Map Thread XIX

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Second post of my setting. This time, we're visiting the asteroid belt. Feedback and questions would be appreciated.


The belt has always been a dynamic place. At the crossroads of the inner and outer system, it was in the perfect place to be humanity’s door into the rest of the universe. With it’s vast supply of rare metal and asteroids who’s thick outer shells could easily protect cylinder habitats from radiation, the belt’s attractiveness was undeniable. Almost every great power of earth had colonized the belt to some extent. The first outpost on Ceres was established by Europe in 2075. China, India, and the Arab League soon followed suit. Eventually, the colonies of the belt were united under the administration or alliance of either the African Union or India, turning the belt an area into an effective proxy of the greatest cold war humanity had ever known. Despite the animosities of earth, tolerance, or rather a mutually beneficial understanding, prevailed in the belt. This intersection of vastly different cultures and traditions combined with a emerging culture of mercantilism and resource competition, and mixed to form a cosmopolitan and tolerant, but simultaneously cutthroat and materialistic culture. For a time, the belt enjoyed great wealth from selling the raw material to fuel the economies of Africa and India.

Nothing is forever, and the belt’s status as a simple series of resource extraction colonies with an ego ended rather violently when the third cold war went hot in 2248. The Belt was utterly torn apart. Weapons of every imaginable variety rained hell on the asteroids, from nukes, to RKVs to antimatter bombs. When all was said and done, most of the once opulent settlements were either destroyed or a shell of their former glory. Roving bands of pirates took advantage of the chaos, looting and stealing, further exacerbating the lawlessness. With trade cut off from earth, all seemed lost. Thankfully, the ingenuity of the belters is second only to their materialism. The African allied colony of Ceres and the Indian-Allied colonies of Vesta and Pallas, seeing the madness, decided to forget their differences and band together to survive the anarchy. In the spirit of cooperation, the colonies formed a collective space force and threw their strength behind a massive crusade to bring order back to the Belt. Over the course of 10 year, almost every pirate band and petty dictatorship had surrendered to the new Belter authority. Things were not fine, far from it, but people could not resist celebrating. Without the help of any foreign power, without the need for any outside assistance, the Belt had unified itself.

The road to recovery, like everywhere in the system, was bumpy and long, but the belt was resilient, ambitious, and ready to fundamentally alter itself. In anticipation of a new age, the politics of Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas merged into the newly declared Ecumene of the Belt, an AI Administered Democratic Federation spanning much of the Belt’s largest settlements. Unilaterally rejecting the label of simple colonies at the crossroads of the system, the Ecumene aimed to be the center of the system. To do this, they announced the expansion program, a five step project intended to make the Ecumene the center of human civilization. First, a massive rotating habitat, Osisi-1 was bored into Ceres, capable of hosting billions of sophonts. Even more grand was the second step, the complete merging of the asteroids of Vesta and Pallas, giving rise to the completely new celestial body Vesta-Pallas, made to host a similar cylinder hab, Shafir. The third step was the quarantining of almost all floating debris within ecumene space into the leviathan Kitwo mass depository, contained by two Toruses and a layer of nanites. This would serve as a massive resource store, as well as a source of raw mass for the budding kugelblitz industry. The fourth step was the construction of Isoka, a monolithic station of pure gold, sapphire and alabaster, serving as the lavish but efficient capital of the new nation. The final step was the heavy deregulation of the Belt’s settlement founding policies, which has previously been tightly controlled by India and Africa in order to make sure every settlement stayed loyal to their respective alliances. Now almost anyone could form almost any society in the belt, making it one of the best choices for those devastated by the war to start anew. As these programs began to be implemented, and as the great shift encouraged more and more people to abandon biology entirely for android bodies, the population of the belt doubled, then quadrupled, until it was one of the most densely populated areas of the system, second only to earth. Despite this, things didn’t get crowded, because a constant stream of habitats manufactured by the Ecumene kept living space abundant.

In the modern day the Ecumene is still a dynamic, monolithic, and slightly arrogant power. At least in it’s case, the arrogance is justified. The Ecumene practically owns trade between the inner and outer system, and hosts many of the system’s most profitable heavy industries, making it a bona fide superpower. Immigration has made the already diverse belt a truly cosmopolitan place, it’s habitats hosting societies and species of every make, model, and size. Most of these thousands of habs only have a couple thousand residents, but the large ones contain hundreds of millions, and the largest ones contain Billions.


Ceres is split between two main areas, the massive 30 km-wide cylinder habitat of Osisi-1 that goes straight through the dwarf planet from pole to pole, and the intersecting network of domed settlements on the surface known as the Ceres sprawl.

Built in 2260 as a method of increasing the living space on Ceres, Osisi has long since become the new center of Ceres and belt at large. Inside the cylinder is a self-contained ecology about the size of Eurasia lit by a massive LED rod that waxes and wanes in intensity to simulate a 26 hour day-night cycle. The habitat hosts roughly 3.5 billion souls. Most of this area is not even currently inhabited, reserved for parks and ongoing construction projects, but the cities are sight to behold, reaching high up into the center of habitat, lighting the entire cylinder with a soft neon at the peak of the night. This is where a large majority of the Ecumene’s financial industries and industrial firms are headquartered, and where much of the profits from the nation’s heavy industries flow to. Androids are the largest faction here, and culture is generally African, though this is only a plurality.

While the surface of Ceres has been greatly eclipsed by the newer habitat, the 1.2 billion strong community of dome cities on the surface is nothing to scoff at. Being composed mainly of the older first wave of colonists and their descendants, the sprawlers are more bioconservative than their largely artificial cousins in Osisi, but are still by most metrics mechanical beings, most them being human brains in completely mechanical bodies, though one can see the occasional flesher in crater cities. Culture here is more African than Osisi, but has strong European influences as well, as Europe was the first power to colonize Ceres.

The integrated republic of Psyche is an AI ethnostate, formed from the purist faction of the radical transhumanists who believe that minds that originated from biological organisms are imperfect, and that true AI must be completely artificially created. They managed to snag Psyche in the early phases of the Belt Rush, which at that point was thoroughly cleansed of life by African RKVs and pirate gangs. They turned the asteroid into a host for a series of server farms where millions of simulated minds live in virtual worlds. The state is a very direct democracy, where every issue down to the most minute change in policy is voted on, which is possible due to the state’s purely AI makeup. Despite no one but natural AIs being allowed to live in the state, limited tourism by non-biological life is allowed, which contributes a small but invaluable part to the local economy. Speaking of the local economy, there’s not much local about it. It’s fueled by high-end computing services and simulations for important clients across the system, and could not function without that income. Ironically, this ethnostate relies more on the outside world than most of its neighbors ever will.

The Technate of Ndavida was a state even before the war, established on the asteroid of Davida by a group of Tanzanian biohackers back in the golden age of colonization. Derivative, heavily modified strains of humanity flocked here, seeking a place free of persecution and prejudice from baseline humans. Eventually with the rise of uplifting tech, various sentient animal races flocked here as well. The settlement thrived off exporting various biotech products to the rest of the system. Even in the modern age, people here are rather resistant to giving up the biology they are so connected to, and have mostly settled on a weak cyborg composition. Mechanical limbs, eyes, and VR interfaces are common, but full body replacements are very rare. In the modern age, biotech isn’t as in demand as it used to be, but outside the flesher community it’s still very much needed for androids that reproduce biologically, like the ones in Varuna and Mars, and for near-android cyborgs, who’s only biological component is the brain. Ndavida still makes good money off of biotech, and is one of the most influential majority biological societies in the entire system because of it.

Close to the center of the space between Ceres and Vesta-Pallas is the leviathan Kitwo mass depository, which was initially constructed as a means to contain the rampant debris and micrometeorites wreaking havoc on the cylinder habs. The Ecumene soon realized that the sheer amount of mass they collected could be put to good use, and started building two rotating toruses to host industrial centers to make the most of this raw mass. Alpha ring, the first torus, hosts a wealth of mineral refinement and energy extraction complexes, as well as a couple of high settlements populated by engineers and such. In the middle of alpha ring is the smaller omega ring, built to house blackhole and kugelblitze related industries, heavily regulated by the ecumene authority. These black holes generate staggering amounts of pure energy, and contribute heavily to the economy of the Belt.

Isoka is the capital habitat of the belt, and (quite literally) the jewel of the Ecumene. The entire exterior habitat has been inlaid with gold, and decorated with precious gemstones that with the help of holographic technology move along the habitat in brilliant, expressive patterns. The interior is about as opulent as the exterior, hosting a metropolis of white, blue, and gold, where most of the nation’s policies and government edicts are created and voted on. The Ecumene is a democracy, and so elects delegates to rules the country, though most of ruling is done by non-elected governing subroutines that are in charge of all but the most important issues.

The Banan directory isn’t anything special, it’s just a particularly populous habitat with a normal android populace. The population is mostly of Nigerian descent, with some Indian, Chinese, and Polynesians there as well. The economy is mainly nanotech exports and tourism, since the skyline of Banan city is widely regarded as beautiful, since the blast doors of the hab can retract and reveal a glass can show a view of space. Other than that there’s not much going on.

The voidform consensus is an informal sub-government of the habitats of Voidforms, cyborgs heavily modified for a zero-G environment. Because they don’t need gravity, their habitats resemble hollow spheres with floating cubes that constitute inner structures. Most voidform habs are densely populated and perpetually lit, hosting a number of Zero-G industries and cubic growths of cites. A fair number of AI live in voidform space as well, taking advantage of the Zero-G to run specialty simulations. The consensus has growth dramatically since it’s founding by refugees from earth orbit 70 years ago, and has since become the second largest population center for Zero-G life in the system, second only to the Voidform empire of the martian orbit. Not every voidform hab in the belt is part of the consensus however, and increasingly certain group disgruntled with consensus policies have moved to elsewhere in the ecumene, or have left it entirely for elsewhere in the belt.

The Ascendancy of Yunuo was a refuge for chinese industrial war robots marked for destruction by the remnants of the chinese government after China was forced to disarm after the Chinese civil war. While most of the robots, loyal to their masters until the end, accepted death, a couple more independent units escaped their systemic slaughter, and after proving to the reconstruction authorities that they could pass a turing test, were grant asylum in the asteroid of Juno. While previously a small state of 10 million, after the third cold war ended and the belt liberalized its settlement establishment policies, robots from across the system flocked here, being increasingly outcompeted by androids and nanites for their old jobs, and were looking for a state where they were still dominant. Yunuo has since become an automatic state, administered by a master AI. Taking advantage of the disparate skill sets of it’s robotic residents, Yunuo’s economy has become a sort of “jack of all trades' ' and an oddity in the planetary age of specialized economies feeding into a system wide network. Instead, robots of every imaginable model and profession can be found on Yunuo, making it an excellent place to get just about any service.

The second largest asteroid of the belt is Vesta-Pallas, which was formed from an intentional merger of the asteroids Vesta and Pallas back in 2260. In the modern day the Asteroid has become something like Cere’s younger brother; smaller and less populous, but just as dynamic and forward thinking, maybe even more. Like Ceres, Vesta-Pallas is split into two main sections, the surface sprawl, and the internal habitat, called Shafir. The surface, like Ceres, is mainly crater cities with cyborg populace. People here are of mixed Indian-Arab descent. The habitat, Shafir, is much less natural looking than Osisi-1, instead foregoing the traditional approach to cylinder ecologie entirely in favor of an entirely non-biological ecosystem. The entire habitat is a pulsating nexus of mechanic chrome data networks and server spaces hosting simulated realities, with physical spaces floating above the ground.
Do you have any sources about this Yugoslavian kingdom of Napoleon III?

"Napoleon III was the champion of the idea of Balkan nationalism and fostered Serbia and Greece to build alliances and undermine Ottoman influence in the region. France planned to resolve the Balkan Eastern Question through gathering of all Balkan Slavic people, including Bulgarians, around Serbia as their pillar. "
@OxSpace nice map (even if I would add... you know :D )
However what about Cyprus? According to the map it is British? In otl it was occupied only after Eastern crisis and Berlin congress 1878...
and Lebanon? wasn´t there also some plan for it?

Well Napoleon III was an anglophile, so I wouldn't see a reason to not let Britain annex it. Britain had been offered Cyprus three times (in 1833, 1841, and 1845) before accepting it in 1878. As for Lebanon, I couldn't find any source describing any proposed state there. I know he wanted to protect the Christians in the area.

I wanted to map a decently sized (what do you mean my bias is showing?) Dutch/Low German Empire with pretty borders just to blow off steam.

And that boys, is something you'll only ever hear on

Lore here. Rule of cool predominates, so nothing to be taken too seriously. Forgive me with how vague I am with the background. Questions still very welcome, but I'd prefer you ask them here in this thread.

Because sleep is for the weak: lore here
Because I am an impulsive lass, made this in like an hour. I'm unfortunately not as good as XFE, but hey- I guess an A E S T H E T I C worlda is still an accomplishment to do in such a short span of time. Of course, the Rule of Cool still prevails, this has fairly nonsensical lore.

View attachment 528109
Subdivision hell world map when?!?!??!
This subdivision-riddled town ain't big enuff for the three of us...

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Hi, where did you get the basemap from? I do like those districts, especially in Germany! Also, is the red Ottoman Empire in any way communist?
It's a cropped version of a world map I found in the black map thread, the red Ottomans are just Ottomans, I didn't think to add many communist countries because I didn't think an alt with such an influencal Kaiserreich would be a very receptive place for communism .
A quick map I made regarding Napoleon III's ambitions during his reign as Emperor. Ofc, there is a bit of overlapping, especially when it comes to the fate of Austria, though I had to pick one.

View attachment 528112

This is a really great map.

I hadn't heard about Napoleon III's plans for Greece. Did he have anything explicit in mind?

(I seem to recall reading that Napoleon III imagined Galicia going to Poland)
A quick map I made regarding Napoleon III's ambitions during his reign as Emperor. Ofc, there is a bit of overlapping, especially when it comes to the fate of Austria, though I had to pick one.
Are these genuine proposals? If so, you can cross post this with the Proposals and War Aims that Never Happened thread.
I finished a draft map of my Second Cold War map. Taking place in the 2030s-40s, a rising China (authoritarian as ever) has amassed a sphere of influence throughout Asia, and now seeks to deliver a coup de grace against Taiwan, and thus gain leverage over the rest of East Asia. Meanwhile, a revanchist Russia is up to its old tricks, and a Tanzania-led East African Union seeks new fortunes. Can the Free World win the day against a foe much wealthier and sturdier than the Soviets ever were?

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For my EG: Liberals and Conservatives, thought I might repost it here to see what you guys think.

The Election of 1880:
Presidential Election:


Alfonso Cano Del Rio (Partido Liberal): 11 States 61.1% (54.1% PV)
Luca Galán (Partido Conservador): 7 States 38.9% (45.9% PV)
The presidential election was won by Alfonso Cano Del Rio, who wins a solid majority of the states, and the popular vote. In order for the Conservatives to triumph, they needed a robust operation, and turnout in order to overcome the liberal lean of the country. This was not the case. An average campaign, combined with low turnout for conservative voters and the successful tarring of many candidates effectively doomed the campaign. The silver lining of all of this was that the Federalists by and large supported them, providing at least a path towards victory in the next election.

Senate Results:


Communístas (Marquésistas):
0 Seats
Partido Liberal
21 Seats
- Liberales Radicales:
2 Seats
- Liberales Nacionales:
15 Seats
- Liberales Conservadores (Mozqueristas):
4 Seats
2 Seats
Cristianos Democraticos:
2 Seats
Partido Conservador:
11 Seats
- Conservadores Constitucionales:
3 Seats
- Conservadores:
7 Seats
- Conservadores Independientes:
1 Seat
The Liberal party has a solid majority in the Senate.

House Results:

Colombia_H _1880.png

Colombia_HF _1880.png
Communístas (Marquésistas):
0 Seats
Partido Liberal
79 Seats
- Liberales Radicales:
9 Seats
- Liberales:
52 Seats
- Liberales Conservadores (Mozqueristas):
18 Seats
8 Seats
Cristianos Democraticos:
4 Seats
Partido Conservador:
52 Seats
- Conservadores Constitucionales:
16 Seats
- Conservadores:
36 Seats
- Conservadores Independientes:
0 Seats
The Liberal party has a majority in the House, as it does in the Senate, but it is reliant on the Radical Liberals, a faction of the party notorious for its disagreements with the rest of the party.




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I finished a draft map of my Second Cold War map. Taking place in the 2030s-40s, a rising China (authoritarian as ever) has amassed a sphere of influence throughout Asia, and now seeks to deliver a coup de grace against Taiwan, and thus gain leverage over the rest of East Asia. Meanwhile, a revanchist Russia is up to its old tricks, and a Tanzania-led East African Union seeks new fortunes. Can the Free World win the day against a foe much wealthier and sturdier than the Soviets ever were?

View attachment 528276
Shouldn't Spain and Portugal be aligned with the West?
My own interpretation of Mass Effect's Humanity right before the discovery of the Mars Archives. Enjoy!

Also, I sadly don't have a write-up yet. Those Martian and Lunar borders took a pain to create, but the product was worth it.
Ningxia get demoted? And what is going on in French Guiana?
True, but I think the purpose of the map is to show an Iraq that won all its wars rather than question the plausibility of the scenario.
In which case perhaps do a sequel map sometime, with the reason the Saudis and others gave to get the Americans to intervene, which was hat as Adam could get the entire Arab populated coastal part of the Gulf in a month with his military. Also, Islamic Republic would probably work better for Saudi Arabia than what you gave it. I know the Iranians have it, but still.
View attachment 527652
Republic of the Nevada in 2000, after the start of the Nevadan Golden Age
Difficult for people not to think of this as California, given the territory and half the names. And how the Sierra Nevadas are a cultural zone of some sort. Anyways, love the flag, everything is quite tasteful, and- Hmmm. I can’t quite tell due to all the shifting borders, but did you give San Diego to Baja here?
A quick map I made regarding Napoleon III's ambitions during his reign as Emperor. Ofc, there is a bit of overlapping, especially when it comes to the fate of Austria, though I had to pick one.

View attachment 528112
Saw this on the MapPorn Reddit recently. Should have known the creator would be in here. I have some difficulty seeing Napoleon supporting the Greeks in snagging Constantinople. Or Rhodes and those other areas. Seems counterproductive with the whole Crimean War thing. The map seems to imply Belgium gets all it claimed before being swallowed by France, which makes it even less practical than if it had been done to regular Belgium, given the German and Dutch speakers all over areas plumping up Belgium.

What area do you have as part of the South German Confederation That is not attached to it? Nassau or one half of one of the Hesses? Seems in this case they would get all of it in that union. Also need to keep in mind that the guy the Prussians drove out of Nassau was in the House of Orange-Nassau, meaning a dynastic connection to the Dutch. Plus a claim to Limburg and Luxembourg. Also no need to have the Prussians connected to the Rhine, as that thing strip belonged to the Duchy of Brunswick, and dynastic lines had it end up with the same person who would have been King of Hanover. I think having him go for Walton’s, Luxembourg, Palantine, and areas connecting them into a smooth line, would be more practical, with the former areas of Julian-Cleves-Berg and Cologne keeping the Bavarians and Dutch happy, with cadet branches moving into the area. This is based off of your research of course. If you do ever expand it, and keep it just to this map area, I am interested in seeing what would be shown for Egypt. Mostly just French influence, I imagine. Perhaps even try a map of the Caribbean sometime from during the American Civil War. The French, British, Spanish... Small things, but fun things. Most of which were undone just as soon as the Americans got their house in order. Anyways, nice map. While I think there are some things that could be improved, a lot of that comes down to Napoleon III’s desires more than your own work.
Difficult for people not to think of this as California, given the territory and half the names. And how the Sierra Nevadas are a cultural zone of some sort. Anyways, love the flag, everything is quite tasteful, and- Hmmm. I can’t quite tell due to all the shifting borders, but did you give San Diego to Baja here?
I mean, it's been known as Nevada for like a century and a half by now, also yes (which has a majority population of Koreans)


Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan alone have a greater population than all of modern Canada. You mean to call it “North United States.”
Ignoring the supiciously convergent borders (which would imply a relatively late POD)... if the imagined scenario is supposed to be that Britain retained (or regained) the areas in question with an early POD, then it's quite possible for them to have filled primairly with people identifying as subjects of the British Crown.
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