Map Thread XIX

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Just cross-posting this WIP because I need some help with this.
You could certainly have it be 'British' but under the dominion of Australia or South Africa, and Peru or the US might have interest in the region. Or you could throw a curve ball and have Italy or Belgium yoink that land for showing they're part of the big kids club


You could certainly have it be 'British' but under the dominion of Australia or South Africa, and Peru or the US might have interest in the region. Or you could throw a curve ball and have Italy or Belgium yoink that land for showing they're part of the big kids club

Might as well take your advice on both. I was going to make the British territory in East Antarctica be part of New Zealand

from XKCD.

Not quite sure if this belongs here or in shitposting.
Nothing happens in South America
World is made of South America
Therefor, nothing happens in this world
The United Kingdom of upside-down small South America and Northern smaller adjacent South America: "Am I a joke to you?"
Oh, better idea. Add the Falklands to the map, but only one (in the real position). All the Argentinas claim it and go to war over it. The war is incredibly protracted and confusing because they keep intercepting each other’s communications and can’t parse them.
Nice coastlines. Although (off-topic) calling yourself a REAL HUMAN BEING on the internet is only going to raise further suspicions: proclaiming yourself as a Lizard-Man from Cygnus V actually is less suspicious, because then everyone thinks you're role-playing.

Though it's still not as bad as calling yourself Hugh Mann.


Welcome to to the world, it is the year 2020. The world is divided into 8 alliances.

The story of how it all began goes all the way back to 1812. The Americans lost the war of 1812 and were forced to cede their northern states and other areas back to the British. This caused a large population increase in Canada, and in order to appease the new citizens within the British Empire, Canada was granted dominion status many years earlier. The provinces of Superior (Northern Michigan), Michigan, New Netherland, and New England were entered into Canada, which developed alternate territorial boundaries.

This would cause the United States to lose much of the support for the Union cause during the civil war which still happens due to similar circumstances. The South is able to win much quicker with a weaker Union, who grants the South independence. After the civil war the Union reeled in defeat, the British purchased Alaska which was incorporated into Canada as a territory for the time being. The South shaped the areas around it into it's own image, creating something called 'The Greater Equatorial Prosperity Sphere', originally created to advance slaving operations, due to various issues and international pressure slavery was abolished in the 1880s's. The South would colonize Liberia and exile most of it's former slave population there.

The Union and South would both be hostile towards each other initially but as time went on they got over their past wounds with diplomatic missions. The South would enter in the Entente side while the Union would remain neutral. The war effort forced the South to industrialize. The Entente would win the war as usual.

Russian civil war happens, Soviet Union becomes a thing and they spread communism in a different way. With alternate leadership with leaders not born in our world, they spread communism through voting and through civil disobedience rather than through violence and revolution. The Tsars are exiled to Alaska, which functions as an independent nation within Canada, much like Quebec. The Tsars then marry in with the Royal family of Britain, Alaska and Britain being a dual monarchy system. One could call them the Russo-British Empire, but that would piss off the soviets.

World War 2 as we know it doesn't happen. Hitler takes power in Germany in 1933, is never as racist against the Jews or minorities like he is in our world, however undertones of antisemitism are still there, just not to the extreme which occurred in this world.. He takes more of a militaristic character, being a general who served in WW1 and worked his way up the ranks in the German Military. He takes command of Germany with his elite staff. Germany becomes a de-facto military dictatorship to deal with the great depression with fascist tendencies, they originally ally with the Italian Empire to the south and help them support Pro-Fascist rebellions in North Africa which cause the French and British Empires to move out at an earlier date due to anti-war and pro-fascist riots and demonstrations within Britain and France. However the Germans and Italians were never destined to be allies forever and so a German-Italian Split occurs and the alliance splits up.

Adolf Hitler had swept all of the central European areas into his grasp, collaborating with Poland he created the Intermarium in 1939. This alliance split Europe in half, preventing the Soviets and the west from coming into contact in Europe. Sweden and Finland faced communist coup's and they joined the Soviet Sphere of influence in 1938.

Einstein was one of the Jews who were exiled from Germany, him and many other scientists were taken in by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union works on a nuclear program while the Japanese Empire wages war in China. The Soviet Union supports communists in China while the Japanese declare war on the Soviet Union instead of the United States in 1941. The Japanese make massive advances into the far East, the red Army fights a 4 year war against the Japanese. The Red Army and their allies wipe the floor with the Japanese army in their colonies and all of those areas come under Soviet Influence. Stalin, )who in this time line is still the leader of the Soviet Union, isn't as extreme and never did the purges or tyrannical things he did, however he is still an authoritarian communist leader) orders the atomic bomb to be dropped on Japan. The cities of Kokura and Kyoto were nuked and Japan came under a communist government. The communists ruled over Japan with an iron fist, enraged at all the lives lost to the Japanese. The Communists quietly took care of the Emperor and replaced him with a look alike to further the conversion of Japan to communism. Japan would be one of the poorest nations out of the Soviet Sphere, second to only North Iran who came into existence during the Coup in the 50s, the Soviet military simply rolled into the North and seized the land for a new Puppet government that has been in place ever since.

The Chinese civil war resulted in the north being communist and the south being under the rule of the Kuomintang who formed a defensive alliance with the nations to the south, the Asian Co-operative Initiative. Created after Japan came under communist rule they would

In the 1960's, a communist uprising occurred in Cuba, lead by Fidel Castro who rose up against the Confederate occupation of Cuba. The Floridians, and Puerto Ricans also rebelled under communist rebellions. They seceded from the South to rise up against Confederate Oppression. The South let them free in order to stop other rebellions from rising up within their borders and after this brief conflict they began taking more action in terms of civil rights in order to preserve their image and stability.

The Space Race would kick off with the Americans and Confederates collaborating on a project, launching the first satellite into orbit, Explorer 1. Other nations would join in the space race, with the Soviets launching the first man into Space, and the Americans the first woman into Space. The British and French would launch other such missions but the true prize was the moon, the Soviets landed on the moon first. The Confederates and Americans soon afterward. The interest in space lead all of these major alliances to eventually have manned bases and colonies on the moon at a later date. The Confederates and Americans would land the first probes on Venus, while the Soviet Union would focus on Mars. The French and British would be the first to send probes to Mercury aswell as a lander. Voyagers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are launched. All of them exploring the gas giants and their moons. Pluto was visited by a sole Confederate Mission in the early 70s. The Germans and Asians joined in aswell.

In the 70s, Apartheid South Africa modernizes its military and conquers some of its neighbors and supports groups with similar ideologies in overthrowing the governments of the others around it. They manage to build nuclear weapons to ward off foreign powers in the early 1990s's with no Nelson Mandella. At that time they finally equalize rights between blacks and whites however poverty for the blacks would still remain an issue. Ultranationalism, between all races would become the main ideology.

These alliances are in a state of perpetual scientific, moral, and space related competitions. The 'cold war' of the past having never ended, simply being transformed into something different. The world also lacks things such as anime because Japan is under a communist government and such things wouldn't exist as we know them. Sony, and other such Japanese companies wouldn't either exist. Something else would take their place.
Though it's still not as bad as calling yourself Hugh Mann.

Or thinking anyone is going to be fooled by calling yourself "Alucard."

But this is a map thread, not a snark thread. Another WIP: a world map for this scenario -

Aside from almost uninhabited Patagonia, "SW Africa" is New England's only remaining notasmallisland colony , which they're holding onto due to diamonds, a fair sized white settler population and not too many black people.

Welcome to to the world, it is the year 2020. The world is divided into 7 alliances.

The map doesn't look bad, but your TL is full of butterfly corpses. In great, head-high heaps.

Also, a lot of the individual events are rather iffy: just to start with, the US couldn't "cede" the northern state to Britain: the federal government had no such power at the time. Either the states individually surrendered to the UK when the rest of the country betrays them and bails out of the war, or they get conquered state by state. (New Netherlands, BTW, hadn't existed for a century and a half in 1812).


The map doesn't look bad, but your TL is full of butterfly corpses. In great, head-high heaps.

Also, a lot of the individual events are rather iffy: just to start with, the US couldn't "cede" the northern state to Britain: the federal government had no such power at the time. Either the states individually surrendered to the UK when the South betrays them and bails out of the war, or they get conquered state by state. (New Netherlands, BTW, hadn't existed for a century and a half in 1812).

New Netherland was just a place holder name. I couldn't predict those things, this is just a general idea. Of course there are many more details that would have to occur for things like this to happen in a world, but we'll leave that up to our thoughts.
Welcome to to the world, it is the year 2020. The world is divided into 8 alliances.
It's not a bad scenario by any means, albeit a little implausible, but as for the map itself: please don't mutilate Worldas like this. This map would be infinitely better-looking and more legible if it hadn't had a vignette effect applied and then been jpegged to hell and back. It's very dark and blurry, and you kind of have to squint to make out any details.
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