The earlier the POD, the easier. Let's say the British never annex the Dutch Cape Colony. Either the Napoleonic wars dont happen, the Batavian Republic/Kingdom of Holland doesnt get annexed by France or they simply return it, doesnt matter. The Dutch, having less resources and rather focusing on their prime colony the East Indies never expand the Cape Colony further then say OTL Port Elizabeth, thus they stay out of Xhosa, Sotho and Zulu lands. Let's say this change also leads no Mfecane happening. So when ever trekking Boers do cross the Orange and Vaal rivers they dont find empty lands, making settlement there unfeasible. Eventually the French/British/Portuguese show up with great force to annex Xhosaland/Natal caused by or leads to the Rand gold discovery. Large numbers of Europeans go there, but instead of settling in independent white Boer republics they settle in an protectorate which a large number of natives.

The Cape Colony meanwhile simply focusses on wine production (and later uranium mining). Without the British the seeds of the apartheid are never planted (even though the British introduced a certain amount of racial equality they also took it away as well, it was the one and only Cecil Rhodes who started it all The Cape would become a country of whites, native Khoisan, coloureds and Asians (primarily from the DEI, kinda like Suriname IOTL), as the Bantu population remains more eastwards in other countries their colonies. Let's say during alt WW2 it hosts the Dutch royal family and helps liberate Europe, flying the Cape flag along the way, thus triggering a lot of Dutch and other immigration that IOTL went to Canada and Australia.
There you go, massive European migration post WW2 to Africa, because the country in question is more like the traditional other settler colonies. Fastforward to the decolonization period and it attracts whites from those former colonies and who are coerced to leave after independence.

Another easy target: Italy stays neutral in WW2, and thus never loses it's 4th shore Libya (wasnt it like 40% Italian at some point anyway?) with Mussolini eventually deciding he wants it 95% Italian thus setting up a massive immigration program.
WWI delayed until the 1970s or 1980s, making it a war fought with tons of nukes and chembio weapons. Eurasia is a ruin and you see surviving europeans fleeing to their colonies in africa/asia, some sucessfully or unsuccessfully.
I agree,only way for Mussolini and Fascist Italy to survive WW 2 is not to get in it.The resources and people that went to the Horn go to Libya,afterwards it's where a lot of people fleeing communism go,then pied noirs and the ethnic groups Nasser kicked out,plus the assimilated locals who see the way the wind is blowing,and you have a viable state,especially being close to the homeland and the oil fields soon to be exploited.
I read one TL in which the Jewish Kenya plan goes through.

Before and during TTL World War II, millions of Jews, lacking other immigration choices, are sent to Kenya. The massive population Jewish population and their postwar prosperity makes moving to Africa far more of an attractive choice.
The latest PoD I can think of is a longer and more devastating WW2 that completely trashes Europe, together with a more isolationist USA that doesn't implement the Marshall Plan; the metropolises, without funds to rebuild Europe (at least at first) send the impoverished population to the African colonies (Kenya, Algeria and the French Congo come to mind), to provide for them an "escape" from the poverty that now there is in Europe, to reinforce the metropolises' control over the colonies and to get a loyal workforce that doesn't want independence.
What name would an Italian Tunisa / Libya have adopted between the two or would such a state have tried reviving the name of Carthage?
Remember, settler colonization is deeply unprofitable and you always have to wonder why folks all of a sudden want to move to a new development in, say, inner Somalia when they can just stay home.
Remember, settler colonization is deeply unprofitable and you always have to wonder why folks all of a sudden want to move to a new development in, say, inner Somalia when they can just stay home.

For the same reasons people migrate today - because they're looking for a better life.

Do you think we should be inherently suspicious of migrants?
For the same reasons people migrate today - because they're looking for a better life.

Do you think we should be inherently suspicious of migrants?
Considering settler colonialism is always at the direct loss of native populations, and that European powers of this time were apathetic to their non-assimilated African residents at best and directly genocidal at worst (and it isnt just the "usual suspects" like Germany either), mass migration into African colonies is going to cause a lot of pain for the natives. Not to mention 1.) Set9tlee colonists and migrants & refugees are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and 2.) OTL African colonies were DEEPLY unprofitable and economic opportunities outside of "be already rich and start a plantation/mine/etc" are slim at best.

Also gr8 b8 m8.
Considering settler colonialism is always at the direct loss of native populations, and that European powers of this time were apathetic to their non-assimilated African residents at best and directly genocidal at worst (and it isnt just the "usual suspects" like Germany either), mass migration into African colonies is going to cause a lot of pain for the natives. Not to mention 1.) Set9tlee colonists and migrants & refugees are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and 2.) OTL African colonies were DEEPLY unprofitable and economic opportunities outside of "be already rich and start a plantation/mine/etc" are slim at best.

Also gr8 b8 m8.

Settler colonialists are completely different from refugees?

The Huguenots, Irish people fleeing the Potato Famine etc. would like a word...


The development of European colony such as Angola (mining, manufacturing and service) can provide a demand for both settlers and provide jobs to locals.

how that is done and how well locals are integrated into a multicultural colony or overseas province is really up to the power in charge.

now remember that you don’t have to be foreigner or european to screw the locals. People have and continue to do it very well.
Remember, settler colonization is deeply unprofitable and you always have to wonder why folks all of a sudden want to move to a new development in, say, inner Somalia when they can just stay home.

Not always at all. Portuguese who migrated to Angola and Mozambique Post-WWII, for example, found a higher quality of life than they did back in Portugal.
For the same reasons people migrate today - because they're looking for a better life.

Do you think we should be inherently suspicious of migrants?
As quoted in quite a few books,it's the ambitious who move.If you're humping a hundred pounds of jute or coal or whatever 12-14 hours a day for a pittance,why not work that hard in a place where it makes sense........On a personal note,my father used to marvel at the Irish kids in the 80s in Boston who were working 10-14 hours a day,he came over in the 50s.He said you couldn't get them to work in Ireland,I told him because they got to keep more of their pay here,they worked harder.Anyone,regardless of ethnic group,looks at things logically,that's why blackmarket economies really thrive in socialist and high tax economies. I'm no genius,but it's the way things work.