An Age of Miracles Continues: The Empire of Rhomania

Ah, so colonies.

That mega-Brazil is first on the chopping block. It is huge and the northern part of it is currently the largest exploited sugar-producing region on Earth. I expect someone (Lotharingia, maybe?) to conquer some of it for themselves.
Romania is ancient. Tis the only state in Europe to have seen Carthage, Alexander, Cleopatra, Christ, Charlemagne, Muhammad and Timur, and those stupid Latin historians can go to Coventry. The sheer weight of Romanness will overshadow all other identities. Greek, Turk, Armenian, Vlach, Bulgarian, Ruthenian, Tauro-Helvetian... all are Romans first and proud of it. There is a new national identity being forged, the Roman identity. An OTL example is the British identity, which was mostly but not completely English. The Roman national identity draws from the Greek, but also from the others, and from the legacy of the only true Empire.
Finally a man of culture indeed. "As well all who supports Rome".

Maybe a superpowered China or an early Japan might conquer Nan and bring it under centralised rule. Sino-Japanese Australia might be fun.
Nevertheless, the East Coast of the US all the way upto and including the Appalachians is one of the best stretches of land in all of the Americas. It's fertile enough (though it's not the best), has easy access to the sea, many rivers, plentiful minerals and lots of cash crops.
Isn't the Triune's colonies split English North and French South? That could cause issues. And if Arles can take the Southeast and EAN takes Northern Canada/Quebec then you have a much more broken down colonial landscape. Might even be enough to delay independence for a while and make royal decrees, like not settling past the Appalachians, more enforceable. Add in Mexican, and likely Rhoman, assistance to the inland natives along with Asian colonies on the west coast and we could see a much more balanced new world. Well, except for that mega Brazil to the south.
I thought the North American colonies were entirely under english influence. I'm not entirly sure though. You do make very good points about the difficulty keeping the colonies united. Also yeah it would be extremely interesting to see Mega Brazil become a super power or perhaps even take over as the center of the Spanish empire like with what could have happened with the United kingdom of Portugal and Brazil. What's that colonies name ttl btw?
Sad to see the descendants of Leo Kommenos acting so subservient. Also as much as i want it. Complete Rhoman domination of Italy isn't too likely as the Author stated that the balance of power politics wouldn't allow Rhome to take all of the Lombards territory. I think the Po makes a good and defensible border IMO
Well there's always the next war. Most likely the border that I presented on 256 of the thread will be the most likely border in the likelihood of rome not taking all of italy back.
Ah, so colonies.

That mega-Brazil is first on the chopping block. It is huge and the northern part of it is currently the largest exploited sugar-producing region on Earth. I expect someone (Lotharingia, maybe?) to conquer some of it for themselves.
Ehh as much as I like Lothringia I doubt they'll be in any position to take on Spain after the war of the Rhine even if they win
Maybe a superpowered China or an early Japan might conquer Nan and bring it under centralised rule. Sino-Japanese Australia might be fun.
The zeng in Australia? That's far fetched bruh, not possible for them to go there. They dislike naval stuff because of what the Roman ship lords are doing. Besides their a land based empire, and they don't have the stomach to make their homeland fall to the steeps nomads ever again.
How are the Turks in the Ottoman Empire dealing with being relegated to second class citizens next to the Persians? I know people here are wishing for another Tamerlane against the Turks, but I can't help but think that they'd be a rather useful destabilizing force against Ibrahim. They do have that Ottoman Prince at their disposal if I remember correctly, a Rhoman protectorate of Turkish Syria with an 'Ottoman Komnenid' prince would be a major boon I'd feel.
So it seems like the fall of the Maranids to europe in the not too distant future seems inevitable imo. Eventually It will get to the point where allowing the pirates to continue sabotaging valuable trade through the Mediterranean may become more expensive than wiping them out. Perhaps we could see it partitioned by Spain, Arles, Rhomania and perhaps even Aragon and the Isles. I predict this could happen around the time the ttl version of the Suez Canal shows up making the trade in the Mediterranean far more lucrative.
How are the Turks in the Ottoman Empire dealing with being relegated to second class citizens next to the Persians? I know people here are wishing for another Tamerlane against the Turks, but I can't help but think that they'd be a rather useful destabilizing force against Ibrahim. They do have that Ottoman Prince at their disposal if I remember correctly, a Rhoman protectorate of Turkish Syria with an 'Ottoman Komnenid' prince would be a major boon I'd feel.
I wasn't aware they were treated as second class citezens. I just thought Persians had more power overall. From my understanding its more just bitterness of the Turks not being in the power seat despite it being their empire. I could definitely see it leading to a perminant separation though
Yet the arletian's are s**k**g henries d*** and berbese league just got thrashed.

Roman Italy is the only answer to the perfidious barbarian latins.

Of course! Obviously I'm pro-Roman here, and Italy is a solid foundation to a Fortress Europa strategy for the Roman sphere, but I'm still convinced that Prague is really the final target for a perfect Fortress Europa. Probably not going to happen short of another German War though I expect, and it'd require someone Constantinople can support.

Roman Italy however would be a great flank, the question being whether or not Arles will be driven closer, or away.
Of course! Obviously I'm pro-Roman here, and Italy is a solid foundation to a Fortress Europa strategy for the Roman sphere, but I'm still convinced that Prague is really the final target for a perfect Fortress Europa. Probably not going to happen short of another German War though I expect, and it'd require someone Constantinople can support.

Roman Italy however would be a great flank, the question being whether or not Arles will be driven closer, or away.
I say they entice Arles by letting them take a big chunk of Lombardy
Greeks/Turkish/Armenians/Bulgarians/Kurdish/Serbians/Slavs/Arabs are distinct people with distinct religions/cultures/languages and with sufficiently significant population... so logically Roman Empire should become a hotbed of early nationalist/separatist movements. In addition, Rhome has lots of hostile neighbours and enemies due to its strategical geographical position.

But, I will wait and see and watch how things will play out for the Romans ITTL. Most likely it will end well for them in this specific TL.

And isn't it convenient, from the point of view of Constantinople at least, that the population of the empire at least in the core territories tends to be overwhelmingly Greek with other ethnic groups trending to assimilate to it? Now you could try to get into differences between Roman and Greek but that's splitting hair as in effect the two can be used interchangeably at this point, very much like OTL.

It's not an accident that none other than Theodore II Lascaris is writing in his surviving mail of their Greek ancestors, the achievements of Greek valor in his campaigns against the Bulgarians or how the army must be based on Greeks as only they can help the "hellenikon"
I say they entice Arles by letting them take a big chunk of Lombardy
I think it's a bad deal your inviting someone untrustworthy and a latin to boot. Besides them being a latin their nobles are easily enticed by the triunes, unless Arles kills or destroy the triune faction in Arles they can't be trusted ever. A fully unified Italy under Roman control is the only way to ensure that Rome's western european flank will totally be secured. They already got the Belgrade pact controlling Vienna and Vlachian Gallicia, they got to take the mountain borders in the alps to finally make it ironclad secure. Now the Po is indeed a good defensive border like the old roman republic border around the 1st punic wars, but as we all know securing the alps is an even better cause that safeguards central Italy.
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Nevertheless, the East Coast of the US all the way upto and including the Appalachians is one of the best stretches of land in all of the Americas. It's fertile enough (though it's not the best), has easy access to the sea, many rivers, plentiful minerals and lots of cash crops.

Yeah, the Eastern Seaboard is one of the most productive and economically suitable regions on the planet.

Shame the mid-Atlantic houses some of the least-inspiring natural beauty on the continent. I shit you not, I’m a New Yorker and I’ll be the first to admit that our Tri-State area is the ugliest grouping of states in the country.
I think it's a bad deal your inviting someone untrustworthy and a latin to boot. Besides them being a latin their nobles are easily enticed by the triunes, unless Arles kills or destroy the triune faction in Arles they can't be trusted ever. A fully unified Italy under Roman control is the only way to ensure that Rome's western european flank will totally be secured. They already got the Belgrade pact controlling Vienna and Vlachian Gallicia, they got to take the mountain borders in the alps to finally make it ironclad secure. Now the Po is indeed a good defensive border like the old roman republic border around the 1st punic wars, but as we all know securing the alps is an even better cause that safeguards central Italy.

Italy at this point has a population in the order of 12-13 million minimum, probably higher TTL. The core territories of the empire are 18 million. Even granting that roughly a third of the Italian population is the despotate of Sicily how exactly is the empire supposed to integrate a 50% increase of its population?
Yeah, the Eastern Seaboard is one of the most productive and economically suitable regions on the planet.

Shame the mid-Atlantic houses some of the least-inspiring natural beauty on the continent. I shit you not, I’m a New Yorker and I’ll be the first to admit that our Tri-State area is the ugliest grouping of states in the country.

I can’t believe I as a southerner am going to have to defend yankeedom but upstate New York (Adirondacks, Hudson Valley; Fingerlakes) and PA mountains can be absolutely beautiful. Now New Jersey on the other hand. . .