WIP Map Thread


First time using QGIS, learning on the fly. This is intended for my Promethean Dream TL, which I think I will rename to Vae Victis: A Promethean Dream. The year the map is meant to depict is 1926. I have to figure out how to add the Caspian sea, chances are I will georeference it in. Another thing is how to denote protectorates/mandates, as what I've been doing thus far is just using a lighter shade of the overlord's colour, but in the case of Albania, it looks as though it is just straight-up annexed rather than a protectorate.

Natural earth data should have the caspian sea as coastline at least.

I generally recommend not to use only QGIS for ah mapping as everything "alternate" is a pain to make, Personally all my maps are made with a mixture of qgis and inkscape