Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Spain claimed land all the way up to Alaska, though. :winkytongue:
Also it annoys me Mexico managed to snag chunks of Oregon, Idaho, and Wyoming it never held during Spanish or independent times in this map, so at least be accurate in your attempts to cause historical controversy. :p
Looks like the Adams-Onís Treaty line to me, or at least close enough. Sure, there's a case to be made that a lot of that territory wasn't effectively controlled, but it's what the US and Spain agreed was the border.
I believe @Umbric Man meant that the northern border of the map shown is a little far north, even for the Adams-Onis Treaty line. And I have to agree, just by eyeballing it.

Yep, my bad, everyone. I definitely could've worded it better since Luminous sums up what I was actually thinking of - effective control so most of Spanish claims to Oregon and Alaska weren't even in my mind, and both the formal Adams-Onis borders and the de-facto Upper California watershed boundary Spain had before 1819.
Not really a proposal and certainly not a war aim but it still fits best here:

What?? Who proposed/made a map where Germany (and on top of that: post-1945 Germany!) annexes not only Austria, but Switzerland, the Benelux nations, Croatia, Slowenia, and is "on course of annexing" Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Moldova and Georgia? Why would Germany do this? And... wouldn't Germans then become a minority in their own nation? And why is Kosovo a "lawless zone"?
What?? Who proposed/made a map where Germany (and on top of that: post-1945 Germany!) annexes not only Austria, but Switzerland, the Benelux nations, Croatia, Slowenia, and is "on course of annexing" Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Moldova and Georgia? Why would Germany do this? And... wouldn't Germans then become a minority in their own nation? And why is Kosovo a "lawless zone"?

Something something EU is 4th Reich something something tinfoil hat.
Not really a proposal and certainly not a war aim but it still fits best here:

Ehhh....sorry, but have to disagree. It doesn't "fit best here". It fits much better in Map Thread XVIII because it's just a map. It is as you rightly noted, not a proposal and "certainly not a war aim", so it shouldn't be here.
Ehhh....sorry, but have to disagree. It doesn't "fit best here". It fits much better in Map Thread XVIII because it's just a map. It is as you rightly noted, not a proposal and "certainly not a war aim", so it shouldn't be here.
But it's not OC either, so maybe the political cartoon thread over on Chat?