Die Alte Welt Hat Überlebt- A Central Powers Victory Collaborative Timeline

How many civil wars should Russia have?

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Deleted member 107125

The entry is good. However, I think we might have to restart this project and settle on a world map and some of the canon infoboxes and entries to really get this back on track.

Would you be able to settle on my last World Map? And put that into a new OP?
How about we follow the example of the Yankee Dominion and keep this thread for worldbuilding and another for Canon ideas?
I've been following this thread for a little while and I would be glad to contribute to the project including any maps that could be made (and I'm not even talking about just the QBAM and WORLDA maps).

Deleted member 107125

Little confused as to how the Germans get Sigapore?
After Indian troops there mutinied in 1915, the Germans committed severe raids on it and eventually invaded it. This was how they helped the Qing in the 1917 monarchist restoration.
German translation of the Almanac.
So what are your thoughts?

Spektakel zur Einweihung des neuen Flughafens in Singapur

12. Juni, 1937

Im Juni dieses Jahres wurde in Singapur, dem Kronjuwel des Ostens unseres Reiches, der neue „Kallang"-Flughafen eröffnet. Der Flughafen funktioniert als wichtiger Knotenpunkt für Flüge im Osten nach Peking, Tsingtau, Indien und Arabien. In einer brennenden Rede während den Festlichkeiten kommentierte General der Luftstreitkräfte Hermann von Göring: „Es freut mich zu wissen, dass unser Reich solche Fortschritte in der Luftfahrttechnik macht. Mögen alle, die die Macht unseres Reiches anzweifeln, verstummen.

An dieser Stelle warnt das Auswärtige Amt auf Grund der instabilen Sicherheitslage vor Flügen über oder nach China.

Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck verabschiedet sich aus Mittelafrika

22. August, 1937

Die Stimmung in den Afrikanischen Kolonien war bedrückt als Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, „der Löwe Afrikas“ aus dem Hafen von Dar-Es-Salam auslief und sich auf den Weg nach Berlin machte. Von Lettow-Vorbeck, der seit der Gründung Mittelafrikas das Amt als General-Gouverneur innehatte, legte dieses im Juli dieses Jahres nach langem Dienst nieder. Die Ära von Lettow-Vorbeck war geprägt von durchgreifenden, progressiven Reformen, die das Leben der Eingeborenen massiv verbesserten. Zudem brillierte er mit einer Disziplin und seinem militärischem Genie in der Führung der Kolonie. Er wird von Herbert von Dirksen ersetzt werden.

Die Transafrikanische Eisenbahn fertiggestellt

18. Dezember, 1937

Nur achtzehn Jahre nach dem Beginn der Arbeit an der Transafrikanischen Eisenbahn, welche die beiden Küsten Afrikas verbindet, wurde die Strecke Ende Jahres eröffnet. Die Bahn verbindet Buea, den Verwaltungssitz Kameruns am Atlantik mit Dar-Es-Salam an der Ostafrikanischen Küste und wird in Zukunft den Transport in Afrika massiv vereinfachen. Sie durchquert trockene Wüsten, dichte Regenwälder und viele grosse Städte im Herzen Afrikas. Die Transafrikanische Bahn ist eine industrielle Meisterleistung, die trotz alles Versuchen von Natur und Mensch von tapferen Arbeitern erbaut würde und alle von England, Frankreich und Belgien erbaute in den Schatten stellt.
I've chosen to edit the Quote of Göring as it sounds way to childishly jingoistic for a speech during peace time at a civil event. Having the Transafrican Railway run from Buea, the colonial capital of Kamerun located on the coast makes way more sense than it running from the emergency WW1 capital located far inland. I'm also not sure about the German colonial government naming a significant airport after a local village instead of an aviation hero or a member of the Air Force or the royal family but thats a minor thing.

Deleted member 107125

Thank you.
That was in 1914, when there was still a German navy out East - it returned home through out 1914, (see battle of the Falklands) etc. By 1915 all the fleet was home in the North Sea. As Jutland shows, the German fleet can't leave port without being attacked by the RN. Ergo either Germany takes Signapore in 1914, or is unable to attack it.
So let’s say they take Penang in 1914
It seems to me that it would make more sense for Singapur to be conceded to Germany by the Treaty of Strasbourg, after British authority in southern Asia has collapsed

Unrelated, but how long do you plan on leaving the Flag poll open?
It seems to me that it would make more sense for Singapur to be conceded to Germany by the Treaty of Strasbourg, after British authority in southern Asia has collapsed

Unrelated, but how long do you plan on leaving the Flag poll open?
That would mean a greater British Deafet than I sort. They have already lost Zambia
That would mean a greater British Deafet than I sort. They have already lost Zambia
It does seem kind of odd that the largest colonial empire in history is basically entirely dismantled almost overnight. But between the loss of the Raj, and the creation of Mittelaftika, there's not much left, especially with separatist and nationalist movements. Heck, they don't even have NI, and they are barely holding onto Scotland
It does seem kind of odd that the largest colonial empire in history is basically entirely dismantled almost overnight. But between the loss of the Raj, and the creation of Mittelaftika, there's not much left, especially with separatist and nationalist movements. Heck, they don't even have NI, and they are barely holding onto Scotland
Which is why I support limiting the German gains, espailly in East Asia
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