You have ever half planned some ATL timelines who likely will never be written?

I've been slowly chipping away at a Carthage TL based around a more successful Sicilian Wars and a more complete Carthaginian rule over Africa. Its not quite the most accurate or realistic at all, but I have been working on it quite slowly. My favorite part has been doing a little field battle outside Akragas and redesigning Punic military doctrine.
So here's a crazy idea: Diogenes makes such an impression on Alexander the Great that he follows through on his claim if he could be anyone else in the world it would be Diogenes and fully embraces the Cynic lifestyle, renouncing all worldly possessions to live a simple life of virtue and accosting philosophers with poultry. The Kingdom of Makedon is thrown into chaos by the crown prince renouncing the throne triggering a succession war when Phillip dies, the Achaemenids no longer face an imminent invasion from the West and Alex pulls a Siddhartha and founds a new religion/philosophical school analogous to Buddhism.
So here's a crazy idea: Diogenes makes such an impression on Alexander the Great that he follows through on his claim if he could be anyone else in the world it would be Diogenes and fully embraces the Cynic lifestyle, renouncing all worldly possessions to live a simple life of virtue and accosting philosophers with poultry. The Kingdom of Makedon is thrown into chaos by the crown prince renouncing the throne triggering a succession war when Phillip dies, the Achaemenids no longer face an imminent invasion from the West and Alex pulls a Siddhartha and founds a new religion/philosophical school analogous to Buddhism.
Macedonia will not be in caos in this scenario: either Philip love longer and is followed in the throne by a son from his last queen Cleopatra Eurydice or Amyntas IV will be the next King
I’ve for awhile had a rough idea for a timeline following a very dystopian take on the cliche Teddy wins in 1912 scenario. The problem really isn’t time or lack of ideas, more just me being a lazy bastard.
I have a timeline idea that's sort of dumb when I really think about it but I'll share it anyway. In the 1917-1920 JRR Tolkien worked on a very early version of his legendarium called the book of Lost Tales but then started constant reworking/rewriting it for the rest of his life never completing it. I wondered what if he decided to finish it (which he was very close to doing before his perfectionism kicked in) and it was published in the early 20s. The only way I could think of it happening was Edith Tolkien dying in childbirth to Tolkien first son John as apparently that birth was hard on her and having her dying wish to be "finish your stories" (I worry that such a thing is distasteful and disrespectful but I couldn't think of another POD at this moment). Tolkien driven by grief does that and its published to a modest success. It falls into the hands of Hitler who is inspired to become a writer instead of going into politics while Tolkien eventually gets into politics in his own third way ideology (though not a bad/genocidal one just fyi Tolkien in ttl is NOT Hitler I love his books) and the 20th century is radically different. Thinking about it the stupidity is apparent and i'm embarrassed.
I had the idea for a (right-wing) libertarian world arising from a realistic Red Alert-style scenario where Stalin becomes regarded as bad as/worse than Hitler from OTL, and socialism becomes seen as a sort of ultimate evil. It would probably end up too similar to Twilight Of The Red Tsar with maybe an earlier POD.
A reverse "A More Perfect Union" where Britain and France become the main democracies in the world and spread democracy around Europe. Meanwhile, the United States collapses into a bunch of smaller countries. The timeline is told via excerpts from textbooks; characters from the Wellington University are also discussed as well. The point of divergence is in the late 1700s and the textbook excerpts end in the 1900s I think.
Here are the bare bones of the timeline
British Parliament realizes that after the fiasco that was the American Revolution massive changes need to be made to prevent something like that from happening again.
French Revolution happens but is not as extreme as in real life.
Some time passes until there is a massive wave of democratic revolutions (think Revolutions of 1848) everywhere in Europe. Then they try to live up to their founding ideals.
Meanwhile U.S. faces a crisis of election and splinters due to complete lack of faith in the American idea. Disastrous War of 1812 also didn't help.
I have a timeline idea that's sort of dumb when I really think about it but I'll share it anyway. In the 1917-1920 JRR Tolkien worked on a very early version of his legendarium called the book of Lost Tales but then started constant reworking/rewriting it for the rest of his life never completing it. I wondered what if he decided to finish it (which he was very close to doing before his perfectionism kicked in) and it was published in the early 20s. The only way I could think of it happening was Edith Tolkien dying in childbirth to Tolkien first son John as apparently that birth was hard on her and having her dying wish to be "finish your stories" (I worry that such a thing is distasteful and disrespectful but I couldn't think of another POD at this moment). Tolkien driven by grief does that and its published to a modest success. It falls into the hands of Hitler who is inspired to become a writer instead of going into politics while Tolkien eventually gets into politics in his own third way ideology (though not a bad/genocidal one just fyi Tolkien in ttl is NOT Hitler I love his books) and the 20th century is radically different. Thinking about it the stupidity is apparent and i'm embarrassed.
It's an interesting idea if you can flesh it out a bit more. I had a little idea in one of the early versions of the set of stories I'm outlining for a TL where Lovecraft goes to war and parlays that into a political career. The story would have taken place in the scifi future of such a scenario not unlike East of West. My concepts have moved on but some details can be repurposed, I think. What sort of third way would Tolkien favor, I wonder?
It's an interesting idea if you can flesh it out a bit more. I had a little idea in one of the early versions of the set of stories I'm outlining for a TL where Lovecraft goes to war and parlays that into a political career. The story would have taken place in the scifi future of such a scenario not unlike East of West. My concepts have moved on but some details can be repurposed, I think. What sort of third way would Tolkien favor, I wonder?
Some sort of Ecological Local Autonomy thing I suppose and it would gain power because of a brutal civil war between reactionaries and communists in Britain with both sides being exhausted by the end of the conflict. Allowing the very minor tolkenites to sweep in on dissatisfaction/war weariness and Tolkien himself being very reluctantly accepting power which he tries his best at though he doesn't like it very much. Meanwhile in Germany without Hitler the Wiemar Republic falls either to Monarchists of Strasserists then the timeline would run naturally from their
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I have a timeline idea that's sort of dumb when I really think about it but I'll share it anyway. In the 1917-1920 JRR Tolkien worked on a very early version of his legendarium called the book of Lost Tales but then started constant reworking/rewriting it for the rest of his life never completing it. I wondered what if he decided to finish it (which he was very close to doing before his perfectionism kicked in) and it was published in the early 20s. The only way I could think of it happening was Edith Tolkien dying in childbirth to Tolkien first son John as apparently that birth was hard on her and having her dying wish to be "finish your stories" (I worry that such a thing is distasteful and disrespectful but I couldn't think of another POD at this moment). Tolkien driven by grief does that and its published to a modest success. It falls into the hands of Hitler who is inspired to become a writer instead of going into politics while Tolkien eventually gets into politics in his own third way ideology (though not a bad/genocidal one just fyi Tolkien in ttl is NOT Hitler I love his books) and the 20th century is radically different. Thinking about it the stupidity is apparent and i'm embarrassed.

It's not stupid, in fact I think it's pretty interesting...
A less successful American Revolution where Georgia and South Carolina stay loyal to Great Britain for fear of losing their slaves due to some vague comment from Thomas Jefferson that gets blown out of proportion.
Britian keeps the Ohio territory as "Indian Territory" and financially and militarily backs the Iroquois Confederacy.
The Louisiana Purchase never happens and Mexico keeps all their territory eventually becoming the dominant power in North America.
Some sort of Ecological Local Autonomy thing I suppose and it would gain power because of a brutal civil war between reactionaries and communists in Britain with both sides being exhausted by the end of the conflict. Allowing the very minor tolkenites to sweep in on dissatisfaction/war weariness and Tolkien himself being very reluctantly accepting power which he tries his best at though he doesn't like it very much. Meanwhile in Germany without Hitler the Wiemar Republic falls either to Monarchists of Strasserists then the timeline would run naturally from their
That's pretty neat! You should either do an AHC asking for help fleshing it out or try a DBWI with your concept and see where the community takes it
Hopefully I'll get to work on it at some point but a TL whereby a combination of factors including the war of Castilian succession going differently keeps iberia too divided to work on sending Italians over seas, thus France with a bit of luck discovers the new world and manages to discover some of the gold.
I have an idea that produces a better situation for the Byzantines in the mid to late fourteenth century and a worse or different one for other nearby states. It results in an evolved Roman Empire that is essentially a greater Greece enduring to the preset, shaping, and being shaped by, the Renaissance.
During the crusades a large contingent of Frankish mercenaries are recruited by the Kingdom of Georgia and then settled in a valley somewhere and given local wives. This eventually results in a heavily mixed Franco-Georgian language.