Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg


This genocidal egomaniac and hypocritical martinet was one of the top dogs in the Ottoman Empire and organized the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of multiple minorities. He likely held on to power for much longer KRTL due to the CP victory.
Actually, the three Pashas fell at roughly the same time in KR (in the rework at least), removed by Mehmed VI one after the other in what was effectively a soft palace coup with the Liberty and Accord Party. Surprise surprise, they were actually really frikkin' hated in Constantinople and among the Ottoman elite, nor did the Ottomans "win" the war in KR (more that they survived for long enough to see the Copenhagen Armistice), hence nobody's really any happier with them.

(Djemal Pasha was the worse of the three Pashas btw, he was the one who created the plan for the Late Ottoman Genocides. Enver was primarily a military leader and a terrible one at that)
I still think it's a bit of a wank. I have no big issues with Wilhelmine Germany's ambitions in Africa (not hard since they mostly took over already existing colonies that didn't have stong nationalist movements yet) and Europe (because it's closer, it uses puppets with a modicum of independence and prefer German hands-off overlords to direct rule from Petrograd), but Asia is a bit far even with the High Sea fleet, and the Chinese and Vietnamese had stronger nationalist sentiments already.

East Asia wasn't too far for the German Empire at the turn of the 20th century, when ships were limited by the use of coal as fuel. It was one of the powers that took part in the "Triple Intervention" against Japan in 1895, and invested so heavily in its Shandong concessions that they were praised by the British, Japanese, and even some Chinese (including Sun Yat-sen). In 1900 Germany took a notable role in the Eight-Nation Alliance to defeat the Boxer Rebellion. Logistically speaking, especially with Germany's seizure of former French and British colonies in 1919 and 1925, an active presence in East Asia is not outside German capabilities. It had already been within them, to some degree, for over thirty years.

As for Chinese and Vietnamese nationalist sentiments, I'm not sure why these would have any greater impact than in our own timeline. If anything Chinese and Vietnamese nationalism is meant to be more muted due to the absence of internationalism - Wilson never makes his 14 points, and there's no League of Nations. Germany's actions in China KRTL are roughly comparable to those taken by the other powers in our own timeline.

As others have pointed out, Germany's position in East Asia is more precarious than it might appear, and largely dependent on local collaborators who stand to gain from its presence. Germany's ability to project power is built around its potential to dispatch a portion of its sizable navy from Europe, and the uncertainty surrounding America's role in an East Asian conflict - just like the British in our own timeline. While we know what happens in 1936, and can fully appreciate GEA's nature as a paper tiger, the same things aren't apparent to an in-universe casual observer.


Why does Japan attack Australasia?

Seriously, there’s no point yet they seem to enjoy trying to fight a war at the absolute end of their supply lines.
Why does Japan attack Australasia?

Seriously, there’s no point yet they seem to enjoy trying to fight a war at the absolute end of their supply lines.
KR Japan is saner than OTL, but not by much.

The liberals have basically survived by becoming rabid imperialists to a comical degree. And I do mean "survived" literally.
KR Japan is saner than OTL, but not by much.

The liberals have basically survived by becoming rabid imperialists to a comical degree. And I do mean "survived" literally.
"Becoming" implies they were not in OTL. Which they uh, were, and pretty hardcore.

Like, even the Socialist Party supported the conquest of Manchuria and the invasion of China 🤔
"Becoming" implies they were not in OTL. Which they uh, were, and pretty hardcore.

Like, even the Socialist Party supported the conquest of Manchuria and the invasion of China 🤔

We shall bring the peacefull revolution to china!

"Becoming" implies they were not in OTL. Which they uh, were, and pretty hardcore.

Like, even the Socialist Party supported the conquest of Manchuria and the invasion of China 🤔
I'm referring to the late '20s/early '30s period of government by assassination, where not supporting rabid imperialism enough was enough to get people assassinated by some junior officer drunk on samurai cult ideology and insane ultranationalism.

When the movie will be ready ?

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So, I began playing Kaiserreich again and I have a question

Who is the natpop head of government of Japan? Konohara Fusonasuke?

Deleted member 82792

Any ideas what could happen to Las Vegas if the CSA or Pelley's Christian Commonwealth takes over?
Guys, a hint that makes a game with the left kuomitang a billion times easier


Done, I could get 12 more infantry divisions on the first stage, it was pretty easy after it


Should I start Savinkov Russia game number 927363?

It’s just so well laid out and is definitely the most plausible outcome for Russia in the game in my opinion.
Should I start Savinkov Russia game number 927363?

It’s just so well laid out and is definitely the most plausible outcome for Russia in the game in my opinion.
Try a minor! New South Africa is great, especially if you go Red and go demsoc. It is literally about building a multiracial utopia, and facing the (many) pitfalls along the way with a determined faith in equality and democracy.

It's hard! You will be attacked by the Entente, so just garrison the coast and wait them out for a year. When you end the race-based passports, you will see slum formation, and it will take the better part of 3 years to get rid of those. But when you're done, you'll have a nice little country without apartheid that stands as a beacon to the world.
I sent a request on the git for Kyrill Romanov to be removed as Tsar for the same reason Gabrielle D'Anuzzio was removed, he's just too old to be crowned and rule for a year

The idea is that you crown Vladimir III directly, and his father is on the coronation as a guest of honour and dies shortly after