Alternate Weapons of War thread...


A Mauser-Johnson Rifle Hybrid
Coastal Defense Battleship Danton.gif

A Danton class Battleship converted into a Coastal Defense Ship.

A Konigsberg class CL modernized as an AA Cruiser

A Modernized Coln class Light Cruiser

The Texacoran Marines in the depicted scene are armed with the "Two Band" variant of the general issue Pattern '57 Port Faulkner rifle, capable of firing both standard breechloaded ball rounds and high-velocity anti-armor muzzleloaded slugs. Superficially distinguished from the common "Single Band" rifle by the eponymous second barrel band and decorative brass furnishing, the "Two Band" rifle is also outfitted with a longer barrel and improved rifling, conferring significantly greater accuracy and boosted muzzle velocity. Issued to the two skirmisher companies fielded by every Texacoran field regiment, the "Two Band" rifle enables Texacoran skirmishers to comfortably outrange and overpenetrate their traditional adversaries in the Kommersant's Kosmodesantniki mobile infantry brigades when employed with muzzleloaded high-velocity munitions. In close-range boarding actions and point-blank coastal ambushes, a "Two Band" rifle with armor-piercing slugs can even penetrate the thinly-layered ceramsteel hull plating of Kommersant gun-clippers to neutralize the crew and drive system inside.

Here, the skirmishers of Company "A" prepare to load and deliver a volley of armor-piercing slugs into an onrushing formation of Red Flag revolutionaries. Although Texacoran Marines are long accustomed by habit and experience to fight and defeat massed formations of lightly equipped Red peasant levies with a rapid and continuous hail of standard breechloaded ball cartridges, recent developments in Red military tactics and equipment have challenged traditional Texacoran practices. Too impoverished to afford the expense of equipping entire fighting units, much less armies, with even the cheapest of mass produced Kommersant ceramsteel breastplate, Red commissar-commanders have taken to parceling out the meager issue of ceramsteel armor among their shock infantry formations, equipping every fifth or sixth conscript with armor. Concealing the ceramsteel plates beneath the quilted folds of their standard khaki battle jackets, these Red shock infantry are visually indistinguishable from their unarmored comrades, and when these armored conscripts are discovered entering the fray, Texacoran Marines must either switch mid-combat to the slow muzzleloaded armor-piercing slugs or else stick with standard breechloaded ball cartridges and run the risk of allowing armored Red shock infantry to close the gap.

Although Texacoran Marines are famed for their rapid adaptability to sudden changes in battlefield threats, a canny and skillful Red commissar can overwhelm muzzleloading Marines with a wave of unarmored conscripts or dispatch a reserve of armored shock infantry to break a firing line of breechloading Marines. Staff Officers and Field Instructors of the Texacoran War College have attempted to amend the Texacoran rifle tactics manual with the addition of a mixed-munitions, company-level fighting formation specifically devised to neutralize the unpredictable threat of Red shock infantry formations. In practice, however, Texacoran field officers on campaign in the northern hemisphere have resorted to the simple expedient of assigning the entire regiment except for the headquarters/support company to providing dedicated anti-armor muzzleloading fire, with the lone breechloading headquarters company held in immediate reserve for rapid deployment should the regimental firing line be threatened at any point by an overwhelming number of unarmored Red peasant-levies. This arrangement has the additional benefit of simplifying the logistics of ammunition resupply for the quartermasters of the Texacoran Armored Brigades and Amphibious Divisions, who can prioritize armor-piercing munitions in the limited cargo allotments available in crowded treadnought storage holds on long expeditionary deployments.
Alternate Kalashnikovs.

Slide action assault rifle.
_SHOTGUN 500px-Franchi12+.jpg

OAR-44 (Owen Automatic Rifle).
If the AK had been an Australian design in an alternate WWII.
_OAR._Owen Automatic rifle..jpg

A-270 Battle Blaster.
Precursor to the A-280, the A-270 was a very tough and rugged blaster rifle favored by mercenary and insurgent forces for its renown reliability in all climates and terrain.
_AK-270 Blaster-3.jpg

An Aircraft Carrier Derived from the hull of a Hood class Battlecruiser

An alternate Aircraft Carrier conversion of a Courageous class Carrier
Rhein class Aircraft Carrier.png

A hull of a Mackensen class Battlecruiser converted into an Aircraft Carrier and Modernized.
Now, I know it is crazy and pretty much ASB, but the idea behind this was inspired by ''Space Battleship Yamato''. Basically, pressed by time by a war against a foreign ennemy, the United Nations decided to re-use old ships and modify them to be space-worthy, in addition of a few modern RADAR and weapons. I started with a smaller ship, a destroyer, to get an idea of the concept. I hereby present you: the Reforged-Class Destroyer of the UN Defence Force !


*The pannels are radiators to evacuate the heat
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