“Mr President, you’re Zap Zephyr pyjamas are ready.”

“And Jangles the moon monkey?”

“Freshly laundered”

“Thank you, Ronnie. Grab yourself a Diet cocaine Sweet Victory and let’s watch those Peacemaker fly!”

Oh my lord.

Ronald Reagan as Oswald's Infee butler. That would be hysterical. Too bad Reagan has likely been butterflied forever.

"Master Oswald, you need to stop committing mass atrocities on a whim, sir. It's not healthy. I've seen you like this so many times."

"I do not do them on a whim. I have reasons. I'm Oswald." *crosses arms*

*Reagan pulls out a chart* "Master Oswald, I have seen you like this in 1946, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1961, 1963, and that one really weird period in 1966."

“What time is it, Ronnie?”
“It’s morning in America, Sir”

Even if it’s not the Regan we know, you can still use his likeness as a suspiciously similar substitute.

He was also in a movie which he stared as a member of the Presidential secret service so he could always make an appearance as Brass Bancroft, head of the Presidential Guard
Oh my lord.

Ronald Reagan as Oswald's Infee butler. That would be hysterical. Too bad Reagan has likely been butterflied forever.

"Master Oswald, you need to stop committing mass atrocities on a whim, sir. It's not healthy. I've seen you like this so many times."

"I do not do them on a whim. I have reasons. I'm Oswald." *crosses arms*

*Reagan pulls out a chart* "Master Oswald, I have seen you like this in 1946, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1961, 1963, and that one really weird period in 1966."

I’m sure you could incorporate him somehow. I mean, your right he’s probably been butterflied, but didn’t you say at least some inferiors survive cleansing month? His parents could have survived cleansing month as some of the few inferiors that didn’t get the poisoned vaccine, and then gone on to have him still. It’d make him a slave almost certainly, but didn’t you have one person earlier on in the story have an inferior slave as a butler as well? I mean it was before the union went fully batshit crazy and started committing genocide, but if anyone could pull of something similar president Oswald would be that person.
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I'd like to introduce another potential madlad, Gerald Bull. Bull was a Canadian scientist who experimented with methods for launching satellites with artillery. Possibly in the Madness-Verse his parents could have fled to Europa during the American invasion, causing Bull to seek revenge against the RU. He could be the leader of the Europan 'star wars' program, designing enormous cannons to bombard the British Isles or CONUS, and destroy inbound nuclear missiles. He could then be assassinated by foreign agents from the Fascist bloc.
My fellow Pinnacle Blooded Americans, I'd like to take this time to request a character based on one G. Gordon Liddy. Who is this guy, you ask? He was a sickly, asthmatic child turned FBI agent, turned Watergate burglar and the only guy who didn't rat out Nixon. What's more important is the absolute insanity of this guy's beliefs and life. Here's a basic list:
  • He roasted and ate a rat to conquer his fear of rats. As a child.
  • Would burn his hands to test and strengthen his willpower, requiring hospitalization at one point.
  • Practiced killing chickens in order to prepare for Korea, although he "would have preferred a real war, with the Soviets."
  • Tried to convince Nixon to whack, or poison with LSD, a liberal journalist.
  • Was raised by a Nazi supporting German nanny who told him Hitler rebuilt Germany with pure willpower.
  • Picked his wife based on eugenic principles, and proceeded to have 5 children.
  • Told said children to pick fights in school so they didn't get picked on.
I could go on, but suffice it to say he's a complete nutbag. Even Nixon at the height of his Watergate induced paranoia said: "He must be a little nuts. I mean he just isn't well screwed on, is he? Isn't that the problem?" Also, his later in life mustache rivals Steele's in its glory.

Not to mention he actually performed a "desk pop" in a courtroom with a revolver.
Ronald Reagan as Oswald's Infee butler. That would be hysterical.
What!!!Are you saying our Most Catholic Comrade Ronald Reagan would ever bow to the American Pig Dog from HELL!!!! As a member of the Irish Godly People's Socialist security buero you are now Under Arrest and are sentenced to Redemptive Labor. Long Live Eirie, Long live Our Most Catholic Comrade, Long Live the King.
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Quick question for @Napoleon53: what sort of translation does the AFC use for the Old and New Testaments? Obviously the revelations of Burr are in English from the get go, but for the rest of the Bible have they stuck with the KJV, or has there been an official AFC translation commissioned?
Quick question for @Napoleon53: what sort of translation does the AFC use for the Old and New Testaments? Obviously the revelations of Burr are in English from the get go, but for the rest of the Bible have they stuck with the KJV, or has there been an official AFC translation commissioned?
I would think that there's been an AFC translation that would inject some AFC teachings into the Old and New Testaments, to make it look like something some dude in Philadelphia said was actually said by Jesus. Gives the AFC more credibility.
Quick question for @Napoleon53: what sort of translation does the AFC use for the Old and New Testaments? Obviously the revelations of Burr are in English from the get go, but for the rest of the Bible have they stuck with the KJV, or has there been an official AFC translation commissioned?
The AFC Standard Bible was translated by Burr who let's remember had like a brain hemorrhage so it takes certain liberties, although I imagine it's written in the King James vocabulary.
The AFC Standard Bible was translated by Burr who let's remember had like a brain hemorrhage so it takes certain liberties, although I imagine it's written in the King James vocabulary.

The Books of Manifest Destiny were revealed to Burr who copied them down, but I don't think anything's been mentioned about the ordinary Biblical canon which the AFC presumably still shares with everyone else.

Now that I think about it, they might start tacking on some of the weirder apocrypha and non-canon texts as archaeologists and archivists discover them.
Quick question for @Napoleon53: what sort of translation does the AFC use for the Old and New Testaments? Obviously the revelations of Burr are in English from the get go, but for the rest of the Bible have they stuck with the KJV, or has there been an official AFC translation commissioned?

The jews in the RU also have to use standard AFC bible? They only need the first part.
I'm interested in how the RU jews are actually practicing Judaism and if there's a Jewish equivalent for the AFC and to the Council of Jehovah...
“Thank you, Ronnie. Grab yourself a Diet cocaine Sweet Victory and let’s watch those Peacemaker fly!”
"Diet" ITTL just meaning it has OTL original CocaCola levels of cocaine and not the crazy TTL levels. :p
Because really, when everyone's on coke and meth, nobody's gonna give a crap about how much sugar they're drinking.
After all, sugar is natural and Jehovah-given, whereas "High Fructose Corn Syrup and artificial sweetners are part of a Illuminist plot to taint, sap, and impurify our Pinnicle Fluids".
I just had another evil (and silly) idea...

So we know that Peacemakers will be some kind of nuclear weapon in this timeline, right? What about, instead of being named after the biblical passage "blessed are the peacemakers", they're instead named after the spaceship of our favourite spaceman hero, Zap Zephyr? The more serious/religious minded can say it's named after the Matthew 5:8 passage but we the reader know the truth and can be a sign of Oswalds ever growing instability.

"Remember folks, tune in this tuesday to hear the latest tales of Zap Zephyr and the USSS Peacemaker! Zap Zephyr and the Peacemaker, patroling the depths of space and protecting the Pinnacle Men and Women of the Intergalactic Union of American States from the evil and corrupting scourge of alien Inferiors from Eire 3 and Europa Zeta! Zap Zephyr and the USSS Peacemaker this tuesday, only on Silver Eagle Radio"
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Is Steele going to get married? I know Custer wasn't and in Classic he also didn't, but I think him getting married definitely fits with his whole "I'm a strong, moral, Christian man who believes in family values" thing. I think it would be great if Mr. and Mrs. Steele were the Frank and Claire Underwood to Mr. and Mrs. Oswald's Joker and Harley Quinn. Plus, a Presidential wedding would be perfect for some insane pageantry.
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Is Steele going to get married? I know Custer wasn't and in Classic he also didn't, but I think him getting married definitely fits with his whole "I'm a strong, moral, Christian man who believes in family values" thing. I think it would be great if Mr. and Mrs. Steele were the Frank and Claire Underwood to Mr. and Mrs. Oswald's Joker and Harley Quinn. Plus, a Presidential wedding would be perfect for some insane pageantry.

Him getting married, yes.

But the idea of Steele having an equal in anything kinda makes is a stretch at best.
Him getting married, yes.

But the idea of Steele having an equal in anything kinda makes is a stretch at best.

I both agree and disagree. On the one hand, you're totally right, Steele is someone who craves unquestioned power. On the other, I could absolutely see him giving her more power than anyone else in his administration (although still a great deal less than him) because a kind feminine voice and face is the perfect velvet glove over his Steele fist (I refuse to apologize for my pun). They both win: he gets someone to boost his family values image and a motherly figure to soothe the nation's fear of Papa Joe, while his ruthless Strong Woman wife gets to be the most powerful woman on the planet in return for obedience and loyalty to her husband. There are worse deals one could find.
I could see Steele getting married purely as a political move, maybe to someone in the economic clans or the AFC to cement his control over them, especially if Mrs Steele is just as ruthless. The whole wedding would be pure Bread and Circus smokescreen while the Steeles commit horrific acts elsewhere. And while there's may be little to no warmth between Mr and Mrs Steele, Joe having a daughter he actually loves can be his one humanising and redeeming feature