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MacArthur's Return
MacArthur's Return


General MacArthur lands in the Philippines (August 20th, 1942)
Even as the Americans were occupying parts of Indonesia and pounding Australia and New Zealand into dust, they were also preparing to reclaim their Philippine Territory. The loss of the Territory to Japan had been an embarrassment that General Douglas MacArthur, head of the Army in the Philippines, had taken very personally. The atrocities committed by the Japanese and their Muslim collaborators had infuriated the country. America was determined to make Japan pay for their crimes and liberate their fellow citizens.

MacArthur personally took charge of the operation in the Philippines, and devoted large quantities of aircraft to bombing Japanese positions in the country, including an ironic attack where hundreds of American planes sunk two Japanese carrier groups in Manila on a little less than three years after the IJN had essentially done the same to them. He often fought with Washington, Eisenhower, and Nimitz for resources, as they wanted to exclusively concentrate on taking Java. However President Richardson was sympathetic, as he himself had served in the Philippines, and like MacArthur viewed Japan's occupation and subjugation of the Philippines as an insult to the nation and his own personal honor. However, POTUS did make MacArthur wait until Java was secured before he allowed operations to begin in earnest. Once Java was occupied by American forces, the bulk of the invasion force joined with other assets waiting in Sulawesi to begin the attack.

In July, remaining IJN forces in the vicinity of the Philippines were routed in the Battle of the South China Sea, as American aircraft carriers and submarines sunk over two dozen Japanese ships. Having secured the waters around the Philippines, the invasion would begin in earnest on August 14th, concentrated on the city of Zamboanga in the south. The 40,000 strong Marine landing force established a beachhead, and aerial support routed Japanese forces in the vicinity. However, the fighting would be quite intense in the southern region of Mindanao, where the Americans had landed. The Japanese were genocidal imperialists, but not complete idiots. As such, they had struck up a very profitable collaboration with the region's large Muslim population, who had often been discriminated against by both the Protestant American colonizers as well as the native Catholic majority. They had used their positions to the fullest possible extent, taking out years of frustration by confiscating property, forcing humiliations on Catholics and Protestants, demolishing churches, and even murder and rape. They quite rightly feared what would happen to them if Japan lost the war. When it became clear that the Muslims would not be greeting them as liberators, MacArthur began using white phosphorous bombs en masse against Muslim majority neighborhoods and villages. The local Catholic and Protestant natives, as well as the American colonist population, took up arms against both the Japanese Army and against their Muslim neighbors. By September, Japan's hold on the southern islands of the Philippines had begun to crack. On September 30th, an American offensive which took Butuan broke it entirely. However, the American offensive had to stop for a week as the Army cracked down not just on Muslim collaborators, but on Protestants and Catholics who had to be restrained from starting a victory-fueled ethnic cleansing. The Southern Philippines would remain a trouble spot in the American Empire for decades to come.

With the warring factions restrained, MacArthur launched a series of brutal offensives northwards, and liberated most of the Philippines by January, 1943. Unlike in Mindanao, the rest of the colony overwhelmingly greeted the troops as liberators, especially the 50,000 Filipino-Americans among them. Manila would fall on February 14th, the "St. Valentine's Miracle," and Japan was totally routed from the territory by March 9th. There were massive celebrations not just in the Philippines, but in Los Angeles, Havana, and New York City. Douglas MacArthur took a picture with Daichi Watanabe, a captured Japanese general, while sitting in the Governor-General's mansion in Manila. General Watanabe would use a Civil War saber to commit seppuku shortly afterwards. Meanwhile, in Washington, President Richardson announced a post-war plan for admitting most of the Philippines into the Union. Luzon, Mindaro, Polillo, and Catanduanes would be admitted as the state of Pacifica. The Visayan Archipelago would be admitted as the state of Roosevelt. These states would be put on a 5 year plan after the war to ensure sufficient English fluency and loyalty among the population. Mindanao and the other southern islands would remain under military rule for 5 years, and then would be put on a 10 year path to statehood as the State of Libertalia. The measure was broadly popular among the Filipinos, who viewed American protection as key to future prosperity and security. In addition, many had become proud Americans by this point, and much of the local government had been run by Catholics pre-war, so full integration seemed a logical step.


An American scout watches Japanese troops sack Manila during the Liberation (1943)


Filipinos and soldiers have "Victory Cones" after the defeat of Japan in the Philippines (1943)


A soldier carries a Filipina girl to safety in Manila during the Liberation (1943)
Will the Muslim minorities be deported or encouraged to leave or will they receive some sort of probationary citizenship?

Is it possable that the us will anex okinaiw or spin it off as an inpdent republic instead of letting japan hold on to. Also what happen to mayalsia burma, tiwan and singapour
Is it possable that the us will anex okinaiw or spin it off as an inpdent republic instead of letting japan hold on to. Also what happen to mayalsia burma, tiwan and singapour
Thanks for the fave. Do that mean that okinaw is beign anexed by american or given inpene
Hopefully Libertalia will still be Muslim-majority when it achieves statehood, Muslim representatives and senators in Congress would help greatly with religious legislation.
You neither mentioned what happened to Fiji ATL after ww1. If the Brits manged to hold on to it I hope it will be annexed by America and not Germany. There are several other British islands in the south pacific that that could possibly be given to the american after WW2. The same can also be said about French south pacific island
A New India
There's going to be some bleed over into the post-war era here, but I wanted to go ahead and get this out there!

A New India


Sree Chithira Thirunal, Maharaja of Travancore and First Emperor of the Empire of Hindustan and Moslemstan
The British Raj during the war had a complicated relationship with London. Many Hindus joined Gandhi's Aryan Empire League as a way to get ahead, but were not fanatical Empire patriots. However, they did have a vested interest in seeing the Empire succeed in the war, at least initially. However, as Britain faltered across the globe, many Hindus began expressing doubts, to say nothing of the Buddhists, Sikhs, Jainists, and especially the Muslims. This was compounded by the sheer quantity of men and material Britain expected from the Raj, and ongoing resentment to White dominance in the subcontinent. Despite this, the AEL and the colonists managed to keep the Raj going for four years under total war conditions, which was rather remarkable given the circumstances. However, the system could only take so much.

Soviet interference would doom the Raj to collapse. Afghan warlords supplied Muslims in the north of the Raj with the tools to wage a genuine insurrection against their overlords. When the AEL lashed out at the Muslims in Karachi on October 11th, 1942, the last day of Ramadan, the locals responded by hanging over 200 AEL members and colonial administrators. Similar actions took place across Muslim majority regions in the Raj. In turn, Hindus began harassing Muslims in Hindu-majority areas, even as AEL membership cratered. British forces in Persia rushed home to try and stop the bleeding, as the subcontinent threatened to spiral into a nightmare of religious warfare and anti-British rebellion. Throughout October and November the sepoys of Britannia as well as troops from the Dominions held the line against the spiraling situation. Then on December 2nd, 1942, a Muslim extremist shot AEL founder Mahatma Gandhi, killing him instantly. What followed was an explosion from AEL diehards. In New Delhi, 10,000 AEL extremists with rifles, swords, and clubs hunted Muslims for sport on December 4th, sparking revenge killings. Prime Minister Mosley made an emergency address on the BBC urging the aggrieved AEL members to "demonstrate calm, like the civilized men you are." This turned out to be a useless gesture. If anything, it made the AEL fear that London was going to abandon them to be killed by Muslims.

As the situation spiraled out of control, local military leaders became increasingly desperate. While before the military had tried to at least treat AEL fanatics with a mild hand, this was proving untenable. However, among the native-born troops who formed the majority of the British forces there, the increasing brutality with which they were being ordered to fight their countrymen was wearing them down. On New Year's Eve, 1942, a British general and his two colonels ordered a brigade of Indian troops to open fire on a rioting crowd in Bombay. Instead, the troops hanged their white officers. The Second Sepoy Revolt had begun. Across India, native troops turned on their overseers. Britain rushed every loyal white troop they could to the colony, but had trouble maintaining control of anything more than ports, railroads, and some key resources. Mosley ordered the "temporary" evacuation of all white civilians on February 10th, 1943. Once they had been safely loaded onto boats, Mosley ordered the RAF to drop poison gas on Indian villages and cities, starting on the 22nd. This killed thousands, but rebelling sepoys seized anti-aircraft guns and gave hell to an increasingly worn down RAF. So, the Mosley government changed tactics. On March 1st, the Royal Navy announced a blockade around the Raj. This compounded growing anarchy and food shortages, the latter exacerbated by poor harvests in '42 and British confiscations. Even as Dominion troops withdrew from the Raj, Mosley felt he could starve the subcontinent into submission. The Raj didn't starve completely, but did collapse into shortage and religiously induced anarchy. This was obviously terrible for your average Indian, regardless of religion or caste. However, one class benefitted.

The maharajahs of India, accustomed to privilege, had been sidelined by the Mosley government as less useful than the AEL. Given the sheer size of the League, the old princes begrudgingly took their licks. However, with the collapse of British rule on the subcontinent, the Princely States had actually been relatively untouched thanks to their neglect at the hands of the British. Furthermore, the wealth of the maharajahs meant they could buy guns, ammo, food, and other supplies from smugglers or corrupt British officials. There was a period of warring between these Princely States, which actually outlasted the Second World War. Even after the British blockade had passed with the conclusion of the war in late 1944, the massive disruption to life in India meant that the situation barely improved. Even more alarmingly, Communist troops were amassing on the border with Persia. It seemed likely that the Communists would overrun at least part of India, maybe all of it. However, it was not to be.

Maharajah Sree Chithira Thiruanl of the Kingdom of Travancore was, at the age of 33, fairly young for a ruler. He was also perceptive: there was no point in beating one's neighbors today if tomorrow Stalin was making you speak Russian. Instead, he aligned with the powers of Europe. On April 11th, 1945, he made a dramatic appearance in Tripartite Ceylon via submarine blockade runner. He spent several days communicating with Berlin and Vienna, conveying just how severe the situation had gotten. The subcontinent had become a humanitarian disaster area, and the Communists very well could have seized the country. The implications on the balance of global power were apparent. Using this pretext, the Young Maharajah struck a remarkably bold deal. He essentially secured European, and later even American aid and personnel, for nothing. After all, if the Communists thought that another foreign power was going to seize India, they would invade. Hardly good form to start WWIII barely after WWII had ended, right? Reluctantly conceding the point, some 5,000 German and European troops poured in, and promptly began handing out food. Germany announced an ongoing relief effort which much of the world signed onto, thwarting a Communist attempt to attack. Meanwhile, the Germans and Tripartite donated huge amounts of surplus military gear. In control of a vast arsenal and source of food, Sree forced compliance onto the subcontinent. He had the guns and the food, so he was in charge. On November 17th, 1945, the maharajahs met at the Taj Mahal. Fighting in India had de facto stopped. Even the religious riots had died down. So it was on November 17th that Sree Chithira Thirunal announced the dissolution of the Kingdom of Travancore and indeed all Princely States. Instead, the maharajahs would become modern European style aristocrats, forming a broad national ruling class but only directly controlling their private holdings and whatever offices they might attain. In their place would rise the Empire of Hindustan and Moslemstan. The now Emperor Thirunal had been deeply impressed by the Tripartite Empire's ability to combine cultural pluralism with religious homogeneity and a fairly strong Kaiser, and based his new Empire on their government. There were two Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Hindustan and the Kingdom of Moslemstan. The Kingdom of Hindustan (OTL India) would be predominantly populated and dominated by Hindus, with some concessions to Sikhs and other non-Muslim minorities. Moslemstan (OTL Pakistan, Kashmir, and Bangladesh) would be run by Muslims in a similar manner. While there were no forced relocations of Muslims or Hindus, the majority would self-segregate into their new kingdoms. Helping this was the fact that Hindus or Muslims living outside their kingdom could not legally vote in the other kingdom's elections. The plan wasn't perfect, but it allowed for stability. However, the new Emperor wasn't done shocking the world.

On November 20th, 1945, he officially signed a treaty of alliance with the Tripartite Empire. At first, this seems like the least likely Great Power for any country to align with, least of all a place as massive as his Indian Empire. However, Emperor Thirunal had picked the Tripartite for a variety of shrewd reasons. Firstly, the Empire had access to the German sphere's globe straddling capital markets. The Tripartite Empire's corporations could raise massive amounts of capital from within this sphere and invest it in India, without actually subjecting India to German investment per se. This denied the German Empire their most convenient excuse for future military intervention into India. Secondly, the Tripartite Empire had world class medical technology, including the polio vaccine. The Imperial regime's popularity steadily grew as Thirunal secured millions of doses of vaccine for India. Thirdly, the Tripartite Empire had a modern military, and advisors would come and train the Indian military for decades. Finally, when India desired to assert itself, they could easily break the ties that bind without risking a violent war, which a larger power might be willing to fight. India's new Emperor was hell-bent on building the old Raj into a superpower, and this would be the first step.


Indian troops in surplus German uniforms (1945)


Hindus living in now-Moslemstan leave for Hindustan (1946)


Indian sepoys pose during the Second Sepoy Rebellion (1943)
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Nice chapter. I expect India to have it's own sphere of influence when the war ends. Most likely have a rivalry with China. Could break out in war or have various proxy conflicts. Also, where is Patton?
Nice chapter. I expect India to have it's own sphere of influence when the war ends. Most likely have a rivalry with China. Could break out in war or have various proxy conflicts. Also, where is Patton?
It'll take India a while before they start building a proper sphere. I didn't cover exact numbers, but TTL's India is in worse shape than OTL. The famines probably killed 3-4 times as many people as the Bengal Famine of OTL (so around 6-12 million) and then the violence of the war in Persia and the collapse of order in India probably killed 3-4 million from a variety of factors. However, India will rebound more quickly than IOTL and become a real power by the 70's-80's.

Patton will show up shortly.

Speaking of which- are there any Black, Asian, or Latino generals in the American armed forces this time 'round?

There are! In the Liberia chapter, there was General Benjamin O. Davis. I also imagine there are several other Black and Latino (probably White Latino) generals and admirals. They won't be your highest ranked people though, as this America still has stuff it needs to work on.

Thanks for the fave. Do that mean that okinaw is beign anexed by american or given inpene

Okinawa will remain Japanese.

Hopefully Libertalia will still be Muslim-majority when it achieves statehood, Muslim representatives and senators in Congress would help greatly with religious legislation.

Libertalia will remain Muslim. There's plot stuff being built out
It'll take India a while before they start building a proper sphere. I didn't cover exact numbers, but TTL's India is in worse shape than OTL. The famines probably killed 3-4 times as many people as the Bengal Famine of OTL (so around 6-12 million) and then the violence of the war in Persia and the collapse of order in India probably killed 3-4 million from a variety of factors. However, India will rebound more quickly than IOTL and become a real power by the 70's-80's.

Patton will show up shortly.

There are! In the Liberia chapter, there was General Benjamin O. Davis. I also imagine there are several other Black and Latino (probably White Latino) generals and admirals. They won't be your highest ranked people though, as this America still has stuff it needs to work on.

Okinawa will remain Japanese.

Libertalia will remain Muslim. There's plot stuff being built out
So what will happen to Singapore Malaysia, Fiji, Burma and Tiawan
Gonna merge the last Asia chapter into the End of War chapter. So, next up is Liberation of Ireland followed by the end of the War. Then, buckle up for post-war stuff. I've got some real curveballs I'm gonna be throwing.
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