(Philippines recognized by usa 1899). Antonio Luna Launches a Failed Coup to Oust Aguinaldo in 1901 which resulted in a civil war. What happens next

Well you read the thread so what will happen if that happens. You cant just say germany japan or any GP getting it. remember the Philippines has it's independence protected by the usa. Foreign powers can only aid both sides. Civil war starts at 1901. You can use edited maps and other graphics to show the info more clearly. There should be a Winner. The civil war will be Pro Aguinaldo vs Pro Luna. Both Leaders not Captured at start because Agui evades capture and goes to somewhere where his support is high. Tell what you think will happen next

Why did I make this, I always wonder what will happen if Luna actually launches a coup to oust Aguinaldo,
Why wouldn't the US intervene on Aguinaldo's side? If they've chosen to recognize the Philippines' independence, presumably they gave tacit agreement to Aguinaldo's taking office.
Why wouldn't the US intervene on Aguinaldo's side? If they've chosen to recognize the Philippines' independence, presumably they gave tacit agreement to Aguinaldo's taking office.
They can only intervene by giving some guns equipment money but not fully intervene