An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

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I've been thinking about making some sort of eco-corporarte nation, if that makes any sense. What basically happens is that something similar to the Morgenthau Plan forces a nation to deindustrialize. Foreign companies then take an interest to the new agarian country and proceed to transform it into a banana republic. Eventually, all of the nation's scant industry and infrastructure is built for the purpose of serving big business while the corporate-backed government refuses any attempts to reindustrialize any further.
I don't understand. If the multinational corporations control the government, and all industry is controlled by those corporations, then why don't the corporations want to industrialize the country? Wouldn't that allow them to produce cheap goods easier? Are they forbidden from doing so by the same people who installed the Morgenthau Plan? Do they also control the agriculture and think the industrialization would disrupt the farming business?

These governments are supposed to be realistic. In other words, the people who establish theses systems of government have to have reasons for doing so.
The Hanseatic League

The Free, Independent, and Hanseatic City of Lübeck is perhaps one of the cities that best bridges the Old and the New. Ancient medieval buildings bear satellite dishes, bringing up to the minute information about prices in Japan, while modern skyscrapers bear ancient wooden seals affirming membership in a guild. Most walk around bearing suits but for formal occasions the outfits suggest the 1300s.

Such is the seat of the Hanseatic League.

The League was a product of the Medieval guild system, closed groups of artisans banding together to maintain control of the market for their wages. With the decline of the Vikings, North German merchants began dominating the Baltic Sea trade, gaining influence far and wide. Powerful trading cities like Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck became prominent, and struck upon the idea of banding together to preserve their power.

Thus was born what became the Hanseatic League. And association of merchants who maneuvered their way into a monopoly over much of the economies of northern Europe. Some city-states joined as full members, while other cities in larger states also joined. Sometimes only certain guilds would join the league. Other times league merchants would carve out independent zones in foreign cities, subject to only their own law. Prices were fixed, the merchant profession was closed to those whose families could not get them into the Hansa. Pirates and opposing merchants alike were ruthlessly stamped out. Even Kings in their own right could be brought to heel. Twice in the 1300s did the League threaten Copenhagen with destruction to gain privileges from the Danish Kings. Young men worked their way up from menial laborers to Masters.

For a time in the 1400s it seemed as though the League was in decline. A new breed of King did not take well to their habit of fostering independence for merchant cities. A new age of exploration shifted the balance of trade from the Baltic to the North Sea, the English and the Spanish Netherlands seemed on the rise as commercial powers. The Hansa seemed to be in trouble.

Then, one day, a Master of the League in London heard of a Geneon whose brother sought a new passage to India. A bold decision was made to sponsor him.

Entering the New World brought enormous wealth to the League, with gold and silver enabling new operations against rivals. It also firmly moved the center of power in the League to the coasts, which allowed the largely Protestant League to surviving the departure of the Catholics when the Reformation tore Germany asunder.

As I ride the tram I strike up a conversation with Suusje Neplenbroek, a friendly businesswoman from Antwerp.

“Flew back home from Neues Lübeck a couple days ago, got to spend the weekend with the nephews before popping over here for the Conference on Solar Panels.” She explains.

The League sponsored the massive Dutch Revolt against Spanish rule in the late 1500s, and then “encouraged” them to join the Hansa. This marked the beginning of the end of the previously strict policy restricting membership to Germans, as well as their entrance into the lucrative spice trade. As well as the massive expansion of the League’s shameful embrace of the transatlantic slave trade.

In time the overseas trade was where the real money was, not the Baltic. Most of the once formally prominent cities faded in importance, although as the Capital Lübeck to this day

“My sister worked in Nagasaki for awhile, met her husband there. Had the cutest little kids.” She pulls out her phone to show me the pictures. “Adriaan wants to be a pilot, Akio is going to be baker. Two future Hansa members!”

The rise of absolutism and later nationalism hurt the Hansa in places. Much of their influence in Russia was lost as the Czar’s tightened their grip. State back trading companies like the French East India Company were harder to muscle out of the markets. In an age of mass armies League had little population to draw from.

The Hansa used a combination of neutrality, bribery, and alliances with larger states to make their way through the era, and also introduced the idea that able bodied merchants could be called on to defend the league while simultaneously expanding the definition of merchant to include those outside the actual buying and selling of products.

This naturally provoked resistance, sometimes violent, in areas under Hansa control. In addition the younger generation began doubting the wisdom of the elders, particularly as it pertained to the Industrial Revolution. Eventually they caved, establishing the chamber that now forms the lower house of the Hanseatic League’s government, which still retained much of its ceremonial medieval character. The event, nearing its 200th anniversary, is commemorated worldwide every April 9.

“Kaufmannstag Day is the best!” Neplenbroek says. “We all get the day off, drink a lot and sing. Then we get to ceremonially spit on our bosses, after our employees spit on us.”

Since then the Hansa has continued onwards, always facing bumps whenever new innovations such as the airplane or telephone disrupts the status quo. But with a massive budget, ruthlessness and actual territory and population the League has been able to bounce back.

“I know they’re having, the higher ups that is, trouble with the anschluss is that it’s hard to control all these digital pages and links and such. Can’t control it like you control the train system. Oh here’s my stop! Thanks for the talk. I hope I helped you with your article thingy!” She says, scrambling off the tram.

I exit the train at the University of Lübeck, one of the few institutions not directly operated by the Hanseatic League. My contact here is Dr. Markus Miztli, who teaches political science (or the closest approximation on this World) at the University while freelancing at the Nutshell on occasion. He’s short and broad shouldered, a champion featherweight wrestler in his youth. We’ve worked together in the past, although never in his home world. His work on the League convinced me that it was a government and not simply an absurdly powerful mega-corporation, earning it a place in this work.

“The League is unique in that all people working under its auspices, from the man sweeping the floor at the airport, to the manager of the bagel shop down the street, to the director of finance in Colhua.” Miztli explains. “The League assigns them roles based on job and time served, but they are all members.”

If the League owns a business, all members of the business are members of the League and the Business does Business only with League Businesses. Hansa steel is only purchased from Hansa mines (certain rare goods outside of League control can receive exemptions) and Hansa projects get right of first refusal to buy it.

“It is not, strictly speaking, a command economy.” Explains Miztli. “At times the Hansa allows internal competition in certain areas, and of course it is happy to compete with outside companies.”

I passed several grocery stores on my way here, all Hansa owned and operated, but the League would never allow competition in say, aircraft development.

I ask what the requirements are for formally joining the Hansa as a member.

“Be old enough to work, and willing to submit to their rules.” He says.

Individuals are technically allowed to shop and sell outside the League on their own time, although this is highly discouraged, and downright impossible in a place like Lübeck. Hansa members also pay steep dues, equivalent to taxes, although they also receive benefits. There are also any number of guild rules to follow, and the standard contract allows for imprisonment as a punishment for non-compliance.

I ask who makes the rules.

“Since the reforms of 1823, there have been two chambers that dictate Hansa policy.” Miztli says. “The Kaufmannstag and the Hansatag. Together they elect the Grand Masters of various departments, and the Syndic.”

The Kaufmannstag is elected by universal proportional representation, the only sensible option for an election over six continents (those at the Antarctic interests vote absentee). The Hansatag used to be the domain of the oldest and wealthiest merchants, and only European ones, but saw reform in the 1930s. I ask how elections to the still-powerful Upper House work now.

Dr. Miztli is a globally and extra-universally renowned professor of political science. He has lived in the Hanseatic League his entire life, and remains a member despite his current role not requiring it. He is, I know, active in League politics and has a near photographic memory.

When I ask how the Hansatag is elected, he reaches for some alcohol and pulls up a complicated spreadsheet on his computer.

“Weighted system. Members of higher ranking get increased vote totals. As does time in the guild. There are also districts based on your quarter.” He explains. “Err and then it’s run through a model to weigh for certain factors that are covered in tab A section 2 and then…” He trials off, which rather supports his decision to drink

Quarters, of which there are more than four, are based on geographic location. Although by the looks of it, the districts are rather creatively drawn. One includes parts of both Australia and the Pearl River Delta in China.

“In any event, day to day affairs are run by the Grand Masters, in charge of certain sectors Aerospace, Shipping, Services, as well as a few non-business ones like International Relations, Military, and Internal Administration. As a general rule the first group are technocrats, while the second group tend to be more political. All supervised by the Syndic.” He explains happily, back on stable ground.

Much of the Legislature’s work is setting goals and basic standards for the League, as well as dealing with those outside the League’s purview. For a globe spanning superpower, it governs with a fairly light hand, although it has other means of control.

I ask about the regions the League governs and Miztli takes another drink.

“The way I see it, there are four basic layers. None of this is legally defined mind you, each place has its own quirks.” He says, before explaining those layers to me.

Armed with this knowledge I leave his office. He gives a firm handshake.

“It is a pleasure to finally be interviewed for your not-so-little-anymore project Dr. Chana. I hope to visit your world someday and return the favor.”

I pause, and tell him that may be a longtime coming.

The First of his Four Tier system is the one Lübeck occupies. Only a few other cities are in this tier, old Hanseatic towns like Hamburg and Amsterdam or Continental Headquarters like Keelung. These cities are administered directly by the League, with no local authority to speak of, all services run from the central government. Building codes in Lübeck for example are run by someone in the Hanseatic League Department of Construction. Residents are compensated by having their votes for the Hansatag weighted heavily.

However when I board a train bound southeastwards, I enter Brandenburg, which sits firmly in the Second Tier outlined by the good doctor. I meet up with my next contact. Entrepreneur and self-proclaimed “Hansa apostate” Felix Nemke has a frantic energy that matches his youthful appearance and unusual dress, which includes flip-flops.

“Naturally it’s rather difficult, living outside the system.” He says. “No handouts, no businesses willing to work with you outside the black market. Of course,” he grins. “Not f****** taxes either.”

Most rebels operating in League “Territory” operate on lower tiers, where there is more wiggle room against the Hansa, as well as more protection afforded to non-members. Nemke however is trying his luck in the woodland vacation town of Berlin.

“Bunch of thugs tried to smash my stuff, couldn’t go to the police, since they were all Hansa, the thugs and police. No courts except the League internal division either. Thankfully all the important stuff was on the anschluss.” He explains excitedly.

With the Hansa Guild rules not applying to him, Nemke is immune from most laws. In theory he could be deported for serious crimes, although he has not tested the process. Brandenburg and other Tier Two regions are also run via the Hanseatic League. Elections are held entirely by members, there is no government free of them, and foreign, military, and macroeconomic affairs are still dealt with by the overarching government in Lübeck. But there is a local League made up of and elected by only members of the Brandenburg Hansa. Education standards, sanitation, laws regarding auto use are all governed by the local Diets and Sub-Syndic, so long as they do not contend with orders from above. All areas under total league control larger than a city are Tier Two. Such locations include Sri Lanka, home of the current Syndic Nayomi Vijaya, and New Netherlands.

Nemke runs a social network he calls ‘Go Go,’ which connects people via the anschluss, this world’s somewhat unfortunately named version of the Internet. He remains dependent on Hansa provided connection (although he illegally uses it and is in a constant battle to avoid being shut out) and most users are League members. Still, Nemke remains confident the world is changing.

“The electronic world is a free market even the old stooges in the Guild Hall can’t contain!” He exclaims. “Free trade is coming, entrepreneurs will be freed of the shackles of the unskilled and unmotivated!”

I take the next train South, heading over the border into Upper Germany, an amalgamation of Austria and Bavaria and one relatively free of League influence. Meaning it acts more as a particularly large corporation here then a government.

Tier Three is what Miztli calls “protectorates.” These states have their own institutions outside the Hansa often made up only of locals, for example the Kingdom of the Zulu only allows people born there to vote for Parliament, and often has somewhat higher proportions of non-members than the top tiers. However the Hansa still essentially run the show. Membership is a virtual prerequisite for high offices, for example the Prime Minister of the Zulu, and these territories have often made significant concessions.

“They’re puppets,” Explains Tibusungu’u Yata'uyungana, my contact in Munich. “Plain and simple. Slaves to their masters in Lübeck.”

Yata'uyungana is a Tsou exile from the Republic of Formosa, a solidly tier three state. While most areas ruled directly by the League an be generally relied on to have some degree of freedom, Tier Three nations are more varied. The Kingdom of the Zulu largely maintains the freedoms Hansa members get in places like Germany, whereas Formosa does not.

“Any opposition is crushed,” he explains. “And it’s where they send troublemakers they can’t legally touch elsewhere. You said you talked to a dissident in Berlin? He’ll end up at some black site in Formosa or the Swahili Coast.”

All tier three nations have granted economic privileges to the Hansa in exchange for automatically agreeing to certain League policies. Some have also waved their military and diplomatic rights over to the League, although Formosa has not. Hansa members living in such places have a lower voting privilege in the Hansatag, but also have more freedom from certain guild rules.

“Of course, there is no true escape,” claims Yata'uyungana. “The oppression of the worker continues nonetheless.”

I inquire about the fact that even the lowliest manual laborer has a vote, which is more than many employees can say. He scoffs.

“It’s all rigged. The Hansatag is heavily biased towards those with power. 7 years as a manager is worth 49 times more bite weight than 7 years as an entry level worker. And the Guild won’t promote you unless you’ve got connections. Oh, and there’s no way to leave without abandoning your home.” He complains.

Yata'uyungana works for the international organization Workers Global, which advocates for workplace democracy rather than the hierarchy employed by the league.

“Free-Market types will complain that the League’s problem is that it’s beholden. Tied down by responding to things like member demands and need for social services.” He says. These are indeed the complaints that Felix Nemke made. “But the real problem is that the workers don’t have any control. The bureaucracy is too thick and the corrupt Hansatag will block any change.” Yata'uyungana continues.

I ask if any of the League’s internal political parties would cause real change. He shakes his head insistently.

“All of them are more or less in agreement about the current system. Although the Populists have some decent ideas. But none of them are willing to actually change. At least in Capeland you could vote for Liberation.”

Tier Four territories have what Metzil calls “substantial but not dominant influence” from the guild. That is, the guild exerts far more influence than is typical even for a large corporation but there are significant non-Hansa forces as a counterweight. This can take several forms. In the aforementioned Capeland the League backed Prosperity Party is only one of many fighting for control. Whereas Japan is mostly free of outside influence, save Nagasaki where the league exerts considerable influence.

“The League is an imperial power,” insists Yata'uyungana, and not without reason. “They can promote all the non-European Grand Masters they want, they can apologize for their role in the transatlantic slave trade, but it doesn’t change the facts of the matter.”

The League's leadership retains a majority from Northern Europe, despite the international character of its members. And it a territory wishes to leave it faces a bevy of convoluted legal and economic questions, combined its potential ruin should the League simply withdraw all funds.

“And even if the League does pull out, leaving only their offices and ‘legitimate businesses’ like mining or whatever that doesn’t mean you’re free. Look at what happened to Oman.” Yata'uyungana grumbles.

There exists an unofficial “Tier Five” where the Hanseatic League operates as a puppet master despite having little presence in terms of raw numbers. Some are ex-colonies, such as Oman. Others are places like England where historical animosity from the populace prevents the League from gaining a foothold, but the League’s London office ensures that the government stays in line.

“The League is great if you’re in good with them.” Yata'uyungana admits bergundingly. “Peace, prosperity, those little cream puff things. But they have a nasty side. And if you piss then off, they don’t hesitate to show you.”

The Hanseatic League

That's a genuinely excellent take on a surviving Hanseatic League, and undoubtedly a very good entry.

The rise of absolutism and later nationalism hurt the Hansa in places. Much of their influence in Russia was lost as the Czar’s tightened their grip. State back trading companies like the French East India Company were harder to muscle out of the markets. In an age of mass armies League had little population to draw from.

I might be a little biased here, but was the relationship between Hansa and the Novgorod and Pskov Republics (if such existed ITTL) particularly close, and does the modern Hanseatic system along the Gulf of Finland still retain Russian influence and/or members?th

Also, did the French East India company retain its power, or was it ultimately toppled by a Sepoy Mutiny equivalent?

Most rebels operating in League “Territory” operate on lower tiers, where there is more wiggle room against the Hansa, as well as more protection afforded to non-members. Nemke however is trying his luck in the woodland vacation town of Berlin.

Are rebellions particularly frequent across League territory?
Zenteno is an activist within Chile, the head of the Chilean Democratic Movement. His group’s platform calls for an end to the Syntegrationist state and free elections to a conventional national legislature.

Wanted to clarify something; are political parties legal in the Republic of Chile and are they permitted to be represented in the Chilean "legislature"? The Chilean Democratic Movement doesn't seem to be.
Wanted to clarify something; are political parties legal in the Republic of Chile and are they permitted to be represented in the Chilean "legislature"? The Chilean Democratic Movement doesn't seem to be.

Not formally. In theory political parties can recruit as many members of the general public as they like, and if some of those members get randomly picked then they have sets in the Sample. But Sample members don't get to formally identify with parties the way people in the US Congress or the British Parliament do.
Idea: a world whose version of Earth was hit by the worst case scenario of the 2012 solar flare. By 2020, the world is starting to recover, but a mild form of Luddism (if it can be done by hand, it's done by hand; more advanced technology is employed for those endeavours that no human being could possibly do by themselves) has become popular.
Provisional Authority of Korea

(Collaboration of me and @Whiteshore)​

When we arrived at Seoul, it wasn't like other incarnations of the city as a bustling metropolis as it was a city which was relatively poor and delipidated, we could see a pedestal which had only a foot standing over it, the pedestal said “Great Leader Comrade Kim Il-sung” in Korean, a symbol of the insane regime which had ruled over the Korean Peninsula for 50 years. it was destroyed since Operation Chromite, which was the invasion of Korea, which ended the Juche regime.

When we visited Korea's Occupation Authority building in Seoul, we saw Iranian, American, Japanese, Thai, Saudi Arabian, and Filipino flags but not the flag of the Republic of Korea. There, we saw Colonel Alexandria Oliver, one of the staff officers who had been in charge of the occupation authority in Seoul.

"So hello, Mrs. Oliver, can you introduce yourself?"

" hello. I am Colonel Alexandra Oliver. And I am a managing director for the Provisional Authority of Korea."

"So, what is the Provisional Authority of Korea's role?" I asked what it was.

The Provisional Authority in Korea arose from the ashes of the so-called “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”, a country which was neither democratic, for the people, or a republic, only fulfilling one of the four things in its official title owing to its control over the Korean peninsula, was a totalitarian regime which was a pseudo-monarchy and was callous towards the suffering of the Korean people it ruled over. It preached that “man was the master of its own destiny” when only the Kim family could be considered masters of their own destiny. One of the examples of the cruelty of the Kim Family was the three-generation rule, which exterminated the entire family of political prisoner’s roots and branches. It was the reason that these extinct family names were handed out by the provisional authority, attached to military and civilian national awards. Furthermore, its concentration camps are designed to exterminate them, with its conditions being even worse than nazi death camps, except involving forced labor instead of gas chambers in most cases, the exception was used in Camp 14 in Gaecheon, where millions of people were murdered with gas chambers.

The regime finally ended in 2004, when the Juche invasion of Japan failed after total defeat in Kobe which cost millions of lives for both sides each, especially with the insanity of invading Japan to exterminate the Japanese people for the crimes of the Japanese occupation of Korea. It led to Coalition's invasion of the Juche regime, and the Juche regime fell after Kim Jung-il committed suicide. in the wake of this, many members of WPK leadership, bureaucrats, journalists, and Supreme people's assembly members, especially those who hadn’t fled to China or Russia, the main friendly countries to the DPRK, or shady regimes like Libya, Rwanda, Iraq, and Zimbabwe, were tried for crimes against humanity and crimes against peace along with war crimes with the only ⅕ of them found innocent. And of the guilty, ¼ of them were sentenced to death with hanging being the most prominent method of execution as 100,000 were tried and 20,000 were executed.

But by then, there was literally zero resistance against the Juche regime from within, dissent was dead and the government-in-exile in West Samoa was unable to have the bureaucratic capacity to rule over 80 million people. It was why the Provisional Authority in Korea was established from bureaucratic attachés of US, Thai, Iranian, Saudi, Filipino, and Japanese Army, while the local government was established from the large Korean diasporas of people who had fled Korea. This Provisional Authority will be giving Koreans political tutelage until their local government is fit to govern themselves. Though according to what Colonel Oliver says, the Provisional Authority of Korea’s goal, “though Japan and Saudi Arabia may disagree, is to turn this country into a prosperous democracy which can serve as a bulwark against China, which is now engaged in a trade war against the USA, and the Union of Sovereign States, increasingly resurgent.”

So I asked, “How could we insert democracy in Korea when it is very unused to it?” I asked, true. “it was very hard to start a democracy up, let alone coming up with a constitution. For example, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Japan wanted to have a constitutional monarchy, with a relative of the Thai King, Saudi Malik, Iranian Shahanshah, or the Japanese Emperor himself as King of Korea, which was modeled after Canadians in Japan's case." Chana asked, "Then why didn't they crown Japanese emperor as king of korea? I think it would have been a Take that to juche regime due to how much they hate japan" colonel Oliver answered "true. But it was ultimately rejected as it would have been very unpopular with Koreans."

So as a compromise, a presidential republic was established with a directly elected president with a 4-year term, a unicameral congress with a parallel voting system, constitutional courts, and Supreme court. However, they can’t hold real power as there were only 6 political parties registered for the first general election and those were extensions of Thai, American, Japanese, Iranian, Saudi, and Filipino Political Parties. For example, incumbent president Choi Sang-Hyuk is from the Republican Party, which is headquartered in the USA, and he beat Lim Sang-Chul, who was from the Iranian National Front in the last presidential election.

This made sure that all the political decisions be made in occupational authority. It included economic programs, education, and various political matters when it comes to Korea’s de facto foreign policy. The governor is elected by the agreement of the head of the government of six countries. Most of the time it is selected by the majority opinion. Under Occupational Government, they have near-absolute power to rule over the country of Korea, answerable only to the six occupying nations.

their policies like land reforms and starting light industry and ending corruption were welcomed by locals,but some, like institution of curfews, were disliked as well.

Alexandria Oliver explains that the reason for occupation authority's existence was that "Without this occupation authority system, Koreans couldn't govern themselves, with their ability to do so being robbed of governing themselves by the Kim dynasty. So Korean society would collapse into warlord statelets like How Cambodia fared after the Khmer Rouge destroyed itself in the 1980s. "

"What was this based upon?" Chana Asked.

"Well..This was based on a precedent in Germany, which was run under the “Allied Control Council” after the Second World War. It managed Germany from 1945 to 1947, when the Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic was founded. This was the main inspiration for this, but we had to modify it to fit Korea's conditions which include..."

The interview would be interrupted by a sudden explosion, which Colonel Oliver asked to excuse herself before the interview could conclude.

The next day, I was interviewing a Chinese intellectual, one by the name of Cheng Jie, at Tsinghua University. He condemned the actions of the United States and its allies as “neo-imperialism”, arguing that Korea was a joint colony of the United States, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Iran, and the Philippines. Despite its existence, he argued that the local government was a sham to justify neo-colonial policies that the “Big Six” of America, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Thailand, and the Philippines have enacted.

In this, he pointed to the fact that how the Japanese pushed to enact what amounted to "a modern-day version of the Morgenthau Plan...deindustrializing and balkanizing Korea." And how Saudis Wanted to turn Korea into "a Banana Republic...similar to those in Latin America". In this, he claimed the only reason the major powers did not try to balkanize Korea or deindustrialize the region was due to "the need to present a bulwark against China."

He also claimed that a major reason why the Provisional Authority was kept on a tight leash is because of how the main powers feel that Korea would, if granted more independence in its affairs, would align itself with the People’s Republic of China and the Union of Sovereign States. This was due to the fact that Korea was too economically dependent on China and the USS, who were the main countries that propped up the DPRK during the famines in the 1990s. Despite this, USS and PRC abandoned DPRK during the Korea-Japan war of 2004-2006.

After the interview was over, while I was playing Overwatch as Song Hana and Chana was looking at a viral music video from Korea which caused an overflow in both the like count and the view count of VideoNet, a push notification came on Chana's smartphone and my PC, revealing that the explosion was a suicide attack done by remnants of the Korean Worker's Party who had turned to terrorism in the aftermath of their defeat.

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But why didn't Chana interview any Koreans? He literally only interviewed foreigners without bothering to get the opinions of any natives about the transitional government.

Also, are the Saudi's and Iranians really so dumb as to think that Korea would accept an Islamic monarchy with absolutely no historical connection to the people?

Even a Japanese monarchy in Korea would probably be more tied to the locals.
Also, are the Saudi's and Iranians really so dumb as to think that Korea would accept an Islamic monarchy with absolutely no historical connection to the people?
It was vocal minority even among Saudi and Iranians.


But why didn't Chana interview any Koreans? He literally only interviewed foreigners without bothering to get the opinions of any natives about the transitional government.
It reflects government system of PAiK. Where something closest to Opposition are another foreign power.
Provisional Authority of Korea

(Collaboration of me and @Whiteshore)


These are the kind of contributions I like, in which the various participants in the system of government aren't cold-hearted fiends or nutcases.

A system of military governance that isn't really good or bad, but the product of a flaw in joint-international governance: the various competing interests of different powers that don't necessarily have the interests of the people they are occupying at heart.
My first go at this! Many thanks to @Ephraim Ben Raphael for the map, I'm horrible at making them, lol.

The British Commonwealth of Ulster

"Mr. Chaná, it's a great pleasure to meet you." William Blackwood is a tall, portly man in a well tailored suit who has an extremely firm handshake, as I discovered in a rather bone-crushing way. He offered to help me with my bags, an offer I graciously accepted, and we got into the back of a waiting government car. So far my host has been rather amenable, but we'll see if that continues to be the case.

In 2014, Scotland voted to secede from the United Kingdom by a razor thin margin. The results were honored, and the decoupling process began. This triggered demands for a referendum in Wales, which also passed a year later. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had become an association of just England and Northern Ireland. This didn't last, as in February 2016, Westminster announced plans to try and reintegrate Ulster into Ireland, and Prime Minister Blair announced "We should no longer consider the United Kingdom a going concern. Now, we shall be England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland." However, not everyone embraced the dissolution of the UK so gracefully. In Northern Ireland, the result was nothing short of the Second Coming of The Troubles. Normally, Ireland would have intervened, but the rather literal spark that set off the explosion in violence had been several radical nationalists burning an Ulster flag. It would be very easy for the Protestants to allege that Dublin had started it all on purpose to justify the forceful, total integration of Ulster.

On April 5th, a multilateral summit including the Irish, the English, the Scotch, representatives from the EU, and the United States convened in London to hash out an agreement. Given the deep divided between Nationalist and Unionist, and given the fact that Unionists did have a Parliamentary and thus democratic majority, an arrangement was made. Clearly, Ulster couldn't be integrated into Ireland without a great deal of bloodshed, and the moderate government wasn't thrilled with the idea of a War on Terror style quagmire within spitting distance of the capital. Instead, it was decided to declare Ulster a free and independent state, with an open border arrangement with the Republic of Ireland. Fearing further violence, thousands of Nationalists took the transition period as an opportunity to flee. On September 10th, 2016, a Unionist coalition of the Democratic Unionist Party and Ulster Unionist Party took power under a unique constitutional arrangement. After the election, another wave of thousands of Nationalists would leave for Ireland proper.

Looking out the window as we drive from the airport in Belfast, you wouldn't think you were in an infant republic; you'd think it was a particularly enthusiastic V-E Day. The number of Union Jacks waving from homes and businesses was astonishing. The only things like it that I've seen in a free or "free" society have been in some of the many Americas I've seen across the multiverse. The Union Jack is actually still the national flag of the British Commonwealth of Ulster. In fact, much of Britain's national symbolism is still alive here. The national anthem is still God Save the Queen. The Ulster government hosts a scaled down version of the Proms. Despite the fact that the British Commonwealth has practically dissolved, the Queen is still a fetish here and the Ulsterites claim her as their head of state, even though there is no longer a constitutional bond between Ulster and the House of Windsor. They even made tea the national drink.

We quickly arrive at the Assembly Building, former home of the devolved Northern Irish government, turned home of the new Government of the Commonwealth. Blackwood is himself an MP for the UUP, and I follow him through the grand building into his office, decorated in a traditional British style. One of the interns has put together a proper afternoon tea for us, and we sit down to discuss the fate of this country. I start by asking the obvious question; why cling to the old British trappings?

Blackwood pauses midway through a scone and, after swallowing, answers "Because Britain is never dead so long as the spirit of Britannia beats in the hearts of her citizens. I feel confident that one day the Union will be restored. It must be restored. The United Kingdom, when it was fully united, conquered a quarter of the world. Divided, we're infinitely weaker. For this little corner of the world to have any influence, we must be united again under the Union Jack."

I asked him how this was to be practically done.

"I think a series of new referendums are the ideal solution. We must govern ourselves democratically, that is the characteristic of a Briton. Then, the United Kingdom will be fully reunited and these isles will be prosperous once more."

Concerning topics of governance and unity, I asked him about Ulster's unique Parliamentary system.

"Well, to ensure ethnic cooperation and religious tolerance, the Nationalist Catholics have their own House of Parliament, the House of Nationals, and we Protestant Unionists have the House of Ulsterites. That way, both sides can have their say in a peaceful, democratic manner befitting our political heritage."

I pointed out to him that this arrangement might not meet most people's definitions of democratic. The House of Ulsterites is the only house legally allowed to form a government, which is why the Unionist parties have such a death grip on power. Furthermore, the House of Nationals has about as much power as the pre-Dissolution House of Lords. How is this a genuine democracy?

"Mr. Chaná, while the House of Nationals might fulfill a different role from the House of Ulsterites, there is nothing anti-democratic about it. It is an important mechanism of our constitutional order, one that has evolved naturally out of the old British way of doing things."

How exactly is one House of Parliament having the sole right to form a government in anyway like the British system?

"The current arrangement has been created in response to the extraordinary times in which we live. To ensure quick and speedy decision making, we have concentrated certain administrative and legislative powers in various organs of Government. Once the United Kingdom has been fully and completely restored, the old arrangement can be restored. Think of it as being like when Churchill's government took special powers during the War."

Changing tacks, I noted that with all the rhetoric of fully restoring the United Kingdom, some Irish worry that Ulster has designs on Ireland proper. Is this true?

A hearty chuckle. "Good God man, are you drunk? That's just Sinn Fein propaganda. The people down south can get naked and drunkenly worship the Pope in a bog for all I care. We wish to restore Great Britain and Northern Ireland, that's all."

The noticeable bigotry reminds me of my next line of questioning. How is the Ulsterite government handling the wave in anti-Catholic hate crimes?

"There's little to be done I'm afraid. In periods of great unrest such as these, ancient passions flare. The best we can do is try and enforce existing hate crime legislation. Of course, not many people are willing to testify against their neighbours, so that makes life even more difficult."

I ask him point blank if the government is funding Unionist militias, as has been alleged by the UN, EU, and the Republic of Ireland.

"Mr. Chaná, those claims are nothing short of outrageous and offensive lies invented by Sinn Fein. Her Majesty's Government in Ulster is devoted to British principles, and thus against racial or religious bigotry."

Sensing I might be overstaying my welcome, I bid my host adieu. Although he did well hiding it, I sensed he was rather angry at my line of questioning. Knowing I had touched upon a sensitive issue, I flew to London to meet Herbert Smith, one of the UK negotiators during the settlement that created Ulster, now a leading Sky News political analyst, who was not uncritical of the government in Belfast. Herbert is a slight man, with graying hair and piercing blue eyes. We met at a pub near Westminster for a couple pints and conversation. Despite the fall of the Union, London was very much the same as it typically is across the multiverse, just flying the English flag these days.

We get introduced, and then I ask him point blank about the accusations made against Ulster by Sinn Fein, Ireland, and the world's various human rights groups.

"Well, Blackwood was honest when he said they don't desire Ireland proper. That really is Sinn Fein propaganda. The rest is a different story. For all intents and purposes, the Unionist government has engaged in a limited scale ethnic cleansing, and is now segregating and suppressing the Nationalists and Catholics. They've mostly gotten away with it too. Syria's got the world's attention, and while I'm no fan of Belfast, they're angels compared to the Assadists. So, it's not really a priority. The Russians and Chinese don't care enough to make a stink, and the Americans won't do anything unless shit hits the fan. Most of former Britain won't either, they're a combination of distracted and sympathetic."

I ask him what he means by that. Surely the former British states would have an interest?

A humorless chuckle. "Fraid not. The dissolution of the Union seemed like a good idea, but it's increasingly biting us. Life expectancy has dropped about 3.5 years. The economy cratered and triggered a global recession, so we're poorer and less popular abroad. The NHS in Scotland completely fell apart. Got bad enough that the Yanks had to chip in to keep supplies from running out in 2018. We also have no international clout anymore. Our place as America's special friend has been taken by Australia, as they do a whole pivot to the East to contain China, and divided we don't have enough influence to be worth listening to. It seems like a debt crisis over the handling of the old national account pops up every few months. In short, we have a lot of crises distracting us, and frankly we're fucked. That's given some people strong Unionist sympathies. UKIP transitioned into the Union Party, and they're now in government alongside the Tories, where they increasingly run the show. There are pro-Britain rallies here in Parliament Square every weekend. Big ones. Even the Scots and Welsh are jumping on the train a bit. So, you see scrappy Ulster defiantly flying the Union Jack and you aren't thinking of racist arseholes. You're thinking of your grandfather and his generation standing up to Hitler. You're thinking of Churchill and Boudicca. You're thinking of Shakespeare yelling out "Cry God for Harry, England, and St. George!" That appeals to lots of people. "

I ask him if he thinks the United Kingdom will reunite. It sounds like it would be for the best.

"I honestly don't know. It's certainly possible. However, there are big differences that need to be sorted before such a thing happens. The Unionists in Belfast are mostly content to go back to the status quo, although increasingly they want to keep their new power over the Catholics. The Unionists in Scotland and Wales want a federal system to maximize local autonomy. English Unionists have people who agree with both, and a sizable bunch of outright English imperialists who want to "properly Anglicize the Jocks and Taffys, like we ought to have last time." So while reunification is possible, I'm personally not optimistic. It's a damn shame. I was a faithful civil servant, but I was never an ardent patriot till after the Union was gone. She wasn't perfect, but she was a damn sight better than this."

From what I read I can see England agreeing to reunify with Ulster but can't quite see Scotland and Wales joining. Also even if England does agree to unify with Ulster I am not sure Belfast would agree to it. They would likely argue "we can't restore to old system until Scotland and Wales join back up" and even if England is getting worse I can't see London simply letting part of the nation be run by segregationists. So yeah Smith is probably right in not being optimistic.

Also I loved how Smith said "that really is Sinn Fein propaganda". It is quite funny to me.
From what I read I can see England agreeing to reunify with Ulster but can't quite see Scotland and Wales joining. Also even if England does agree to unify with Ulster I am not sure Belfast would agree to it. They would likely argue "we can't restore to old system until Scotland and Wales join back up" and even if England is getting worse I can't see London simply letting part of the nation be run by segregationists. So yeah Smith is probably right in not being optimistic.

Also I loved how Smith said "that really is Sinn Fein propaganda". It is quite funny to me.

England and Ulster reunifying but the Scottish and Welsh remaining on the outside is probably the most likely scenario for any kind of reunification. Even that would probably require English politics taking a pretty hard right turn given the kind of state Ulster has become. I think that would be plausible, especially if the economy continues to stagnate/deteriorate, but it isn't a certainty.

That and a few other parts made me chuckle as I was writing. Honestly the whole concept of Ulster defiantly claiming themselves as British while the rest of the Union moves on is in of itself pretty damn comedic.
I don't understand. If the multinational corporations control the government, and all industry is controlled by those corporations, then why don't the corporations want to industrialize the country? Wouldn't that allow them to produce cheap goods easier?
This assumes the corporations see turning the country into a colossal factory as the most profitable course of action to take with it. They might not, preferring alternatives such as keeping it as an underdeveloped dystopian dumpster fire to provide a perpetual market for weapon sales to the military/industry complexes of other countries that want to occupy said anarchic disaster.
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