Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

Without the Russian interference of OTL I suspect the cz.60 ITTL will fire something like the 7.5x45 Czech round of OTL. Also i think the rifle will look less like an AK and more like the Czech vz52 rifle.

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Part 103, Chapter 1653
Chapter One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Three

30th August 1964

Grunewald, Berlin

It had become an annual thing marking the unofficial start of autumn in Berlin. Every year thousands of riders gathered here in Grunewald to launch a cavalry “raid” on the city of Berlin and it had grown into an international event with riders from around the world, active military as well as reenactors. It was expected that they would find the route lined with hundreds of thousands of spectators as they rode to the Tiergarten and the festival that was already set up there.

This year they were even joined by detachments from the U.S. Army’s remaining Horse Cavalry Units in an effort by their President to ease tensions across the Atlantic. When Kurt had explained to the Major in command just what was expected of them the Texan had just grinned and told him that he had better be able to keep up with that old nag of his. Kurt’s horse was hardly an old nag, Sternbild had been sired by Eisenseiten a few years earlier and he was just as fleet of foot. When Kurt had put the old stallion out to pasture, he had found that the horse that his daughter had named was ready. Suse had said that Sternbild was perfectly in keeping with a theme started with his sire but had not elaborated. Kurt hadn’t been able to think of a connection between Ironsides and Constellation at the time. He was certain that he would find some reference to it if he looked it up but hadn’t more pressing concerns.

This year Gerta had insisted that Suse Rosa take her place as the Grand Dame of the event. It seemed fitting that now she was old enough to do that and Suse had sort of started this tradition in utero. When Gerta had said that Kurt had seen Suse’s face turn an extremely deep shade of scarlet. She obviously didn’t want to think about that aspect of her parents, though she had to logically know that it must have happened because of the existence of Suse herself and her brother Alois.

Leading Sternbild to the starting position, Kurt saw that Aaron had fallen into step beside him. Someone had found him a period correct Hassar Fähnrich uniform and his was carrying a lance with the white, red and blue Bohemian pennant in one hand while leading his horse with the other. Olli had started that on the same day as Kurt’s first ride all those years ago when the goal had been to impress Gerta with a grand romantic gesture so that she would agree to marry him. That had been a success, but afterwards had come the consequences that had involved forming a ceremonial Cavalry Regiment based in Werder and getting sent to South Africa because the Heer found itself in need to Mounted Infantry to fight the sort of war that it encountered there.

As Suse climbed up onto the back of a lorry that had been parked next to starting line and as Gerta had told her to, she waved a handkerchief in the air. Kurt couldn’t help but notice that Suse looked a bit embarrassed as she did it. Then she was then startled as the bugler standing next to her belted out “Boots and Saddles” and that call was taken up by the other buglers around the field and throughout the forest beyond that was the staging area. She didn’t realize it, but her grandfather would be incredibly proud of the role that she was playing here today.

Then came the bugle call that everyone was waiting for “CHARGE!” and the thousands of horses galloped into the city.


They duplicated the experiment that had been done weeks earlier with the strobe light and the recording of the applause. Once again Kiki had electrodes glued to her scalp, she hadn’t wanted to because she remembered how hard it had been to get the adhesive out of her hair the last time. She did feel the nausea that had resulted from this experiment back in July, just it wasn’t as extreme as it had been back then. After a few minutes, Doctor Lehrer shut off the strobe light and recording.

“Are you getting what you wanted?” Kiki asked Doctor Lehrer.

“It is not a question about what I want Kristina” Lehrer said, “It is a matter of determining what treatment you need, or if you need it.”

“Oh” Kiki replied.

“Spending your holiday resting in some quiet place as was suggested to you seems to have done a world of good though” Lehrer said, “We were unable to induce a seizure this time.”

“Wait” Kiki said, “Seizure?”

“I am not surprised that you have no memory of that, the EEG picked it up though. It is something that you shouldn’t be too alarmed about” Lehrer replied, “That is just one consequence of the sort of brain injury you suffered, and it is not unexpected. Even if you weren’t showing signs of marked improvement, it is a condition like that can be managed.”

That was a relief, sort of.

“What is going to happen over the coming term?” Kiki asked, “The Medical Academy is not exactly known for being restful and stress free.”

“That is why I would like to keep you under observation” Lehrer said, “With your consent, of course.”

Kiki understood that for his work, Doctor Lehrer preferred that she be cooperative. At the same time though…

“Only if you are straight with me” Kiki said.

“Yes Yes” Lehrer said, “We wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Kiki wondered if the EEG machine would pick up the word that came to mind when he said that. Bullshit.
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The raid will probably become the cavalry's equivalent to the "Kieler Woche". An opportunity to showcase cavalry troops from all countries and ages.

I suspect that many foreign countries will in future send some detachments in fancy historical uniforms.
Hopefully there was a contingent of "Buffalo Calvary" re -enactors and anyone showing up in a CSA uniform is escorted away.

I am surprised that Kiki is not freaking out from all the possible diagnosis, as a first year medical student she should be thinking that every headache is a brain tumor and every cough is lung cancer.
There is a reason the medical students and new doctors are always being told "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras" .
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Hopefully there was a contingent of "Buffalo Calvary" re -enactors and anyone showing up in a CSA uniform is escorted away.

I am surprised that Kiki is not freaking out from all the possible diagnosis, as a first year medical student she should be thinking that every headache is a brain tumor and every cough is lung cancer.
There is a reason the medical students and new doctors are always being told "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras" .

In Kiki's case, she will be rightfully concerned about epilepsy, strokes & aneurysms for some time to come. Not to mention depression, anxiety, nightmares, memory lapses, dizzy spells, migraines, difficulties of focus & concentration, etc.

Factor in a degree of mistrust regarding the intentions of her neurologists and the fact that they will also be advising her father regarding her condition & taking note of his concerns... Kiki is also right to thinking 'Bullshit' over Lehrer's reassurances. He & his team mean well, but they are not operating entirely openly with her & probably never will; researchers, you know. Some things must be kept from the subject to prevent tainting the results, even though that itself taints the results.
Part 103, Chapter 1654
Chapter One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Four

5th September 1964


When Ben and Kiki came downstairs for breakfast separately Vicky laughed inwardly until she remembered some of the things that Ria had said the week before. Just who did they think they were fooling anyway? While they had been somewhat discrete this time, Vicky’s room shared a wall with her sister’s. She had still heard plenty late the night before and this morning, even if it was a stifled moan and creak of bedsprings. It was also plain to see that the bed in the guest room hadn’t been slept in.

The whole scene was amusing. Things like Kiki asking Ben how he had slept, as if she didn’t already know. Or them talking about the weather or current events as opposed to what they might be talking about if Vicky wasn’t there . That was however when the intrusive thought in Ria’s voice entered Vicky’s mind.

“Everyone knows you are naïve” Ria had said, “That is why they avoid talking about certain subjects around you. The worst part is that because you don’t know who you can trust outside of your closest family that is exactly how things will stay.”

Ria had been correct about that. She also had been a complete hypocrite as well, though almost entirely by accident and for lack of opportunity. Even still, Vicky was acutely aware of how things were so much easier for people like her twin. Ria would be able to live every aspect of her life openly with the full approval of society, while it seemed like she would be consigned to the shadows.

But beyond all of that, Ria simply did not matter when it came to Vicky’s personal life. Even if it hardly existed. What was most disappointing at this very moment was how Kiki was behaving. In the past, no matter how bad the situation was, Kiki always seemed to have an innate understanding that she would get though it. She was always able to convince those around her, including Vicky at times, of that. Now though, everything had changed. Kiki said she was getting better, especially since she had gotten back from the holiday she had spent in the mountains. Vicky had seen that there had been a major change in Kiki though.

At times, Kiki just seemed to give up.

There was no other way to describe it. The way that Kiki seemed to be so hopeless, just going through the motions of her life as she tried to start the University’s fall term. It was obvious that she was struggling to muster the same sort of passion that she used to feel for the subject she was studying. Something that she had worked towards for years.

When Ben had arrived in Jena the evening before Kiki had briefly seemed to be her old self. This morning though, Kiki had fallen right back the habits that she had acquired over the prior months whether Ben was there or not. At the moment Vicky was watching her picking at her food as she tried to hide her despondency from Ben who seemed a bit oblivious to what was going on. Something had to be done and because the housekeeper had the weekends off, Vicky didn’t have to worry about the walls having ears.

“You don’t need to hide from me what you were doing last night” Vicky blurted out, “I’m not stupid.”

“Vicky!” Kiki yelled, “That is not any of your concern.”

“You told me last year that I didn’t need to hide who I was when I am with you” Vicky said, “That goes both ways.”

“That is completely different” Kiki replied.

“She does have a point” Ben said only to have Kiki glare at him.

“You don’t know what she is talking about” Kiki said to Ben.

“It is in reference to me being a lesbian” Vicky said to Ben, “This is all about our preferences of who we like to have sex with, right? Kiki likes doing it with you and that I am not attracted to men. Does that help the conversation?”

Ben just stared at Vicky with his jaw dropped, clearly surprised by what she had just said. Kiki was pinching the bridge of her nose as if she felt a headache coming on. “Dear God” Kiki muttered.

“Someone around here has to have some courage now that you have given up” Vicky said.

“I’ve not given up” Kiki said sharply.

“Yes, you have” Vicky replied, “You muddle through your classes, come home, take Rauchbier out for a bit and then you shut down for the rest of the day.”

“Is that true?” Ben asked.

“And you hardly pay enough attention when you are here to notice” Vicky said to Ben.

Both Ben and Kiki looked embarrassed by what had just happened.

Good, Vicky thought to herself.

“Are you really a lesbian?” Ben asked mildly.

“Yes” Vicky said, “So much for me being as virtuous as everyone thought, Ria laughed herself silly when she figured it out.”

“Can we please talk about something else” Kiki said, “Anything else.”

“No” Both Ben and Vicky said in unison.

“While it is long past the time that we needed to hash all this out” Ben said, “Are you really spending your days how Vicky described.”

Kiki hesitated for a few seconds before asking, “What is it to you?” defensively.

“Everything” Ben replied, “I’ve seen how hard you have worked over the last seven years to get where you are. I’m not going to watch you give up.”

“I am not giving up” Kiki said flatly.

“Then what do you call it then?” Vicky asked.

“Things…” Kiki replied, before taking a long pause as she tried to collect her thoughts. “Have just become difficult because of my head, that’s all.”

“Have you asked for help?” Ben asked, “Even if you only take the recourses that the University offers you, that might make things a lot easier.”

A few years earlier, Vicky had quietly approached Piers Sjostedt because she was curious about what interest her decidedly Agnostic sister had in the Lutheran Pastor. He had explained that it was all about his peace campaigning and that he was joyful to have people like Ria involved with his movement. Vicky had asked him why and he had told her a somewhat humorous story about floodwaters rising and a stubborn man who refused aid from his neighbors who were evacuating because “God will provide” according to him. Over the following hours he declines aid from a rowboat and a helicopter that happened along as the waters threatened to wash his home away. Eventually he drowns in the flood. When the stubborn man arrives at the Pearly Gates, he asks Saint Peter why God didn’t provide. Peter looks at him and says, “God provided you with good neighbors, a rowboat and helicopter.”

It was obvious that Pastor Sjostedt was suggesting that he would take all the help he could get without question. Today, the same story applied to Kiki and getting her to recognize the help that was being offered to her.
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Yeah medical people in general are horrible patients... Actually everyone whose employed in hospitals are like that. I think k part of it is that you're supposed to know and if you don't that becomes a personal failing in your head. That or you look at the poor schmucks treating you and freak out because they're doing it wrong. Kiki seems bound and determined to live up to that stereotype here...
Kiki needs help. It is obvious, to anyone who actually chooses to pay attention. There two main problems in these situations. The first is that Kiki, like many people who suffer from PTSD & depression, is refusing to admit that they are in trouble & needs help. I've done this myself, until very recently, due to a variety of subconcious reasonings. The second is that all too many people choose to ignore the warnings signs because of cultural & societal restrictions against intruding into someone's privacy and because of their own feelings of helplessness in these situations.
What Vicky has done, to mangle a few aphorisms, is to apply a much needed boot up the arse, rip off the band-aid & shine a big, bright light on Kiki's recent behaviour. Most of the people around Kiki, including Ben & her medical school professors, appear to assume that she is recieving all necessary treatment because her case is being attended to by a team of renowned neurologists. Sadly, it would appear that her treatment is being concentrated of the physiological & not the psychological issues. Which is strange considering her relationship with Peter Holz.
Kiki needs help. It is obvious, to anyone who actually chooses to pay attention. There two main problems in these situations. The first is that Kiki, like many people who suffer from PTSD & depression, is refusing to admit that they are in trouble & needs help. I've done this myself, until very recently, due to a variety of subconcious reasonings. The second is that all too many people choose to ignore the warnings signs because of cultural & societal restrictions against intruding into someone's privacy and because of their own feelings of helplessness in these situations.
What Vicky has done, to mangle a few aphorisms, is to apply a much needed boot up the arse, rip off the band-aid & shine a big, bright light on Kiki's recent behaviour. Most of the people around Kiki, including Ben & her medical school professors, appear to assume that she is recieving all necessary treatment because her case is being attended to by a team of renowned neurologists. Sadly, it would appear that her treatment is being concentrated of the physiological & not the psychological issues. Which is strange considering her relationship with Peter Holz.
Nor does it help she's royalty, which further adds to the powder keg, because finding a trustworthy shrink is rather hard.
Where? Asking because I've never seen the show.
Vicky had asked him why and he had told her a somewhat humorous story about floodwaters rising and a stubborn man who refused aid from his neighbors who were evacuating because “God will provide” according to him. Over the following hours he declines aid from a rowboat and a helicopter that happened along as the waters threatened to wash his home away. Eventually he drowns in the flood. When the stubborn man arrives at the Pearly Gates, he asks Saint Peter why God didn’t provide. Peter looks at him and says, “God provided you with good neighbors, a rowboat and helicopter.”

Starts after the first minute.
Is there a German equivalent to The American Legion of the Veterans of Foreign Wars ITTL?
Also with so many past veterans from the previous wars there should be a cabinet level post in the government that deals exclusively with the issues facing them.
Kiki should be encouraged to avail herself of all the resources they have to help her, which in turn will hopefully encourage others with problems to seek help themselves.
The University of Jena with Dr. Peter Holz in charge should be the leading research institution in the world in diagnosing and treating PTSD and that is the best place for Kiki to be in right now.