Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Another great chapter but then no surprise there after so many of them. I'm thinking it might be time for Kat to step in and have a one on one conversation with Kiki. If ANYONE has an idea of what all is going on in Kiki's head and can relate to it enough to have a discussion about it, it's Kat.
Agreed entirely.
Also, I would think that this far in, the fighter bombers would be hitting the supply routes through the mountains to the Chilean ground forces and aiming at those more than grinding their way through Santiago's infrastructure.
Odds are they're probably doing that as well.
Arrangements were being made for her to talk to Benjamin. For the life of her, Kiki had absolutely no clue as to how she could even begin to explain any of this to him.
Kiki: "Hi Ben ... Yes, I'm safe ... Yes, I'm perfectly healthy ... No, I'm not too upset you're in Argentina, I was kinda expecting it after, well, you know ... Ben, I'm 8 months pregnant ... Ben? ... Ben? Are you there? ... Hello??"
Wim: "I'm sorry Your Highness, but he's just sitting there with this stupid smile on his face... "
It had come as a great relief to Ben, knowing that Kiki was safe. She hadn’t needed to be rescued, having saved herself which was perfectly in keeping with who she was. He had gotten a call from Theater Headquarters telling him this and advising him to stop taking so many stupid chances and the suggestion had been made that he be pulled off the line. That was all well and good, except it would have been nice if they had told him before he’d had that little navigation error over Santiago a couple nights earlier. As Ben had said when he had been debriefed, it was a mistake that anyone could have made…

Ben had also been told that he would be getting a chance to finally talk to Kiki as soon as it could be arranged. He figured that she would probably be rather sore that he had gone to Argentina despite her asking him not to.
Ben: "Hi Kiki ... Are you OK? ... You're sure the docs said you're OK? ... Are you angry that I came to Argentina? ... I was so scared they'd hurt you or worse, and then you were missing ... ... ... "
Wim: "I'm sorry Your Highness, but he's just sitting there with this stupid smile on his face... "
While the progression of the ground war had gone largely to plan, it was the air war that was growing increasingly worrisome. The growing dominance of Argentine industry, which was the real reason for this war when it came right down to it, was making itself most felt there. The concern was that eventually it would start making itself felt on the ground as well before a peace could be forced across the negotiating table.
How many times have we heard this particularly stupid line of reasoning? The Germans went through this so-called line of thought at least twice IOTL. And in within a 30 year period. Both times in regards to an industrialising Russia. "Attack them now before they become too strong to attack"
Salvador Allende was touring what was left of La Moneda Palace after what his experts were saying were five-hundred-kilogram bombs had left the building gutted. First by the explosion and then by the subsequent fire. It was an ingenious little system that the Argentine Air Force and their German friends had cooked up. Pampero and Orkan fighter-bombers flew low through the Andes at high-speed hitting Santiago. If planes from Chile’s Air Force attacked them, they got bounced by Mirage fighters and if they mixed it up with the Mirage fighters first, the fighter-bombers got through entirely unmolested.

As far as Allende could tell, the attacks on Santiago did little to further the war effort for the Argentine side, but as a purely symbolic action it was priceless. As such, it had him on the phone nearly every day with the Government of the United States asking for additional help for the city’s air defenses.
Digging the debt hole that little bit deeper.
It won't be the Imperial Guard looking after Kiki, it will be some of Kat's people. The sisterhood and its local Russian auxiliary will be the ones taking care of her. Nora Berg will also be one of the people. Imagine her and Kat butting heads.
It won't be the Imperial Guard looking after Kiki, it will be some of Kat's people. The sisterhood and its local Russian auxiliary will be the ones taking care of her. Nora Berg will also be one of the people. Imagine her and Kat butting heads.
Kat will take no chances, recalling, as you might, how no-one else at Court but her had first aid training sufficient to deliver a baby when one of Kira’s turned up early before the Royal Doctor could get there.
Kat will take no chances, recalling, as you might, how no-one else at Court but her had first aid training sufficient to deliver a baby when one of Kira’s turned up early before the Royal Doctor could get there.
And she's had further practical experience since then...
Dr. Berg sees Kiki as the daughter that she never had and the baby will become the granddaughter that she never thought would happen for her.
Kat after the run ins she had with Dr. Berg will take great delight in seeing Kiki deal with a Dr. Berg that is in full "Mama Bear" mode and as it has been stated by other characters in this timeline the only thing worse then Kat in a bad mood is Kat in a good mood.
The main problem for Kiki and Ben is going to be the choosing of names as it has political implications in that, one of the names Kiki has is the Russian language version of Kat's name and there could be pressure from some family members who don't know the full story about Kiki and her mother to name the child Kids and of course the press will make a big deal if Charlotte is not honored.
Part 122, Chapter 2044
Chapter Two Thousand Forty-Four

12th February 1971

Plänterwald, Berlin

Looking at her friends, Kiki realized that Zella looked entirely too smug. For years she had said that Kiki was destined to end up like this and that she needed to have a life before it was too late.

The fact that this had snuck up on her must be icing on the cake for Zella, Kiki thought to herself sourly.

There was also the detail that there were conditions on her returning home. Kiki was basically under house arrest until… She didn’t even want to think about that. But she was stuck here with Nora Berg watching her every move like a hawk and a large contingent of the First Foot patrolling the grounds who were not inclined to be kindly disposed towards her at the moment. All of this was at the request of Freddy and Suga. Not only was this not how she wanted to live her life, but her cottage was supposed to be a refuge for her, not a comfortable prison cell. She had tried to call up Freddy to convince him to do something about what had become intolerable, but he wasn’t taking her calls. Freddy’s Personal Secretary had told Kiki that if she left a message then he would get back to her, eventually.

For Kiki, it felt as if she had smashed into a wall comprised of everything she had worked against her entire life. How many times had she been warned that few people were impressed by her antics? That she was working herself to death to impress people who would always see her as a selfish, immature princess no matter what she did. She had managed to give her detractors a vast amount of ammunition this time because people had died and had escalated a war. Everywhere Kiki looked there were people who simply did not believe that she had been unaware of her condition, she couldn’t help but noticing the accusing looks everywhere she looked.

“Why do you look so sad?” Aurora asked.

Kiki didn’t respond, Aurora had said that things were going well for her. Earlier that night, Aurora had spoken at length about how things were going. She had met a guy at the annual vacation to the Prora in Benz on Rügen Island and apparently it was serious this time. She said it was odd to be dating someone her grandparents would have approved of, but there she was. Zella’s only thought had been to ask when they would get to meet this mystery man and Aurora had said that she would invite Moishe around if Zella promised to play nice. To this Zella blew a raspberry back at Aurora. There was no way that Zella would make such a promise, especially if one of her best friends was involved. Aurora had no idea how much Kiki envied her. As a Jewish girl whose parents were among Berlin’s Artistic Community, Aurora had grown up with basically no expectations towards what she would become and had been completely out of the public eye. She had no idea of how lucky she was.

Rosario, Argentina

The Government was actually pleased that he had deposited Kiki at the German Embassy in La Paz and then found his way back to Buenos Aires. They saw it as resolving a set of thorny problems for them. They had liked the result of her vanishing in the face of the Chilean advance in that it had brought a greater commitment towards the survival of the Argentinian Republic by the old powers of Europe, particularly Germany and France. They clearly had not wanted anything bad to happen to the Princess though, so Che getting her to safety solved that problem. In his opinion that sold Kiki short. She had played an active role in getting herself out and had walked for several days without complaint from Estancia María to Coyhaique. There had also been the bus ride from there to Santiago. Che couldn’t recall the name of the American movie, but there was a gag about something unlikely happening that revolved around it being the same as a socialite being seen on the New York Subway. Well, the Princess Royal of Germany had ridden on a crowded bus for several days while surrounded by some of the poorest people in Chile who were trying to escape what they thought might soon become a warzone.

As a reward, Che had been granted a month’s leave from the Navy. Coming back to Rosario wasn’t exactly a reward though. His wife was never thrilled at first when he came back, filling his ears with complaints about everything that had happened in his absence. This time, there was the well-publicized months long trip with a younger woman involved. At least his children were happy to see him, and they had been amazed that he was driving a new car. Thought Celia, his oldest daughter had asked him where the rest of it was or if it had shrunk in the wash? He had not wanted to hear that. The little Honda had provided tireless service crossing deserts and mountain ranges without a hiccup.

In the days since he had come home, Che had seen what the tabloids in the market had to say about Kiki and they were full of speculation about what had happened. From what he could see, they were trying their hardest to find fault in her conduct. In his opinion that was a farce, and someone needed to set the record straight. When he got home, he got out his typewriter and started putting down on paper everything that had happened to the best of his memory.
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In the days since he had come home, Che had seen what the tabloids in the market had to say about Kiki and they were full of speculation about what had happened. From what he could see, they were trying their hardest to find fault in her conduct. In his opinion that was a farce, and someone needed to set the record straight. When he got home, he got out his typewriter and started putting down on paper everything that had happened to the best of his memory.
I smell a best seller in the making.
I can just see the tabloids and 'Royal Watch' media types reacting to future pregnancies of Kiki.

Photographer: "Here are the latest pics of the Princess Royal."
Editor (glancing at photos): "Pull the other one. These are from months ago. She's 7 months pregnant with her third child, her belly must be out here by now."
Photographer: "This is Princess Kristina. None of her pregnancies have shown. Hell, even she didn't know she was pregnant with her first until she was 8 months along."
Editor: "That old story? No-one believes that."
Photographer (opening a filing cabinet): "These are the photos of her two days after her arrival back from South America. She's 8 months pregnant at the time. Note the flat stomach. These are of her three days before she gave birth to her second. Full term pregnancy. Note the flat stomach. Are you seeing the trend yet?"
Editor: "How the hell is that possible?"
Photographer: "How the hell would I know? Do I look like a doctor? All I know is she's had three pregnancies and barely showed for any of them."
Editor: "But the public are demanding pics of the pregnant princess!! The owners are demanding them!! What am I supposed to do with these?"
Photographer (shrugging): "Not my problem and I'm a staff photographer, so I get paid regardless."
When he got home, he got out his typewriter and started putting down on paper everything that had happened to the best of his memory.

I smell a best seller in the making.

And Kiki is going to loath it, obviously.

It depends, Che points out what he thought of the Princess to start with, then writes about how his opinion changes, I think she'll quite appreciate it.

Forward by Dr Nora Berg though... ;)
Say, this is something Kiki and Kat can bond about. Both had their lives turned into a novel. Kat by Ian Fleming and Kiki by this guy. God, how long ago was it when Kat was complaining about being in a James Bond novel and movie.
Say, this is something Kiki and Kat can bond about. Both had their lives turned into a novel. Kat by Ian Fleming and Kiki by this guy. God, how long ago was it when Kat was complaining about being in a James Bond novel and movie.
Kiki & Kat.jpg

Sorry, couldn't resist.
OTOH, it could lead to an end to the current cavalcade of people trying to find fault, which she'd find a mercy.
"Well she clearly used her "Feminine wills" to seduce this Doctor into all this and he is protecting her modesty! We need to investigate this further!"

Or something to that effect. No matter what happens, she's going to be miserable, but that's the type of person Kiki is, a clinical depressant who needs a good therapist and medication to handle it.