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small recommendation: use a single shade of red

slightly larger recommendation: don't use an emblem linked with only france. Either combine the PPF axe with a british one like the BUF (lightning bolt) or else create a new one from scratch. The problem with using the PPF one is that, unless of course this is the case in your timeline, it gives the impression of the french side taking over.

Hmm, I would be unsure how to combine such symbols. If you could combine them for me it'd be something I'd like to see.
Hmm, I would be unsure how to combine such symbols. If you could combine them for me it'd be something I'd like to see.

lightning handled double headed axe ?

Great! Although, what makes it a puppet's flag?
Just because I heavily based it on SA's flag. Taking the green and the Arabic from SA and only adding the black and removing the sword. Also I kinda figured it would be made by Saudi officials as a 'gift' to the new nation.


Flag of the Kingdom of Lusitania and Galicia, commonly known simply as Lusitania.

Sancha, Queen of Leon, succeeded her father Alfonso IX upon his death in 1230. While the people of Galicia, whose tradition allowed for a ruler of any gender, supported her alongside her Portuguese family, the nobility of Leon refused to accept a female sovereign, and pledged instead for her half-brother, the king of Castile. The queen's husband, the former Emperor of Constantinople, brought with him a few hundred mercenary knights provided by his patron Blanche of Navarre. The combined Navarrese-Galician forces met the Castilians successfully in war, securing the rule of Sancha over Leon and Galicia with a change in the succession law of Leon in exchange for guaranteeing a charter of aristocratic rights. Her rule was marked by active construction of universities and monasteries/convents, increasing favor with the papacy, and the crushing of rebellions and invasions aiming to remove her. With her husband, she would give birth to a single daughter who in 1250 would succeed her widowed mother as Urraca II of Leon and Galicia.

In 1246, Pope Innocent IV excommunicated the King of Portugal. The King's brother Alfonso Count of Boulogne attempted to invade Portugal with his French forces but was died fighting the "Heretic King". With this defeat of her enemies' claims, Queen Sancha of Leon pressed her own claim to the Portuguese throne via her mother, and with the help of rebel nobles and catholic militias, overthrew Sancho II, bringing an end to the Portuguese House of Burgundy. With this union the three crowns would remain together until the early 16th century when the Nile Crusades and the discovery of the Hidden Gospels of the Nag Hammadi Library drove wedges through Christendom. The 1568 accession of King Bermudo V, a member of the Gottshalkite Gnostic Church of Germany who had converted while on crusade in Egypt, and his promotion of Jewish and Muslim officials in his court, would cause the Holy League and Pope Honorius V to support the claim of the King of France against him as part of an official Asturian Crusade. The occupiers would defeat and depose him, engage in mass slaughter of his supporters, especially the Jews of Leon, and split his kingdom back into Leon-Galicia and Portugal, one in personal union with the King of Castile and the other in personal union with the King of France.

The people of Galicia, a hotbed of conversion to the Chenoboskene faiths, waged an irregular war against the Franco-Castilian occupation. They were led by the last survivor of the excommunicated House of Ivrea, St. Urraca IV, who had been spirited from the capital as a child ahead of the crusade. The Gnostic warrior-queen and her Galicians would deny river crossings and mountain passes, harassing the enemy, causing them to waste their resources, and pioneering early culverin tactics in the process. King Charles XI of France (1546-1575) died after taking shrapnel from an exploding pot-de-fer, which ended the French intervention and led to an English invasion of France which occupied the greater part of Europe's attention. Following this victory, the Galicians would recover Leon while the city greeted the queen as a liberator after the horrific religious pogroms during the occupation. The Castilian and Portuguese ultra-catholic armies were defeated in the field with the help of reinforcements and gold from the Colony of Nazca and Leon-Portugal's sphere of influence in south-central Tawantinsuyu, as well as her controversial alliance with the Nasrid Caliphate of Cordoba which grew significantly as a result of the crusade.

With the restoration of the House of Ivrea and the end of the major phases of the Wars of Religion in Iberia, Urraca IV reorganized the state apparatus of Leon and Portugal, combining the two crowns into the Kingdom of Lusitania, while keeping Galicia separate and retaining its self-government. Gradually, the administrations of the kingdoms began to blur into one another with the long era of absolutism which followed. The coat of arms in this flag dates from the 15th century, while the tricolor was first used in 1778.

Purple and white represent Leon, blue and white represent Galicia and Portugal. The Portuguese and Leonese coats of arms are quartered against the arms of Galicia and the Algarve, which had been acquired during a crusade against the Taifa of Silves in the 15th century. Two black horses with tongues and hooves of gold act as supporters, representing the famous black horses of St. Urraca and her guard, while inescutcheon are the arms of the House of Ascania, which ruled Lusitania from the extinction of the House of Ivrea in 1738 and at the time of the flag's adoption. On the crown, the black pearls are products of Lusitania's lucrative Persian Gulf Colony, while the globus cruciger is made of walrus ivory from Lusitanian Cicictahluc. The gold words on the white banners are the first line of Luke 12:49

"I have come to bring a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!"

lusi flag2.png
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Loved the flag. And excellent piece of writing. Never heard of the Chenoboskians, now am interested in seeing a full on TL with this concept.

Thank you!

"Chenoboskian" in this case refers to the heterodox and esoteric christian, jewish, and muslim traditions which developed out of the cultural atmosphere surrounding the discovery of what in our timeline would be known as the Nag Hammadi Codices. In our timeline, they were discovered by two Egyptian brothers in the mid XX century as they rested in a cave. In this timeline, they were discovered in the early XVI century by a Milanese chaplain resting in the same cave as he accompanied crusading German soldiers journeying towards Luxor. The name "Chenoboskian" comes from the Chenoboskion, the old Hellenic name for the country between Asyut and the First Cataract; in which the manuscripts were found. It was a land frequented by the "desert fathers" and early christian pilgrims and teachers like St. Pachomius.

The significance of the Nag Hammadi Codices is their preservation of several lost books written by Judeo-Christian teachers in the centuries after the death of Christ. Included among these is a full, undamaged copy of the Gospel of Thomas, as well as partial copies of the Gospel of Philip, the Gospel of the Egyptians, Noachian and Antediluvian works, several "hidden gospels" of John, full dialogues of Jesus, discourses, gnostic texts such as Thunder, Perfect Mind, Hypostasis of the Archons, and Exegesis on the Soul, the incredible Apocalypse of Adam, and, curiously, a copy of Plato's Republic. The discovery and publication of the these books would cause an explosion of both scholarly research and popular polemic regarding them and their place in the Christian understanding, as well as the formation of esoteric movements in other religions (especially Judaism) as the texts spread across the world.

Both western and eastern churches were torn apart by schisms as priests and theologians protested both for and against the acknowledgment of the texts and inclusion in the canon. Revivals of Sethian and Valentinian Gnosticism were widespread, mystery cults surrounding Thomas the Doubter, Moses, Noah and Noria formed, along with other weirdness. But also there were some more mainstream church movements to include the new books into the canon, especially the complete Gospel of Thomas. Towards the end of the papacy of Lando II, there were synods called and statements issued that condemned the use of the non-canonical books, citing the letter of St. Athanasius which resulted in the books having been buried and lost in the first place. This led to widespread excommunications, executions, and destruction, as well as the formation of the Heterodox Church by a large group of former priests and bishops who declared Lando II the antichrist and elected one of their number. The Heterodox Church incorporates the Chenoboskian books into its teaching and liturgy, merging catholicism with gnosticism.

This caused generations of religious wars to erupt across Europe.
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