Stepping down
Chapter 10: Stepping down



Bhimsen Thapa’s back ached as he stood in front of the Royal Cabinet. Pushkar Shahs reforms a decade ago, had been successful in making the Royal Cabinet a reality. The Bharadari Sabha would give a list of 5 names well suited for the task to the King, and the King would choose one among them. He was still Mukhtiyar, however Bhimsen’s health was failing.

He was now 66 years old, and an old man by this point. He had nary a decade left in these bones and Bhimsen knew it. He was now going to step down and with the auspices of Rajah Rajendra Bir Bikram Shah, he was going to hand out his successor to the position of Mukhtiyar of Nepal.

He looked at the Royal Cabinet in front of him. The Home Secretary, Aaron Karmacharya was a middle aged man, tapping his walking stick, as a result of an accident that had taken hi independent upright capabilities. He was a good administrator, though slightly too strict, even more the disciplinary Bhimsen Thapa.

The Attorney General, was his nephew Bir Narsingh Kunwar. He advocated for isolation from the outside world for the Nepalese nation, however Bhimsen Thapa and the rest of the Cabinet usually ignored this part of his nephew. Regardless, Narsingh was a very good and competent Attorney General for the Cabinet in all aspects that was needed by the government.


Bir Narsingh Kunwar.

The Royal Treasurer, was Nripendra Joshi. An articulate man, though somewhat lackadaisical in his promiscuous behavior, as long as he did his job perfectly, which he had, the Royal Cabinet usually turned a blind eye to his well…..pursuit of Feminine Charms.

Balbhadra Kunwar himself was the War Secretary. A proven General in the field of battle, the man was a heavy military reformer of the Nepalese Military. Bhimsen and Balbhadra didn’t know whether the Royal Nepalese Army, now numbering 70,000 in men divided into 3 divisions and 2 independent Regiments, was upto European Standards, however, it was definitely up to the standards that the East India Company employed, and was definitely a strong fighting force. The expansion of Swayambu Factory had been able to make Nepal independent in the production of muskets, at least for the Nepalese Army itself. Though, from what Bhimsen heard, war technology was advancing rapidly in Europe.

Ranabir Thapa, the Secretary of Finance, Development and Economics stood impassively as well. Bhimsen smiled fleetingly. The past decade had been good for Nepalese economics. Textile industries had been made in the southern slopes of Nepal to make it one of the best in South Asia. State investment on part of the Royal Parliament made the textile industry of Nepal, particularly appealing to the Chinese and British, and exporting these textile products to Britain and China had been very profitable. Numbers indicated that after 30 years, the Nepalese economy would double from that of 1816, which was now, one of Bhimsen Thapa’s best successes. Another sector of the economy that had flourished was the agricultural sector. Irrigation networks were in construction in many parts of the fertile lands of Nepal, and within a good few years to a decade perhaps, Nepal would end subsistence farming for good. After that perhaps, Nepal could venture out into commercial farming as well. Finally there was the city planning plans. They were revived from the Malla Days, and Kathmandu Valley had become a very planned city. In the center in the river basin was the residence and in the hills and sides of the valley stood the administrative buildings and governmental buildings. The same planned manner of construction was now becoming reality in many other major population centers of Nepal as well.


The textile industry was Nepal's most lucrative market and industry.

The final member of the Royal Cabinet was Pushkar Shah, the Foreign Secretary. He was of course largely here for respect, as beside Britain and the Asian nations, Nepal had nary any relation with any other nation on the planet.

Bhimsen coughed slightly and said “I am here today to designate my successor. One among you.”

The room was quiet.

“And I choose……Blabhadra Kunwar.”


1 week later

Balbhadra Kunwar was reading the reports and the new plans quietly as he still wrapped his head around the idea that he was now Mukhtiyar of Nepal. Bhimsen had retreated to his palace in Nuwakot where he was now living out his retirement. He had a chronic case of lung disease, and Balbhadra regrettably believed that it wasn’t long before death claimed the fantastic 1st Mukhtiyar of Nepal as its own.

Rajendra, the king himself had been very unwilling to let Bhimsen retire, however had been convinced otherwise by the man himself. Somewhat heart touchingly, the King stated that – “If I die on the job, then the nation will not collapse. If Bhimsen dies on the job, then this nation will collapse.”

Bhimsen’s reformist policies had been slow, and somewhat going at a pace of a snail, however they were very successful in the long run. His policies for economics had made the Nepalese textile sector boom, and the country was flourishing. His infrastructural plans had made the roads, and pathways between Nepal very intricate and far more developed.

Balbhadra smiled slightly as he thought of the now old man, living out the remaining years of his life. Balbhadra had grown old as well. 49 years of age he was now. A decade and a half in him to do work.

He sighed as he read the costs of the new irrigation canal works between the great rivers of the Nepalese plains. They had been the brain child of Bhimsen Thapa, and barely within the budgets of the Nepalese Royal Bank and Royal Treasury, however the results far outweighed the initial costs and they had gone ahead. The irrigation works in the west had gone swimmingly well and had already been completed last year. The yield received this year, was much better than the previous years, and had proven that the irrigation canals and networks were very useful in making the agricultural yield of the nation higher, greater and better. The construction continued in the southeast, where the mighty rivers of the Narayani and the Saptakoshi roared.

Balbhadra narrowed his eyes as he read through the reports detailing about unrest in the East India Company between the British and the local populace there. Some reports suggested that violence was likely to erupt between the populace as well.

Balbhadra would have to keep an eye on the situation at the moment, however, Balbhadra was now going to plan for the future.

Nepal was now becoming independent of its economic reliance on the trade route between India and China through its territory, and if it was all combined, Nepal’s economic potential was there. However it wasn’t going to be easy. It had taken two and a half decade of work to reach this level of success. And more time was evidently going to be required for more to be done. Currently now Balbhadra was eyeing up full industrialization of the state. As stated above, he knew it was going to take a long amount of time, however if he started now, he knew that by 1900, 6 decades down the line, Nepal could be a sufficiently industrialized state. To start, he needed coal. And whilst Nepal didn’t have the absurd amount of coal that Britain did, Nepal certainly had enough to sustain itself. Coal mining would need to be encouraged, and the country would need to be industrialized if it was to succeed in the world stage.

And by the gods, Balbhadra was going to be a worthy successor to Bhimsen Thapa.

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Aaron Karmacharya? How'd a British name be the name of a Noble? Seeing that I find no record of anyone with that name OTL, did you make him up? Also, there is no way a Newar would serve in the office in 19th Century Nepal. That didn't happen OTL until 1960s. Nepali ruling class was pretty racist
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Aaron Karmacharya? How'd a British name be the name of a Noble? Seeing that I find no record of anyone with that name OTL, did you make him up? Also, there is no way a Newar would serve in the office in 19th Century Nepal. That didn't happen OTL until 1960s. Nepali ruling class was pretty racist
He was a low level promising adminstrator who caught the eye of Bhimsen Thapa but was eliminated by Jung Bahadur Rana. With Bhimsen showing much more interests in the government, that didn't happen and he became a member of the cabinet under the auspices of Bhimsen Thapa. Also Aaron is a Nepali name, though loosely used.
Source? I find nothing. The most I get is a youtuber/singer. And despite your claims, Aaron is definitely not a Nepali name.
Also, considering the man existed, I doubt his name was fake.
I'm sorry but that source isn't reliable. Anyone could add the name.

Although there are some sources saying that the name is there in Hindi.. But as you said loosely used. Most Aarons in Nepal are named so as it is a foreign name, similar to Jack, David.

I'm sorry but I disagree that there was an Aaron Karmacharya in the 19th Century. Please do give a source for that person
I'm sorry but that source isn't reliable. Anyone could add the name.

Although there are some sources saying that the name is there in Hindi.. But as you said loosely used. Most Aarons in Nepal are named so as it is a foreign name, similar to Jack, David.

I'm sorry but I disagree that there was an Aaron Karmacharya in the 19th Century. Please do give a source for that person

It's a pretty common - 'ish' uncommon name.

I found out about the man in Jung Bahadur Rana: The Story of His Rise and Glory by Purushottama Samser Rana.
Indian Mutiny Part 1
Chapter 11: The Indian Mutiny Part 1




15th May, Kathmandu


Balbhadra Kunwar, the Second Prime Minister or Mukhtiyar of Nepal read the letter that the British resident to Nepal, George Ramsay had given him.

“Mr. Ramsay, surely the situation in India isn’t anything to worry about?” Balbhadra asked quietly as both the powerful men sat down on one of the villas of the Durbar.


George Ramsay, the 4th British Resident to Nepal.

“I am afraid Mukhtiyar Kunwar, that the situation in India is particularly grave. Many Indian states are in open rebellion, and the Honorable East India Company is in dire straits at the moment.” Ramsay spoke with a hand in his suit pocket. “I am afraid, that the military pact that Nepal and the East India Company signed in 1816 must now be put into use.”

“From what I understand it is only Meerut and Delhi that has been in revolt. I have not heard anything else that worries me.” Balbhadra replied as he glanced at Ramsay.

Ramsay sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and said “Unfortunately, you seem to be somewhat behind on news. Bahadur Shah II was named to be the Mughal Emperor and most importantly of all, Emperor Of All India.”


Bahadur Shah Zafar II, the 'Emperor of All India' and the Mughals.

Balbhadra stilled. The Mughals had once been the most ardent of enemies of the northern Nepalese princedoms, having them back wasn’t a good demeanor or good geopolitical strategy to have at any level at all. He closed his eyes and said “The Royal Nepali Army has 70,000 men in service. How many do you require?”

Ramsay chuckled. “Not all. Half would be enough. We require Nepal to put the revolt in Awadh down and advance onto towards Delhi and take the city and capture the city by converging on with the army we will send from the eastern portions of Awadh. From there on, the revolt must be suppressed.”

“Obviously.” Balbhadra murmured.

“Very well, Mukhtiyar Kunwar, it seems we have reached an agreement. I must go and write a letter to Calcutta regarding this news.” Ramsay stated as he stood up and left the room. Balbhadra sighed and brought out another letter, one addressed to him from Bhakt Khan.

In the name of His Majesty and the Maharajah of Nepal, we the people of India must plead to the Durbar of Kathmandu to aid us in this endeavor of ours against the encroachment our lands and our people face on the hands of the British and the Europeans in general. We hope that in good faith, the Durbar of Kathmandu, in accordance with the old Dharmic faith and Dharmic beliefs will come and aid us in our crusade against the British usurpers of our land.

The Gods Will It.

Bhakt Khan

Bhakt Khan.

“As much as my personal sympathies lie with you, Khan, I cannot and will not act with you against the British. My country has an interest in keeping the status quo in the region.” Balbhadra murmured.

He swept away from the room and barked an order to his aid. “Bring me Bir Narsingh Kunwar now!”


“Uncle, to what purpose to I have this honor?” Narsingh asked in jest.

“Perhaps something along many lines.” Balbhadra murmured. “Anyways, you are currently the best general we have in our service, Narsingh. A huge revolt has erupted across the face on India, and the British have asked us to suppress the revolts in Western Awadh and most importantly of all, Delhi.”

“A revolt? Of such scale to make the British worried?” Narsingh asked as he laughed slightly. “Perhaps we should aide them instead!”

“Stop talking nonsense Narsingh.” Balbhadra chided. “It is already decided by sheer facts alone that the British will win this revolt. However, it merely the duration of this revolt that upsets them; they do not wish for an unstable India. And instability has already erupted as a Mughal Emperor claiming to be Emperor of All India has been crowned in Delhi and the rebels are fighting in his name.”

“The Mughals? I had thought their power was all but gone by this point.” Narsingh pointed out.

“For all intents and purposes, he is simply a figurehead for the rebels to gather to; however the title is very prestigious, and considering we butted heads with the Mughals countless times in our history, I have no wish for the Mughals to surprisingly return to power.” Balbhadra answered. “Take 2 Divisions, the Mahakali Division and the Kali Division and advance into Awadh. Go to Lucknow and put the revolt there down and then advance towards Delhi. There you will be aided by an army sent by the British to capture the city as well. If that city falls, the rebellion will splinter off on its own largely.”

“Very well uncle. Permission to leave?”

“Permission granted.”


Narsingh looked at the troops under his command, given to him by his uncle, 30,000 well trained men, armed with muskets, and clothing and equipment all to; at least the standards of the East India Company. This was good news for Narsingh. He didn’t need to get caught off guard by petty rebels.

He sat atop his horse and said “Men! We go to Awadh and Delhi! An old enemy of ours, the Mughals have risen from the ashes, and just like the times of old, our men of mountains must go down to bring our enemy to heel! March men!”

And the march to Awadh began.


Bahadur Shah II sat anxiously in his chamber in Delhi and looked at Bhakt Khan and asked “Have the Nepalese replied yet?”

Khan was currently looking at a war map of the entire subcontinent when he looked up and said “Your majesty, the terrain in which the Nepalese live in is a tough world. I highly doubt that my letter has even reached the city of Kathmandu. Patience is what we require, Milord.”

“But what if they aid the Britisher Usurpers?” Bahadur Shah II fretted.

“They will not.” Khan stated firmly. “If they do not aid us, then with accordance to Dharma, at least they shall remain neutral. Both is a gift to us and our capabilities in kicking the Britishers out. Of course, having the aid of the Royal Nepalese Army would be a boon to us, however them remaining neutral would also be a boon.”

“Will they actually act?”

“Rajah Maharajah Rajendra Bir Bikram Shah is a man taught by European tutors, however he is heavily influenced by the Royal Cabinet of Nepal. And I have no doubt that Dharma shall overtake the Cabinet and aid us in our crusade.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I know I am right milord.”


Ted Russell, the Commander of the 193rd Bengal Infantry read the letter given to him by Calcutta and he happily smirked and waved the letter to his fellow British folk in the rifles battalion.

“Mates! Looks like we have a job to do this in god forsaken rebellion! We are going to aid the Irishmen of Asia!” He proclaimed. Some of the Irishmen in the battalion looked at him strangely with one of them asking “Irishmen of Asia? Who are they?”

“Why, such an ignorant question Fitzroy! I’m talking about the Gurkhas O’course!”



Nepalese Troops in the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.

Yup, any predictions?

Other than North India being galvanized by an even stronger and much more widespread revolutionary spirit ? Nepal is going to have its work cut out for the next century, because revolutionaries don't take well to those they perceive as traitors, and revolutionaries are young to be the most likely dominant native faction in India instead of the INC.
Other than North India being galvanized by an even stronger and much more widespread revolutionary spirit ? Nepal is going to have its work cut out for the next century, because revolutionaries don't take well to those they perceive as traitors, and revolutionaries are young to be the most likely dominant native faction in India instead of the INC.
Eh considering Nepal did send 20,000 troops OTL in support of the british, I doubt that's going to be wholly true.