iter Corporatium (EDIC) or the Societas Generalis Transoceanus (SGT) to start a business greater with Europe, Africa and Asia and greater immigration. But one of his greatest actions was in women who asked for better conditions, obtaining equal rights while promoting the idea that they could be mothers and be employees. These feminist reforms theoretically made women more equal to men. Although these reforms had more effect in the cities rather than in rural areas. The reforms had the effect of giving the possibility of work to innumerable women who ran a high risk of becoming impoverished by being widowed and lacking children who could support them. Women in cities could work from textile or sewing factories to as waitresses and cooks in restaurants.

But it was Barbatus's mother, Cornelia, who would cause the first female doctors and even military women to emerge, using as an example women in Japan such as the fierce Japanese Onna-bugeisha (Samurai woman). Women began to work mainly in administrative (secretary), medical and auxiliary functions. Although it was decided not to allow their access to combat units online due to the rigors of combat and that the vision of the political class was contrary to see their wives and daughters fighting even defending the Empire. It would be years before that was liberalized, although the first female aeronautical pilots would begin to emerge at the time that the first women with their own Tria nominate, such as Claudia Julia Major, although the most famous would be the Emperor's daughter: Victoria Cornelia Augusta , who would be an actress who could be considered a superstar in the film industry. Even so, that did not prevent sexual abuse perpetrated by officers on women from emerging.

Barbatus on the other hand, stood out for the creation of grandiose constructions in their territories. Perhaps the largest was the Great Amazon Dam, which stood out for providing electricity to the entire eastern coast of the South Cassiopeia territories. The dam was a true feat of engineering, made of concrete and steel, measured over two and a half kilometers along more than two hundred meters in height. The project used 30 million m3 of concrete, 500,000 tons of steel and almost two hundred million cubic meters of earth. Other than that a unique method of moving ships was used: the ships would enter locks located at the lower or upper ends of the dam and then cranes would move the ships from one lock to the next. A series of "elevator locks" would be created that would allow the level of the water to be uneven or filled, allowing boats to move through the dam.

To aid construction, millions of hectares of jungle were felled to provide space for machinery and housing, in what was considered the largest deforestation in human history at the time. Thanks to these efforts, electrification accelerated, and rural neighborhoods were transformed into new industrial centers powered by TWhs of electricity that came out of the Great Dam feeding the many factories and urban centers. But the positive sides ended here. The project was a huge bloodbath in terms of animals and slaves: Thousands of slave workers lost their lives due to the multitude of diseases in the Amazon, some completely unknown to medical science. At the same time thousands of Amazon river dolphins and giant otters, alligators, anacondas and more were hunted or in some cases eaten due to the need for food. While dozens of as-yet-unknown tribes faced the unpleasant process of engaging the Elysians armed with Polybolum and bolt-action rifles.

I wonder what Karl Marx is doing!
Has he created Communism?
Also Jefferson, Jackson, Polk and Lincoln's Status
Also what happened to Bismarck
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