England Expects that Every Man....

I am happy to see so many people like the story. I hope the future does not disappoint.
(I am amazed at the number of likes that pile up on some of the sections.)

Excellent writing, love the characterisation and the sense of confusion of the battle itself.

Lovely prose. Watched.

And a special thank you for the compliments on the writing, although I am not sure I am the one responsible. The characters seem to take on lives of their own, and then I seem to see it through their eyes, or the eyes of those watching them, and they take the story onward.

I write analytical stuff for a living (and have even been told that I make it quite readable) but fiction is a new sort of venture for me. I know I need to pause and bone up on proper ways to do some things, but it is fun when I can find the time. / VP
So, will Moore instruct Halsey to bring as much attention to these findings as possible while he himself prepares to fall on the sword of 'disobeying orders'?
I suspect Beaty will be privately pissed and will ensure Moore won't rise any higher in the navy. However publicly Beaty might very well say that Moore followed his instructions/intentions, as no great calamity occurred and it wouldn't do Beaty's public heroic persona any good if he didn't support Moore as it would imply that he didn't want his ships to engage the enemy in a fight where the odds where at the least even.

Personally I think Beaty for all his faults would have done the same if his position was reversed with Moore in this time line. He wasn't a very nice person but he wasn't really stupid nor a coward.
Just caught up.and will add my voice in support. Good beginning and I'm looking forward to more.
Moore being retired really does depend on whether or not the Seydlitz(she's the most likely candidate for such an occurrence)was sunk if it was he is the Hero of the nation and Churchill and Fisher will back him as will Jellico if not yes retirement does seem likely
I wonder if Moore would consider going on the offensive against Beaty.

Reporting to Churchill, 'Minister, I regret to inform you that I have failed to obey orders to show cowardice in the face of the enemy.'
Deliberate disobedience of orders (rather than creative interpretation of them) could be considered mutiny. It would be a very brave officer that risked that charge to save his career.
Moor's career might be saved if the Germans have received more damage than he expects. If another German capital ship sinks on the way home or is so badly damaged that it is a total constructive loss and has to be scrapped , he could become a hero.
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England Expects Ch 2 - 5
CHAPTER 2 Part 5 -- England Expects that Every Man....


Rear Admiral Moore was the first to speak. In fact, it seemed as if the others had been waiting. “Do we keep much cordite around the barbette while in action?” He asked softly, facing Mr. MacDougall as he spoke.

“Moorre than it's designed for, sirr. Moorre than we need for almost any eventuality – as farr as I can see, sirr.” He looked at the Gunnery Officer.

He picked up the answer for Moore's question. “The other ships have extra charges open in the barbette or even the turret so they can make the maximum rate of fire. Mr. MacDougall's assessment of the situation looked good, so we cut that back. We have a couple of extras, no more. I must say that when Gunnery Officers meet, the other G.O.'s have sometimes needled me on being such an 'old woman' about it, but right now I'm glad we are here to talk about it.” His mouth, but not his eyes, smiled grimly at the thought. “Damned glad.”

Moore sensed something in there, but he didn't quite know what. So he asked the next obvious question. “How much does having extra charges available help the rate of fire?”

MacDougall and the youngest of the turret officers looked at each other. MacDougall had the bit in his teeth by now, and he clearly had the Admiral's ear: “We don't think it helps at all, sirr. Leastways not at long range and not much if it does at all. We looked at it one day and at longerr rranges the time of flight and spotting mean that you might not fire at quite the maximum rate anyway, unless you want to waste shells. It might make a difference at close range, but the whole system was designed to work at up to a given rrate. and by and large it does. If you have an erro-rr in drill somewhere then the extrra charges might help then, but only if the erro-rr is in particular spots. That's the only rreal difference. Sirr.”

“So now with this action behind us you can take the records of our shooting and calculate all the intervals, and see if it would have mattered for this long-range duel?” asked Captain Halsey.

“Aye, sirr.”

Moore already had the same feeling that he had had when he took command. He was onto something – something more than having too many cordite charges laying about loose – and once again he knew what it was. The others watched conflicting expressions flash across his face, and forbore to speak.

“Captain Halsey. We'll meet in my cabin in five minutes. I would like to see you and your Paymaster and Gunnery Officer, my Staff Commander, and of course Mr. MacDougall. And...," he looked back to the youngest of the turret officers, "Lieutenant Walke* – you helped Mr. MacDougall with his rate-of-fire calculations so we will need you, also. The rest of you, get some food and rest now, your talents will be needed soon. In fact, please pass the word for my steward to have some food for us in my cabin.”

The sombre mood of their recent realization was causing them all a brief hesitation, except for Captain Halsey whose unusually crisp, “Aye, Aye, Sir,” spurred them all into movement.
== ==
*Ficticious character. Edit: a name had to be introduced so it would be more natural to refer to him in the text.
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In theory, but the BC Force is stationed in the Firth of Forth while the Grand Fleet is in Scapa Flow. Supervision is difficult when the two forces are separated by over 100 miles. In 1915 it's not like Jellicoe can just jump in a plane and drop in on Beatty an hour or so later.
Mr. MacDougall is the good kind of institutional memory, he remembers there is a reason we do things this way, it was more than likely written in blood the reason behind the rule. Documentation has saved more than one person in the military and Adm Moore having every t crossed and i dotted goes a long way to helping oneself. Remember he can call on the spirit on Nelson in this case.
In 1915 it's not like Jellicoe can just jump in a plane and drop in on Beatty an hour or so later.

Instead he sends a strongly worded telegram.

"Sir, message from Scapa Flow."
"Very good, read it out to me."
"Oh boy...."
"Sir! Message from Scapa Flow for you..."