Explain the AH Quote

"Czech your privilege"
A tagline from the panned 2019 Czech comedy-satire film Cenzurováno, which saw an aspiring 20-something comedian struggling to maintain his livelihood finally see success, only to become a victim of cancel culture when he makes a joke about the refugee crisis during one of his televised stand-ups, to which he has to fight for his right to continue to perform, while battling both the uncaring industry and hordes of "mad liberals and leftists" both online and in person. While praised by many on the right, both in and outside of Czechslovakia, everybody else was predictably not as proud, with many criticizing the writing, straw-manning, and messaging, especially when Poland and Hungary were starting to see a surge in anti-immigrant and anti-lgbt views and violence. The film's release would see many on Anglo-speaking social media begin to focus more and more on the far-right problem in Eastern Europe and other non-Western countries, which saw many interesting results on websites like Twitter and Reddit, with many no longer seeing the far-right in other, non-western, non-English-speaking countries as so alien, compared to the far-right in countries like America and Britain.

"While America, Europe, Oceania, Japan, and other parts of the World continue to improve as we entered 2021, seeing an ongoing "Progressive wave" begging in the 2010s, alongside numerous reforms and improvements in areas such as the Environment and Social Acceptance. BRICS, alongside other nations like Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, and Burma have continued to regress into darkness. If they're not experiencing a civil war or something close to it, then they have basically become something out of an Orwellian dystopia."
"While America, Europe, Oceania, Japan, and other parts of the World continue to improve as we entered 2021, seeing an ongoing "Progressive wave" begging in the 2010s, alongside numerous reforms and improvements in areas such as the Environment and Social Acceptance. BRICS, alongside other nations like Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, and Burma have continued to regress into darkness. If they're not experiencing a civil war or something close to it, then they have basically become something out of an Orwellian dystopia."
Part of the intro to the Nicholas Cage film Christ Cloned. Based on the novel series of the same name, the three films of the Christ Cloned trilogy were far more successful than the Left Behind movies made a decade earlier, due to a better source material and because of competent acting and direction. Indeed, this was the first Christian Fundamentalist film to receive a broad success, owing to it's creative setting and disconnect from most American evangelicalism. The third film in the series, In His Image, was also the first to receive an Emmy nomination.

The success of Christ Cloned also spurred a Christian sci-fi and fantasy revival. A lot of this work was of the same quality as most of the media produced by that industry and directed at the aging Evangelical audience; however, it led directly to three projects which were also considered to be among the greats of New 20s filmmaking:
-Paradise Lost, which took the bold step of directly filming Adam and Eve as unapologetically nude throughout the story
-The Divine Comedy Trilogy, in which Inferno and Purgatorio were both infamous for their graphic depictions of torture and dismemberment, while Paradiso has been compared to the Stargat scene in 2001
-Left Behind,
a miniseries produced by HBO, which took the bold step of depicting the Christian God as an eldritch horror and casting Him as the manipulative & spiteful villain


Deleted member 139407

A clip from the 1993 comedy-drama movie Utter Morans which follows the Moran family involved in a neighborly feud with the Morans across the street. The film starred Robin Williams as Patrick Moran (Tina's husband), Sigourney Weaver as Tina Moran (Patrick's wife), Bill Murray as Tom "Buddy" Moran (Patricia's husband), and Michelle Pfeiffer as Patricia Moran (Buddy's wife). The quote above is an exchange between Buddy and Patrick with Patrick putting extra effort on the end to sound like the above writing of the word "buddy." "YEAH BUDDEY" has become the catchphrase most associated with the film.

"What is irresponsible, Mr. Abbott, is your apparent lack of any common decency on the floor of this here Parliament."
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"What is irresponsible, Mr. Abbott, is your apparent lack of any common decency on the floor of this here Parliament."
From the 1973 novel-turned 80's TV series Chessboard. Both tell the story of Franco Vaillancourt, a schemer who wants to become leader of France.

"So many people of the Asian continent hold that while they were developing great civilisations of culture and art, europeans were violent thugs and thieves who can only steal others' stuff to pass off as their own in their mud and wood huts. I am quite inclined to agree with that."
"So many people of the Asian continent hold that while they were developing great civilisations of culture and art, europeans were violent thugs and thieves who can only steal others' stuff to pass off as their own in their mud and wood huts. I am quite inclined to agree with that."
Outspoken Marxist Activist and Author Angela Davis on the first her book "The History of Asia", describing how the Cold War (1948-1991) affected Asia, as the People's Republic of China (1949-1991) and their Comintern claimed to stand up for the "oppressed non-white proletariats of the world" against the United States of America and her allies, fundiing colonial revolts in Africa and elsewhere.

Although there was some genuine support for civil rights and other movements in the name of racial equality and emancipation amongst the Chinese, many historians today very much agree it wasn't all genuine, compared to other non-Communist civil rights movements in America, Europe, and Australiasia. Besides the obvious ulterior motive of spreading Communist ideology (which unfortunately caused alot of red scares, promoted by racists and other bigots), many criticized Communist China for their treatment of their own ethnic minorities, like Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Mongolians, along with their punishment of feminists and LGBTQ+ activists, despite the Chinese and their supporters in America lambasting the Americans for their own bigotries. In the aftermath of the Tiananmen Spring (1989-1991), which saw the collapse of the PRC and the return of the Democratic government from Taiwan, many of China's supporters either moved on and moderated, still fighting for Civil Rights while also acknowledging what was wrong with China and their previous beliefs, or retreated and became the infamous Neo-Communist "Tankie" community.

"Magic is real. And it has returned."
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Outspoken Marxist Activist and Author Angela Davis on the first her book "The History of Asia", describing how the Cold War (1948-1991) affected Asia, as the People's Republic of China (1949-1991) and their Comintern claimed to stand up for the "oppressed non-white proletariats of the world" against the United States of America and her allies, fundiing colonial revolts in Africa and elsewhere.

Although there was some genuine support for civil rights and other movements in the name of racial equality and emancipation amongst the Chinese, many historians today very much agree it wasn't all genuine, compared to other non-Communist civil rights movements in America, Europe, and Australiasia. Besides the obvious ulterior motive of spreading Communist ideology (which unfortunately caused alot of red scares, promoted by racists and other bigots), many criticized Communist China for their treatment of their own ethnic minorities, like Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Mongolians, along with their punishment of feminists and LGBTQ+ activists, despite the Chinese and their supporters in America lambasting the Americans for their own bigotries. In the aftermath of the Tiananmen Spring (1989-1991), which saw the collapse of the PRC and the return of the Democratic government from Taiwan, many of China's supporters either moved on and moderated, still fighting for Civil Rights while also acknowledging what was wrong with China and their previous beliefs, or retreated and became the infamous Neo-Communist "Tankie" community.
Nice, but you need a quote!
"Magic is real. And it has returned."
The tagline for the multimedia franchise The Thirteenth Baktun, published in 2013. The franchise was born with a web novel that expanded into art, video games, animation and so on; the idea was that on Dec 21, 2012, magic returned to the world and modern humanity's attempts to deal with it. The author has gone into various details with detailing the various sytems of magic based on folkloric belief along with their expansion through scientific experimentation and the cultural revolutions and movements born from it (such as various minorities emboldened for equality and compensation such Native American and First nations), with a very prominent example being the overthrow of the People's Republic of China with the rebirth of Chinese alchemy and certain folk beliefs and the rise of a consitutional monarchy. At the same time, it also examines their interactions with modern science and progression (such as alchemy gaining additional planetary metals). Surprisingly enough, there was a lack of folkloric creatures such as fairies and so on. The author has said this was a stylistic choice though also explores the rammification that such creatures died out along with the revelation that various mythical creatures such as griffins were created through magic with dragons being a very magic heavy offshoot of dinosaurs.

Despite not gazing over the rammifications and social strife that comes with this, especially with the social commentary on corruption, power and how people can treat each other, the author says it is a story of hope, wonder and optimism, saying he hopes to introduce a sense of wonder and awe into the audience. It has garnered massive praise for its indie backgrounds along with historical and cultural research and inclusivity, with many prominent writers getting to tell stories set in the world if following the guidelines set by the author.

"He's just some capitalist who shouldn't meddle with any field in science. We can safely ignore him."
A rebuttal to the head of a large corporation involved in "Big Tech" in regards to offering a deal regarding research grants over to a group of scientists as part of US President Carl Sagan's advisory board. It started a scathing debate over the contributues capitalists have made to science though then rebutted with how capitalism enabled scientists being bribed to repress "inconvienent" truths or support phony science along with various other critiques.

The exchange was done as a reasoning to increase public funding for scientific endeavors and developments along with holding various private organizations more accountable, especially with money spent on ads. It also included the reforms over scientific publishing papers and worked to make science mroe accessible to the public along with the knowledge to grow. This became much more prominent when Carl Sagan was the victim of an unsuccessful assassination attempt, where the assassin reveals he and his co-conspirators were tied to the John Birch society.

"Polls reveal that a majority of the African diaspora, at least those in the Americas, hold an unflattering view of Africa given how the reason their ancestors were enslaved in the first place was because of the governments and culture of the nations of the African west coast."
"Polls reveal that a majority of the African diaspora, at least those in the Americas, hold an unflattering view of Africa given how the reason their ancestors were enslaved in the first place was because of the governments and culture of the nations of the African west coast."
Quote from the opening narration of Back to Africa: A Retrospective, a 2031 Documentary involving a group of 105 Black separatists from the US who had travelled to Nigeria in 2013 to form a little commune for themselves, hoping to pave the way for more African Americans (and others) to return to the 'motherland'. The commune, organized on semi-socialistic principles, actually did about as well for itself as one could possibly expect given the situation - they had difficulties, but unlike what some had predicted, it was not a complete failure, though they did end up relying on a lot of financial support from various people back in the States. By 2031, counting new arrivals and births, the little community, nicknamed "Little Savannah" had risen to 111 people (as many had left as well), and was starting to become more financially self-sufficient, thanks to good investments and good relationships with the surrounding Nigerian population. The conclusion of the documentary was that while the project - and other 'Back to Africa' notions - was probably never going to be the great success it's proponents argued for, that it didn't have to be an unmitigated disaster.

"Unleash our final defense! Unleash the MISSILES OF NUCLEAR JUSTICE!"
"Unleash our final defense! Unleash the MISSILES OF NUCLEAR JUSTICE!"
Devdas Gandhi during the Bengal War, 1972.

"Oh, him? He's not one of us. He's some new age hermit who lives on our land and acts like he is one of us and represents us to many a passerby. We only barely tolerate him on good days."
"Oh, him? He's not one of us. He's some new age hermit who lives on our land and acts like he is one of us and represents us to many a passerby. We only barely tolerate him on good days."
Mohawk Councilperson Akat Deganawidah of the Iroquois Confederacy, commenting on the presence of John Lennon, a prominent New English priest who turned to nativism and immigrated to the Confederacy as well as adopting a native name and style of dress. Lennon became something of an ambassador between the Confederacy and New England, whose relationship had been rather cold in recent decades, though he was unpopular with certain segments in both nations.

"Lord save me from American princes playing general."
"Lord save me from American princes playing general."
A line from a theater play known as The American Aristocracy, detailing the events of a fictional American war, serving as a scathing retribution toward the tendency for wealthy Americans to be generals, especially aimed over to the CSA generals, due to how they participated in bamboozling the Southern commoners into spporting the "lost cause." The play was well-recieved and did have a large effect on political opinion, promoting progressvism into the Deep South.

When the KKK tried railing against it, a sequel play was made with a cariacature of the KKK riding about, showing them as buffoonish for riding out with their sheets and glorifying treason, but also as dangerous with how they would terrorize people, which included a controversial scene involving a purposeful usge of black face. It still worked to get the message.

"The United States of America's prominent socialist stance could be explain by its history; the Louisiana purchase deal falling through and the Bonapartists retreating to it after they were overthrown in France, the loss against the British in the War of 1812 that led to the Native American buffer state of the Iroquois Confederacy... that loss caused outrage at elies..."
"The United States of America's prominent socialist stance could be explain by its history; the Louisiana purchase deal falling through and the Bonapartists retreating to it after they were overthrown in France, the loss against the British in the War of 1812 that led to the Native American buffer state of the Iroquois Confederacy... that loss caused outrage at elies..."

A line from the American left-wing political VidHub channel Alexander Explains, in his video "The History of the United States of America (1776-2020): Part 1", he explains the history of the United States, its gradual turn left, it's support for the semi-successful 1848 revolutions, its interactions with other ideologies like Utopianism and Marxist-Engelism, its wars against both its various neighbors including Lousiana, the Iroquois, and Mexico, it's eventual success in taking some of Northern Louisiana and the Oregon territory, it's involvement in the Grand War (1916-1920) and later the Great War (1941-1946), and the Cool War (1948-1994), with the eventual retreat of the United States as a major world power, continuing to influence the Western Hemisphere while the rest of the world became multipolar.

"In the gallows or the ghetto,
In the town or the meadow,
In the pillows even over the sun,
Every end of the time is another begun."
I just stumbled upon this thread and it seemed interesting though i still dont quite understand the rule is it must be from an actual ah thread or can i make something up also how do you describe said quote do you describe it yourself or?
"In the gallows or the ghetto,
In the town or the meadow,
In the pillows even over the sun,
Every end of the time is another begun."
One of the poems found in the pockets of "Number 13465-WA", a Belgian industrial worker in Liege. It is only one of the many poems composed by that person, who was most likely executed during the Burgundian Purges of 1969-1971, which saw a large number of Liege's population executed by Sonderkommando units following the defeat of the SS-Wallonien division uprising during the "Revolution of the Three Nations". The poems were found in 1975 by J.D, an otherwise unknown Wehrmacht official participating in Operation Gundobald, which led to the pacification of Burgundy, the dissolution of the SS state and the reorganisation of the area by Germany and its European allies; the poems were later smuggled through Sweden to the USA, where they were published in 1981, under the title "Wispers from the Black Kingdom".

"There has been an empire built on ships and soldiers: Britain. There has been an empire built on money: America. Japan should be an empire built on electronics and technology. That's the only way she will survive"
I just stumbled upon this thread and it seemed interesting though i still dont quite understand the rule is it must be from an actual ah thread or can i make something up also how do you describe said quote do you describe it yourself or?
You just make up something based on the above quote and provide your own quote, which can be anything. You can even use an actual quote because people will just create a new scenario for it.
One of the poems found in the pockets of "Number 13465-WA", a Belgian industrial worker in Liege. It is only one of the many poems composed by that person, who was most likely executed during the Burgundian Purges of 1969-1971, which saw a large number of Liege's population executed by Sonderkommando units following the defeat of the SS-Wallonien division uprising during the "Revolution of the Three Nations". The poems were found in 1975 by J.D, an otherwise unknown Wehrmacht official participating in Operation Gundobald, which led to the pacification of Burgundy, the dissolution of the SS state and the reorganisation of the area by Germany and its European allies; the poems were later smuggled through Sweden to the USA, where they were published in 1981, under the title "Wispers from the Black Kingdom".

"There has been an empire built on ships and soldiers: Britain. There has been an empire built on money: America. Japan should be an empire built on electronics and technology. That's the only way she will survive"
Hideki Tojo, a leading general and politician of the Japanese Empire in the 1930, 40s and 50s. He advocated for Japan to achieve dominance in East Asia not through soldiers (though obviously Japan would need soldiers and ships to a great extent, like any great power) nor through money and finance, but through industrial improvement, and becoming a center of technological development. He dreamed of a scenario where all of the powers of East Asia - China, Korea, Dai Viet, the Sumatran League, the Kingdom of Borneo, et cetera - bought their planes, tanks and ships from Japan or used Japanese inventions in the ones they made, making them reliant on Japan in a way that was difficult to challenge, as long as Japan stayed in the lead of innovation.

When the Eastern Front of the Global War (1941-1952), Japan sold armaments and related devices - including powerful computers for codebreaking and encryption and the like - to all sides, but throught a carefully hidden policy of charging Korea and Dai Viet significantly less than they charged Japan, they played a crucial, if indirect role in preventing the Wu China from conquering either nation during the first half of the war, and the successes both nations made in annexing frontier territory from China in the latter half and the peace negotiations, once American and Russian forces, fresh from defeating the Danubian Empire and the Third French Empire in Europe, arrived in large numbers to finish with China.

Hey Satan, I know we don't talk much, but if there's any chance you could help me out here, I'd owe you, big time.
Hey Satan, I know we don't talk much, but if there's any chance you could help me out here, I'd owe you, big time.
Pope Boniface XX when the papal state is under siege by forces from HRE to the north and the abbasid caliphaye to the south this lead boniface to lead the papal state to war in the second war of the papal states (1880-1889) this time homever due to boniface striking a deal with satan he managed to defeat the abbasid in the south but cannot defeat the HRE in the north due to them having ironclads borrowed from the americans

"As i see in the distance the power of the dragon has grown so big the mighty bear has seen its opponent as they fight the north american union eagle will surely observe and wait until one of the animals has been ravaged enough and when that moment happened it will strike at a moment notice"
-President John Adelaide of the Indo-Australian union
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