Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Birsha is not Markus Wolf if that is what you are asking.
Lol, is this where you reveal its actually Konrad Wolf instead?

If not, If Konrad Wolf still has his exposure to Soviet films, given how things went, if he's exposed to more equally diverse styles, say Japanese cinema, Hollywood and Pinewood, could we see a Proto Quentin Tarantino emerge?
I could see Zella being sent to review his film and interview him if so.
I have never loathed or despised an OTL character in this timeline as much as FJS and that is saying a lot considering…
The reason came to me from Everybody Goes to Rick’s when Greymarketer Uggarte ask Rick if the reason that Rick despises him is because he is crook and Rick replies no that it is because Uggarte is a cheap crook and that is what FJS is in this timeline, a cheep crook.
Part 136, Chapter 2343
Chapter Two Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Three

6th December 1974

Plänterwald, Berlin

As Sophie watched, the sentries on the edge of the grounds of the Winter Residence did a onceover on her Bianchi bicycle. She knew better than to say anything flip about what they might be searching for. They took this all very seriously and lacked a sense of humor.

“Thank you, Fraulein” The Sentry said as he handed Sophie’s identification back. “You are expected.”

Nella and Nan had big plans for this weekend, and they wanted Sophie there to help out. They were going to the Alexander Marketplace, one of Sophie’s favorite places especially during the Christmas Season and they had invited her to spend the weekend.

“Thank you” Sophie replied awkwardly before she peddled her bicycle away from the guard post. She still expected Unteroffizer Auer to be here when she went to visit Antonia and Annette; Nella, and Nan to their close friends, though she knew that he had left months ago.

Sprocket resumed his place at the front of the basket on the front of her bicycle that he rode in. He had retreated under the blanket when the bike was stationary, not even bothering to growl at the sentries. To them, he was hardly considered a dog, which proved that they didn’t know as much as they thought they did. He had his nose in the wind, probably enjoying the rich tapestry of smells of the trees and fields.

It was a relatively warm day for December, though the sun was out, there were patches of snow in shady spots. She had promised Katherine and Douglas that she would mind the weather reports before going out. After what had happened a couple years earlier it was a continuing concern, that Sophie wouldn’t let stupid little things like the weather get in the way of her plans.

As Sophie picked up speed, she reached down and shifted to a higher gear. She had rebuilt the Bianchi over the last few months with much improved drivetrain and tires. The new “Super Record” gearset was made by Campagnolo that was as good as the Shimano gearset on her red “No Name” bicycle and the latest Continental Grand Prix tires. She had saved up for the gearset, but the tires had been a bit of a surprise when she got them for free. It seemed that Continental had learned about her racing over spring and summer. They were trying to entice Sophie into agreeing to use their tires exclusively in the future and had given her a couple sets of tires for both her bicycles. Douglas said that it was because the giant tire company recognized her potential and soon enough, others would as well.

Slowing to a stop, Sophie looked at the large house that was the home of the Emperor and his family during the winter months. His younger sister lived in a guest cottage elsewhere on the grounds when she was in Berlin. Nella and Nan remained here, though as they had gotten older. Their parents, the Emperor Emeritus and his wife were often elsewhere with Louis Ferdinand having been appointed to be a Special Ambassador. Whatever that meant. Unclipping Sprocket from his basket, he jumped to the ground and started sniffing around the bushes that grew around the side of the house as Sophie undid the straps that held the panier bags to rack on the back of her bicycle. Sophie knew that she could leave her bicycle under the overhang next to the side entrance without bothering to lock it. It was probably the most secure spot to leave it anywhere. Unless there was a State function, no one entered through the front doors.

Opening the door, Sophie saw that other than another Soldier who was too disciplined to look bored, no one else was there to greet her. That meant that the Emperor and Empress were out today. If they were around, the security would have been far more robust. “They are waiting for you in the Solarium” The Soldier said when he saw Sophie. The Sentries out on the perimeter would have phoned as soon as Sophie had gotten through them. It was just a glimpse of the many layers of security that Nella and Nan lived inside, and it made Sophie glad that she lived a relatively normal life.

Sophie knew the way to the solarium, a room copied from the Old Winter Residence that had always been popular with the various Empresses and Ladies of the Imperial Court. Sprocket ran a bit ahead of her. He spent enough time with Nella and Nan to track them easily, or he might just as easily be headed towards the kitchens in the hope that someone had dropped something edible.

Sophie was amused that thought.

Eventually, Sprocket led her into a room that was full of bright sunlight. There was the fragrance of soil and that flowering plants that grew year-round. It might have seemed like an extravagance, but Sophie knew that the double paned glass made the room extremely efficient to heat. Sophie saw Nella and Nan. When she had first met them they had looked close enough in appearance that people thought they really were sisters. That had changed as they had grown older with Nella’s hair turning from blond to brown, she was also half a head taller than Nan.

“You made it Sophie” Nella said before giving her a suffocating hug. “Where’s Franziska?”

“Her mother is planning this whole formal celebration of the holidays” Sophie replied, “Ziska is going to be fitted for a dress tomorrow along with her sister.”

Nella made a face. She had been through that process countless times and didn’t like it because it always seemed to result in uncomfortable clothes. Sophie glanced at Nan who had scooped up Sprocket and was scratching behind his ears. That little traitor, Sophie thought to herself.
Love how this slice of life update shows that Nella still loves the Alexander Platz Christmas Market tradition and is continuing it on her own with Nan and Sophie.
There should be plenty of attractions and events that appeal to her teenage self.
For Kiki, her first Christmas at her new home in Bavaria is going to have to make some appearances to the various Christmas Markets and Festivals in the different small towns and villages around the observatory as a goodwill gesture.
Part 136, Chapter 2344
Chapter Two Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Four

20th December 1974

Montreal, Canada

The house was quiet, mostly because Marie’s grandparents were watching television in the parlor downstairs after everyone else had gone home for the evening while she was in her bedroom. The University Term had ended, Marie Alexandra didn’t have studying to worry about. She had considered reading just for the pleasure of it, but none of the handful of books she had on hand had interested her. Instead, she was just laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

It was pretty clear by now that Marie wasn’t going to make it home for Christmas this year. She had been kept so busy over the previous months that she had hardly paid much attention to the date until December was suddenly upon her and it was too late to make plans. After the incident with the CIA Agents, the feeling that she was constantly being watched had abated somewhat. If Marie had to guess, it was fear of embarrassment that was causing the various agencies to back off with the surveillance. While she had demonstrated in a manner that no one could argue with that she could spot them, it wasn’t like if they were invisible. Kage, who had come to Montreal to check on Marie at her mother’s request, had gone back to Berlin. Henriette had gotten accepted into the Preuniversity Program at Dawson College with Marie’s help. In a couple years she would be able to transfer to McGill. It was all a reminder of just how the events of the last year had so thoroughly messed up Henriette’s life.

As much as Marie hated the thought, her mother had warned her that there were aspects of her own life that were frequently unpredictable and often beyond her control. It was on her to carefully control the things could. She was starting to see exactly what her mother had been talking about. That really was annoying because like nearly everyone else, Marie thought that her mother could be a bit too intense about certain things.

Feeling restless, Marie padded on bare feet out of her room and down the stairs. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the back of the door. Her hair was a bit mussed, and she was wearing a red McGill University sweatshirt that was still too new to be considered tattered and an old pair of blue jeans that were the very definition of that. If only those who thought that she was glamourous could see her now, she thought to herself as she descended the stairs.

On the table by the door were a number of Christmas cards that had been delivered to the house over the last couple weeks addressed to the Blackwood family as well as to them individually. That had turned into a flashpoint as Marie had received a number of cards and letters that left her grandmother flabbergasted. First there was the letter from Marie’s cousin Niko who was in Argentina that included a picture of him with his horse. That was fine until Margot had spotted Niko’s signature, Nikolaus von Richthofen. Yes, Marie’s Aunt Ilse was married to Albrecht von Richthofen, the heir of the Red Barron himself, and Niko was their son. Then the card and letter arrived from London where Marie and her mother were regarded as personal friends of Elizabeth… Things had gone swiftly downhill from there. As they arrived from some extremely notable people throughout the world that were addressed to Marie Alexandra that used her proper Title, Prinzessin, which was technically true. Finally, it had been the ornate card along with several letters from Freddy and Suga along with their children that had made Marie wonder if Margot’s head was going to actually explode.

Marie could see the lights on in the parlor as she stepped into the kitchen. A slice of bread with a bit of jam and a glass of water was all she wanted. Fortunately, those were in abundance. Sitting at the kitchen table, Marie had the intrusive thoughts about what she would be doing over the coming days until the next University Term started and what she would do once it started. For some reason everyone expected her to join the University Theatrical Society. Which was sort of odd, because when had she ever shown any inclination towards acting? Marie had decided to come to Montreal so that she would have the space to figure out her own identity. Having people making assumptions like that were not what she needed.

Her grandparents had the habit of eating a large meal at the end of the day. It was a meal that Marie had been begging off mostly after she found that the heavy foods they liked did not sit well with her when she had to be up early the next morning. Finishing her bread, Marie walked into the parlor as her grandparents were watching the nightly news. She saw a soldier holding a rifle while cautiously peering around a corner while another spoke into a radio a pace behind as the narration mentioned something about Commonwealth Forces under the League of Nations Mandate battling insurgents in Kampala. Wherever that was.

Marie sat down in the empty recliner. Sir Malcolm smiled when he saw her before shifting his attention back to the television where it had shifted to a story about Canadian politics. Margot was pointedly ignoring her. It seemed that having a granddaughter who got a Christmas card from the Queen of England had upset her equilibrium.
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For some reason everyone expected her to join the University Theatrical Society. Which was sort of odd, because when had she ever shown any inclination towards acting?
I love when characters show a complete lack of self awareness. Acting, to a very high standard, runs in the family.
Both her Mother and Sister are probably some of the finest actresses to have never trodden the boards, and are so dedicated to the craft, it's as if their lives depended on it.

Probably because their lives DID depend on it.

It would be fun to see one of the Mischner-Blackwoods actually get the public recognition for this ability.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Marie had the intrusive thoughts about what she would be doing over the coming days until the next University Term started and what she would do once it started. For some reason everyone expected her to join the University Theatrical Society. Which was sort of odd, because when had she ever shown any inclination towards acting? Marie had decided to come to Montreal so that she would have the space to figure out her own identity. Having people making assumptions like that were not what she needed.
Marie is still in the process of learning to be herself and there is plenty of time to do what she really wants to do.
As an example, Marie hasn't made any friends in Montreal except for Henriette and most certainly that is going to change.
What is most important is that Marie without doing anything has demonstrated to Margot that between the two of them, which one has the higher social status.
It would be great if the Christmas cards that Marie received were displayed alongside the Blackwoods.
"That is a card from the Red Baron himself".
"Yes, it is, I call him Opa, and he showed me the Roe Deer that were the inspiration for Bambi, that lives on his estate.
Meanwhile Margot is in the background silently fuming, unable to do anything about it.
Wouldn't Margot have thought / said Queen of Canada, being Canadian, and seeing as Elizabeth is Queen of Canada amongst her other realms. Also there hasn't been a Queen of England for over 300 years, it's Queen of the United Kingdom.
As they arrived from some extremely notable people throughout the world that were addressed to Marie Alexandra that used her proper Title, Prinzessin, which was technically true. Finally, it had been the ornate card along with several letters from Freddy and Suga along with their children that had made Marie wonder if Margot’s head was going to actually explode.
Margot: "Does Prinzessin mean what I think it means?"
Malcolm: "If you think it means that our son is married to a German Princess and that, as a result, our granddaughter is also a princess, then yes. It does mean that."
Margot <clenches jaw, flushes red in the face, and little wisps of steam start to leak from her ears>
Marie sat down in the empty recliner. Sir Malcolm smiled when he saw her before shifting his attention back to the television where it had shifted to a story about Canadian politics. Margot was pointedly ignoring her. It seemed that having a granddaughter who got a Christmas card from the Queen of England had upset her equilibrium.
When you persist in thinking of yourself as a big fish in an important pond, and your granddaughter accidentally reminds you that you're only minnow compared to her and her mother.
Finishing her bread, Marie walked into the parlor as her grandparents were watching the nightly news. She saw a soldier holding a rifle while cautiously peering around a corner while another spoke into a radio a pace behind as the narration mentioned something about Commonwealth Forces under the League of Nations Mandate battling insurgents in Kampala. Wherever that was.
Looks like Idi Amin may have raised his psychopathic head down in Uganda.
Looks like Idi Amin may have raised his psychopathic head down in Uganda.
Hopefully he won't get a chance to do the damage he did OTL. Of course, you never know, this time he might not have been promoted beyond earned merit this time and he could be introduced as an Ugandan Reier.
He was, based on accounts I have read, a very good NCO that was promoted far beyond his ability. Hopefully this is another mistake of history we'll see corrected.
He was, based on accounts I have read, a very good NCO that was promoted far beyond his ability. Hopefully this is another mistake of history we'll see corrected.
A lot of his later promotions were literal self-promotions, up to and including declaring himself the President of Uganda, the Conqueror of the British Empire, and the King of Scotland. He really got into the swing of being a despotic dictator.
I wonder what would happen if the Queen makes a state visit to Canada and invites Marie to sit above the salt so to speak, while Margot has to set lower.
I wonder what would happen if the Queen makes a state visit to Canada and invites Marie to sit above the salt so to speak, while Margot has to set lower.
As Queen of Canada, Queen Elizabeth would not make a State Visit to Canada. She would receive State Visits from other heads of State. Queen Elizabeth has made two State Visits to the USA as Queen of Canada, rather than Queen of the UK which is normally how she goes on a State Visit. The same applies to all the other Commonwealth Realms of which Queen Elizabeth is Head of State.
I can totally see Margot trying to twist this to her advantage though by using those cards to brag to her friends that "SHE" got cards from the various important people and neglect to mention that they were for her granddaughter. It'd be interesting to see what Marie says when she finds out.
With Marie, the author has created a character that has endless possibilities of being both surprising and logical at the same time.
Marie has probably has found out by now that she doesn't have to do anything to Margot to take her down socially, all she has to do is to let events happen on their own and that will show how far down the food chain Margot is in the social world of Montreal.
Many nations are going to have their consulates in Montreal and with the IOTL 1976 Olympics being held there, there is going to be a very noticeable up tick in Important Visitors, and events and receptions are going to be held for them, and it is very natural that Marie with her high social status is going to be invited before Margot is, Margot is definitely going to be on the "C" list of invites and only invited if there is room for her compared to Marie who is on the "A" list all the way.
Margot is definitely going to be on the "C" list of invites and only invited if there is room for her
C list is a little optimistic isn't it? She is the wife of a man who, while highly respected by those in the know, lived in the shadows, and yes, he has a knighthood, but there's not even any reflected glory for her to bathe in.
She is a bully and isn't even locally "famous" enough to warrant an invitation of any sort.
Even E list would be a good day from what I can see. 🤣