If They Want It Then They Can Have It.

"I've had it with these bastards. I've tried everything I can think off to placate them, to make some sense of this mess.

We get something working and they go and do this. Well fuck them. If that's what they're going to do then they're welcome to the whole damn lot"

Harold Wilson to Merlyn Rees 28th May 1974
If I've got my history right, this looks like the beginning of a British withdrawl from Northern Ireland. If I'm remembering correctly, this wasn't something the government of Ireland wanted to happen as they didn't have the military means at the time to deal with the issues in Northern Ireland by themselves. Combine that with the Cold War and you end up with some interesting situations...
If I've got my history right, this looks like the beginning of a British withdrawl from Northern Ireland. If I'm remembering correctly, this wasn't something the government of Ireland wanted to happen as they didn't have the military means at the time to deal with the issues in Northern Ireland by themselves. Combine that with the Cold War and you end up with some interesting situations...

Spot on

29th May 1974

"Mr Speaker, with permission I shall make a statement regarding the situation in Northern Ireland. Yesterday I received word from the secretary of state that the First Minister had resigned. I thank Mr Faulkner for his service.

Mr Speaker the shocking events in Northern Ireland have shown that the rule of law has been insulted and derided by a thuggish xenophobic minority...

(Ian Paisley "Lies, it is the majority who have spoken")

(Selwyn Lloyd )"Order, Order the Hon Gentleman will withdraw that word"

IP:"I will not withdraw that word"

SL "Then I must ask the Hon Gentleman Ian Paisley to leave the chamber


HW: Mr Speaker the words and actions of the gentleman who has just left symbolises the attitudes of those who will seek to bring down the administration of Northern Ireland. Our primary concern has always been to ensure that the citizens of Northern Ireland who wish to remain British are protected. However the events of the last 2 weeks have proven that the current situation is untenable.

Therefore I have today spoken to Secretary General Waldheim and raised the possibility of an independent peace keeping force


SL Sitting suspended
Tony Benn's Diary 30th May 1974

The rage has been immense. Tory, Liberal and Labour MP's have attacked Harold. All the Northern Irish parties have resigned and triggered by-elections which leaves us in a bad way. I saw Merlyn Rees earlier today and he was in floods of tears. A truly honourable and gentle man he told me he felt like a failure. He thought that the executive was wrong would have preferred something different.

In the short term there will I feel be issues but the fact is that the government has taken this step is a sign that the issue of Northern Ireland is not something that can be dealt with by The UK and Ireland alone. The chance of peace in Ireland has increase a lot
BBC Radio Ulster News 31st May 1974.

Good Evening. The Prime Minister has announced the withdrawal of all non-essential civilian and military personnel following the collapse of the power sharing executive.
The Oval Office 1st June 1974

Nixon: Tell me Henry, what do you feel about the situation in Ulster?

Kissinger. Its very bad Mr President. The United Kingdom's plan to pull out of the province has raised fears of an insurgency in the area from the loyalists and more deaths.

Nixon. I spoke to the Taioseach last night. He is deeply concerned. The irish are unprepared for and unwilling to have to deal with the military effort. Their armed forces are somewhat antiquated.

Kissinger. Secretary Waldhiem is also worried. He is scared that the troops that are sent into the province could be attacked by both sides.

Nixon: NATO has no presence in the area either?

Kissinger: No, Sir

Panorama Special 2nd June 1974

David Dimbleby: Good Evening. Tonight we try to make sense of the extraordinary events in Northern Ireland. I'll be talking to the co-leaders of the new Unionist group who are seeking a mandate from the people of Ulster to in effect place the province into stasis.
Andrew Marr "A History Of Modern Britain" 2007

A British Stalingrad. That's what Ulster became after the executive collapsed. It seems hard to imagine now in our era of faster travel and open communications that such an event was even possible but it did.

The glut of by-elections triggered by the resignations of all the Northern Irish MP's (Fitt was furious over the possibility of a Catholic pogrom) led to the creation of a new status quo. Of the 12 seats 11 were won by the new "United Ulster" with Fitt retaining.

United Ulster led by West and Paisley had already made their stance clear. They saw themselves as saviours of the Union. In an interview on Panorama on the 2nd of June 1974 they made it clear that if they won back the seats they would mobilise the people of Northern Ireland to take over the power stations, communications etc, block the border to the republic, close down Belfast airport and prevent the remaining British personnel from leaving.

Stupid eh?...
Broadcast by Liam Cosgrave TD on RTE 3rd June 1974

"Good Evening.
I speak to you tonight as the Republic faces a crisis unrivalled in its brief history. The events in the North have caused international condemnation. I have spoken to Prime Minister Wilson and expressed my concern at his decision.

However as Taioseach of the Irish Republic my first concern is for the people of Ireland be they in the Republic or the North. 7 years ago we faced a similar predicament and our actions were insufficient.

This time we must act to prevent a tragedy. With this in mind I have ordered both the army and the ministry of health to set up refugee camps on this side of the border. They will be ready in 24 hours. Anyone who fears for their lives be they Catholic or Protestant are welcome.

To my fellow Irish people. I ask you to unite and to pray for our country.

Good Night
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Marr 2007

"To say Cosgrove's words were misinterpreted was an understatement. First of all his call to both Protestants and Catholics looking for safety marks him as a hero and there weren't many during this time.

It was his call for unity which proved to be the catalyst. For republicans it meant that they could make their dream of a united Ireland a reality. For the loyalists it was the moment that they feared"
This is all going to fuck up Wilson's chances in the October election, right?

e: I mean, if he even makes it to October without Heath calling a vote of no confidence
Whereas in the course of human affairs history has shown that it may become necessary for a people to resolve the political affiliations which have connected them with another people and to assume amongst other nations the separate and equal status to which they are entitled:

And Whereas in such event a respect for the opinions of mankind requires them to declare to other nations the causes which impel them to assume full responsibility for their own affairs:

Now Therefore, We, The Government of Ulster, Do Hereby Declare:

That it is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that since 1921 the Government of Ulster have exercised the powers of self-government and have been responsible for the progress, development and welfare of their people;

That the people of Ulster having demonstrated their loyalty to the Crown and to their kith and kin in the United Kingdom and elsewhere through two world wars, and having been prepared to shed their blood and give of their substance in what they believed to be the mutual interests of freedom-loving people, now see all that they have cherished about to be shattered on the rocks of expediency;

That the people of Ulster have witnessed a process which is destructive of those very precepts upon which civilization in a primitive country has been built, they have seen the principles of Western democracy, responsible government and moral standards crumble elsewhere, nevertheless they have remained steadfast;

That the people of Ulster fully support the requests of their government for sovereignty but have witnessed the consistent refusal of the Government of the United Kingdom to accede to their entreaties;

That the Government of the United Kingdom have thus demonstrated that they are not prepared to grant sovereign choice to Ulster on terms acceptable to the people of Ulster, thereby persisting in maintaining an unwarrantable jurisdiction over Ulster, obstructing laws and treaties with other states and the conduct of affairs with other nations and refusing assent to laws necessary for the public good, all this to the detriment of the future peace, prosperity and good government of Ulster;

That the Government of Ulster have for a long period patiently and in good faith negotiated with the Government of the United Kingdom for the removal of the remaining limitations placed upon them and for the grant of sovereign independence;

That in the belief that procrastination and delay strike at and injure the very life of the nation, the Government of Ulster consider it essential that Ulster should attain, without delay, sovereign independence, the justice of which is beyond question;

Now Therefore, We The Government of Ulster, in humble submission to Almighty God who controls the destinies of nations, conscious that the people of Ulster have always shown unswerving loyalty and devotion to Her Majesty the Queen and earnestly praying that we and the people of Ulster will not be hindered in our determination to continue exercising our undoubted right to demonstrate the same loyalty and devotion, and seeking to promote the common good so that the dignity and freedom of all men may be assured, Do, By This Proclamation, adopt, enact and give to the people of Ulster the Constitution annexed hereto;

God Save The Queen

Given under Our Hand at Belfast, this first day of July in the Year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four.
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2nd July 1974

Phone rings


"Roy, Get them out"

"Get who out Prime Minister?"

"Every soldier, every administrator, every single Briton. I'm not having our people being held as hostages"

"It'll take a day to sort out Harold"

"Just get it done Roy"
Whereas in the course of human affairs history has shown that it may become necessary for a people to resolve the political affiliations which have connected them with another people and to assume amongst other nations the separate and equal status to which they are entitled:

Hmm, do I detect a hint of preparation to ask the US to allow Ulster to become the 51st state?