One idea I think might be interesting to explore is as much of Northern Hemisphere goes absolutely insane, the Southern Hemisphere becomes progressively more stable and rational as a counterbalance.

Maybe a more successful post colonial africa due to a more multipolar northern hemisphere that's too busy fighting one another. Grand Colombia forms a sort of a South American style NATO alliance to challenge Joe Steele and the Ozwalds, and eventually ends up capturing the Cokies and the Kingdom in their alliance. Korea -although it's in the north- does some weird shenanigans and ends up becoming a pariah state by the majority of the Developed Northern Hemisphere nations, but for being one of the freeist, best educated, and percapita wealthiest states in the world. Basically Korea would become of like a giant independent Hong Kong that all the developed Northern Hemisphere nations hate, but is neccessary for as an intermediary for facilitating trade with the Southern Hemisphere, whatever comes out of post civil war China, and developing South East Asia.
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Meanwhile in Britain:
"Another Purge, thin out the fattened ranks?"
"I do believe that is a smart idea Attlee...can't have them getting complicent"
"Excellent...I'll start getting the forms folks will separating the wheat from the chaff before the week is out"
Supreme Director of Crime and Intelligence Attlee does the Fascist salute before leaving Winston to his devices.


1936 Churchill Cabinet just after the 2nd Attlee Purge
After their "victory" in the war, I could see Churchill really trying to build up the Royal Navy back to prominence. "We're not going to let those Infee Mick Bastards humiliate us a second time!"
I know it's unlikely, but I kinda want see Britain collapse again after failure to win in Ireland. Maybe Scotland and northern England go Illuminist and the south going so full Airstrip One it makes 1984 look tame
I know it's unlikely, but I kinda want see Britain collapse again after failure to win in Ireland. Maybe Scotland and northern England go Illuminist and the south going so full Airstrip One it makes 1984 look tame
That would be intriguing.

I can see the Technocratic Dictatorship of Gordon Brown vs the Eternal Director Tony Benn of Airstrip One during the 90s and 00s.
Next chapter is heading an unexpected direction:


Nice Treaty agreeing to never reunite the Rhineland... be a shame if someone... desecrated it in the name of the Holy Father....
Maybe a more successful post colonial africa due to a more multipolar northern hemisphere that's too busy fighting one another. Grand Columbia forms a sort of a South American style NATO alliance to challenge Joe Steele and the Ozwalds

Unfortunately, Mittelafrika has more or less condemned Africa to a fate worse than OTL-- the place is a de-facto RU colony.
Gran Colombia's "Neutrality Pact" alliance is confirmed, though, so we'll see how serious an opponent they end up being.

That would be intriguing.

I can see the Technocratic Dictatorship of Gordon Brown vs the Eternal Director Tony Benn of Airstrip One during the 90s and 00s.

Extra points if it's not even a Scotland/England split, but England itself splitting in half with an ultra-militarized line of guards and rockets along the Avon.

Nice Treaty agreeing to never reunite the Rhineland... be a shame if someone... desecrated it in the name of the Holy Father....

And who was that treaty made with again? Oh right, Germania. What's Wolfgang Kapp going to do, impotently spray spittle all over his Leipzig office?
...oh wait they're backed by the Americans aren't they.
Next chapter is heading an unexpected direction:

View attachment 487245

Nice Treaty agreeing to never reunite the Rhineland... be a shame if someone... desecrated it in the name of the Holy Father....

Everyone was wondering who was going to become ‘the Germany’
  • Fascist Germany?(west)
  • Illuminati Germany?(east)
  • Monarchy Germany?(Finland)
They were all wrong, true Germany is Catholic Germany!
I know it's unlikely, but I kinda want see Britain collapse again after failure to win in Ireland. Maybe Scotland and northern England go Illuminist and the south going so full Airstrip One it makes 1984 look tame
If this happens, i hope this guy will play an important role in the collapse of England and the following political landscape:


Maybe Scotland and northern England go Illuminist and the south going so full Airstrip One it makes 1984 look tame

Also the british fascist government could survive in Northen Ireland if it ended up losing the mainland.
I can see NI becoming this TL's version of North Korea: a brutal military dictatorship that hates all of its neightbors and survives only thanks to the help from the RU
Also the british fascist government could survive in Northen Ireland if it ended up losing the mainland.
I can see NI becoming this TL's version of North Korea: a brutal military dictatorship that hates all of its neightbors and survives only thanks to the help from the RU

See I actually see Northern Ireland as a more natural ally of the Carolinians. Cokies literally get their faith, cultural roots, and most of their DNA from the Protestant Scots here and in the Scottish Lowlands. I could imagine them being creeped out by Fundamentalism. At any rate, I think Churchill will hold everything together anyway thanks to Yankee support.
See I actually see Northern Ireland as a more natural ally of the Carolinians. Cokies literally get their faith, cultural roots, and most of their DNA from the Protestant Scots here and in the Scottish Lowlands. I could imagine them being creeped out by Fundamentalism. At any rate, I think Churchill will hold everything together anyway thanks to Yankee support.
-Independent Ulster allied with Carolina, Orange Order men EVERYWHERE
-Illuminist Scotland, where every man’s a god with bagpipes
-a south England who’s fascism has gone so far off the rails that even the Yanks are a little unnerved.
Illuminist Scotland, where every man’s a god with bagpipes
I like everything about this (especially because Orwell's parents were scottish) but i kinda hope to see a Beutelist state this time. After all it is the only insane ideology that hasn't managed to create its own state so far
I like everything about this (especially because Orwell's parents were scottish) but i kinda hope to see a Beutelist state this time. After all it is the only insane ideology that hasn't managed to create its own state so far

Quick note from work, hiding behind a register: Actually the Beutelists totally had their own state under Beutel himself when he tried to go full Bolivar in S. America. It just doesn't work as a real form of government. However, that's not gonna stop some absolute radicals, such as the Beutelist communes during the Cleansing Month that ORRA and OHW crushed.
I like everything about this (especially because Orwell's parents were scottish) but i kinda hope to see a Beutelist state this time. After all it is the only insane ideology that hasn't managed to create its own state so far
Maybe they can be inspired by the Scotland fascist of the pre great war era.