Soviet Victory: Official Thread

Deleted member 105545


Deleted member 105545

In a vain effort to get more activity on this thread:

Does anyone have any questions? I will try my best to answer them all!
In a vain effort to get more activity on this thread:

Does anyone have any questions? I will try my best to answer them all!
So what is the situation in India, are they still close to the USSR?

What is the technology level?

What is the level of space development?

Deleted member 105545

So what is the situation in India, are they still close to the USSR?

What is the technology level?

What is the level of space development?
India is much more aligned to China. India actually helped “secure” Tibet for the Kuomintang.

Technology is more or less similar to ours, with a few exceptions such as:

Space Development is much higher. Humans have been to Venus Thrice, and Mars 5 times, though 2 of those missions ended in catastrophic failure. The SpaceRace:tm: didn’t end with the USSR landing on the moon- the USA announced plans of their our own to get to the Moon, and in 1972 announced a mission to Mars. The Martian Mission was supposed to happen in December 1979, but 1/11 interrupted those plans and it never took off. NASA still existed between most of the American Successor States, those it was now called AASA (American Aeronautics and Space Administration). AASA is similar to OTL ESA, and tends not to do much, except for finally landing men on Mars in 92. The Soviets and TTL ESP (European Space Programme) have been more successful, and the ESP plans to build a very basic Lunar Settlement on March 23, 2020.
Religious makeup of Utah?
60% Follow Mormonism, 24% Practice other Christian Denominations, 9% are Irreligious, and 7% are other religions. Utah tends to be much more conservative, and the Latter-Day Saints have influence in the government, even though de jure Utah is secular.

Deleted member 105545

Any Questions/Comments on Africa in Soviet Victory?