A Shining Valley - The Great Desert Lake in California

If South Carolina is renamed Liberty, wouldn't it make sense for North Carolina to just be Carolina? Or did they keep it because it's a pain to change for no real reason? Also, Florida has 41 Electoral votes! How'd that happen? How does this effect the demographics of Florida?
They did actually change the name to just Carolina, its just that the abbreviation wasn't changed because as you said the change is not really needed and the lack of political will. It was changed less than a decade ago, and still the state and the general public still references North Carolina.

Florida doesn't actually have that many more people, its just that the House of Representatives is bigger. The House of Representatives has 583 seats TTL which is quite bigger than the OTL House. Since the Electoral College based upon the number of reps, the number of Electors was changed too.
Speaking of branching out, I would like to hear about what are your guys thoughts on what should I post in the next week or so. Right now I'm recapping the 2016 election by doing a few primaries and the final result. However I've thought about covering the hellscape that I've created in Europe. Alternatively I can go back to covering California. What would you guys like to see?


Speaking of branching out, I would like to hear about what are your guys thoughts on what should I post in the next week or so. Right now I'm recapping the 2016 election by doing a few primaries and the final result. However I've thought about covering the hellscape that I've created in Europe. Alternatively I can go back to covering California. What would you guys like to see?
I'd Prefer going back to California Considering i am making those tacos tonight or tommorow but seeing Europe would also be nice



Decided to make an Election map of the Florida Legislature, turned out better than I initially thought it would. Planning on doing this for other states too!

Note: The Date is wrong it should be NOV. 8, 2016 not OCT. 1, 2016.
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Speaking of branching out, I would like to hear about what are your guys thoughts on what should I post in the next week or so. Right now I'm recapping the 2016 election by doing a few primaries and the final result. However I've thought about covering the hellscape that I've created in Europe. Alternatively I can go back to covering California. What would you guys like to see?
Europe please!
Since the implementation of Progressive Era reforms, the National Union primary system continues to adapt to satisfy the evolving political climates. Gone are the days of an individually based selection process, when a few candidates stood above a crowded pack. Gone are the days of delegates being chosen by elite party officials. Gone are the days of caucuses and differing rules in primaries to choose delegates. Now to minimize controversy, bad blood between party members, and a party split; the system is standardized across the nation. All caucuses have been rid of, so only primaries are held now. Delegates are proportionally distributed among the winners, in order to follow the popular vote as close as possible. There are no superdelegates or arbitrary delegate rules, only simple standardized rules agreed upon by the Central Committee. The current iteration of the primary system, implemented for the 2012 Election, has effectively ended most party splits. Today it is rare to see a dozen candidates at a time, who all compete for 5555 delegates.

For decades, many constantly changing political factions lay behind the facade of a united party. These ideologically-divided factions are backed by congressional caucuses, labor organizations, advocacy groups, and other non-governmental organizations. These factions are almost always funded by political action committees. While the factions themselves consist of ideologically-driven or individually based caucuses, they have roughly coalesced into three large ideological factions when contesting the Presidential primaries.

Christian Labor: The largest and most dominant faction, the faction represents the core ideology of the National Union. General they hold a center-left stance on economic issues, supporting public healthcare and education. However they hold conservative positions on social issues especially abortion, the death penalty, and obscene media. This faction holds broad appeal across the public especially among the working class in labor unions and moderate conservatives, including African Americans, and increasingly Hispanic voters. The most prominent member caucus is the Workingmen's Coalition, backed by conservatives in the National Congress of American Labor (NCAL). The faction also includes ethnicity based caucuses such as the African American Race Equality Caucus.

The selection of James Wallace to represent the faction has introduced the principles of economic nationalism to protect domestic industry. The new message has proved to be very popular among Christian Labor supporters.

Democratic Left/Progressive
: A faction consisting of Christian leftists, traditional social democrats, and environmentalists. While they all hold a center-left stance on economic issues, their position on social issues is much more moderate. The Christian leftists usually have conservative positions on social issues like Christian Labor, but they largely consider such issues to be less important than economic issues. The faction is most popular among the urban left and some ethnic minorities. The faction often coordinates with the Green Party and run fusion tickets with them. The most prominent member caucus is the Progressive Caucus, backed by the left-wing labor movement and other leftist groups.

The faction was split over the issue of environmentalism and social issues. Moderate Abigail Kennedy from the Christian leftist officially represents the Progressive faction. However Ben Sanders, environmentalist and social democratic joined the race as an independent.

Moderate: A faction consisting of centrists, social and classical liberals. They hold varying positions on social and economic issues but are widely known for their pragmatic approach to governace. The faction has broad appeal among moderate pro-business, and moderate liberals, who are also still open to regulation. The faction cooperates with the Center Party and the Liberal Party, but continuing strife between the two parties hinders the Moderate's chances of electoral success. The most prominent member caucus is the Free Market Caucus backed by more liberal members of the NCAL and small business owners who support some limited deregulation.

The faction was also split, this time between the Center and Liberal candidates. It has grown into a rather deep split this election, with the subfactions support their own candidate. The Free Market Caucus has rallied behind William Roosevelt, the candidate for the Liberal Party, and the Center Caucus behind Max Garcetti, the candidate for the Center Party.

Several other factions exist, the most prominent being the regionalist Southern Liberal faction. Consisting of proponents from Christian Labor and the Moderates, they form a united front in the Deep South. They are main opposition to the Constitutional Liberty Party, a reactionary force popular in the Deep South. The CLP was barred from participating in the National Union primary in 2007 over blatant displays of racism and misogyny against the leadership of the party. For the first time, they are running a candidate in the hopes of drawing in support from moderate southerners.

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William Roosevelt won the primary by only three percent in one of the bastions of the Liberal Party, undercut by strong support from James Wallace and a stronger than expected third party vote by Ben Sanders. The weaker than expected primary performance of the Liberals surprised most political commentators, who pointed to the populist tone present throughout the primary campaign as a cause. James Wallace and Ben Sanders have set up their campaigns these past few months around populist messages, which have clearly struck a chord with the people of Connecticut. Sanders arguably has seen the greatest success by presenting himself as another memorable contender above the rest of the nominees. Super Tuesday is less than a week away, and the Roosevelt campaign is scrambling to ensure that this close result does not spell doom, while Wallace and Sanders look to continue their success.

Updated 7 June
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Eureka U.S. Senate Election Map

Decided to do another Election map since I had fun with the last one. Had to do the Counties from scratch this time so massive thanks to Planita for helping with where to put them. Next time I plan on doing a Primary Map so expect that in the next couple days.
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Republic of Zapadoslavia
not a particularly pleasant subject to cover. obviously I do not condone any kind of genocide or ethnic cleansing


Carved from the corpse of the German Empire, the Republic of Zapadoslavia is the culmination of the Russian State's rather successful program to permanently destroy the German state. Although the current Zapadoslavian government has long disavowed the Genocide mostly for the sake of good relations, the very nature of Zapadoslavia continues to overshadow any half-hearted attempt at reconciliation.

The August Revolt in 1944 convinced the Russian State that even a defeated Germany would be a threat to Russia. Thus starting in 1945, the Russian State embarked on a decade long program of ethnic cleansing and genocide following the plan set by General Plan West. Entire towns were razed, cultural landmarks leveled, and industry and infrastructure were completely destroyed or imported elsewhere. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were killed, and several million fled occupied Germany into French occupied Rhineland and beyond. Meanwhile the Russian State encouraged Russian and other Slavs to migrate into depopulated regions and settle. This was especially popular with the veterans of the German-Russian War who were often stationed in Germany themselves.

Slavs forms a large majority of the population in Zapadoslavia today, mostly consisting of Russians. The current government is no longer a puppet of the Russian State, and in fact actively opposes them since the White Revolution. However the treatment of Germans within its own borders and the very nature of the state overshadows Zapadoslavia's relationship with Western Europe. While France and the United Kingdom are somewhat willing to overlook its history, the remnant German states and the greater German Diaspora are far less willing.

Today, Zapadoslavia is a dominate-party presidential republic, led by a President and a Prime Minister. It is a regional power with a strong economy and holds membership in the G20 and the OECD. It is armed with nuclear weapons and thus is part of the international Council of Nuclear-Armed States. It maintains good relations with the French Republic and is part of the French-led Strasbourg Community and the European Defence Pact.
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not a particularly pleasant subject to cover. obviously I do not condone any kind of genocide or ethnic cleansing


Carved from the corpse of the German Empire, the Republic of Zapadoslavia is the culmination of the Russian State's rather successful program to permanently destroy the German state. Although the current Zapadoslavian government has long disavowed the Genocide mostly for the sake of good relations, the very nature of Zapadoslavia continues to overshadow any half-hearted attempt at reconciliation.

The August Revolt in 1946 convinced the Russian State that even a defeated Germany would be a threat to Russia. Thus starting in 1947, the Russian State embarked on a decade long program of ethnic cleansing and genocide following the plan set by General P.an West. Entire towns were razed, cultural landmarks destroyed, and industry and infrastructure completely destroyed or imported elsewhere. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were killed, and several million fled occupied Germany into French occupied Rhineland and beyond. Meanwhile the Russian State encouraged Russian and other Slavs to migrate into depopulated region and settle. This was especially popular with the veterans of the German-Russian War who were often stationed in Germany themselves.

Slavs forms a large majority of the population in Zapadoslavia today, mostly consisting of Russians. The current government is no longer a puppet of the Russian State, and in fact actively opposes them. However the treatment of Germans within its own borders and the very nature of the state overshadows Zapadoslavia's relationship with Western Europe. While France and the United Kingdom are somewhat willing to overlook its history, the remnant German states and the greater German Diaspora are far less willing.

Today, Zapadoslavia is a dominate-party presidential republic, led by a President and a Prime Minister. It is a regional power with a strong economy and holds membership in the G20 and the OECD. It is armed with nuclear weapons and thus is part of the international Council of Nuclear-Armed States. It maintains good relations with the French Republic and is part of the French-led Strasbourg Community and the European Defence Pact.
If the Germans fled to the United States, where would they flee to? How would it affect the Politics and culture?
not a particularly pleasant subject to cover. obviously I do not condone any kind of genocide or ethnic cleansing


Carved from the corpse of the German Empire, the Republic of Zapadoslavia is the culmination of the Russian State's rather successful program to permanently destroy the German state. Although the current Zapadoslavian government has long disavowed the Genocide mostly for the sake of good relations, the very nature of Zapadoslavia continues to overshadow any half-hearted attempt at reconciliation.

The August Revolt in 1946 convinced the Russian State that even a defeated Germany would be a threat to Russia. Thus starting in 1947, the Russian State embarked on a decade long program of ethnic cleansing and genocide following the plan set by General P.an West. Entire towns were razed, cultural landmarks destroyed, and industry and infrastructure completely destroyed or imported elsewhere. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were killed, and several million fled occupied Germany into French occupied Rhineland and beyond. Meanwhile the Russian State encouraged Russian and other Slavs to migrate into depopulated region and settle. This was especially popular with the veterans of the German-Russian War who were often stationed in Germany themselves.

Slavs forms a large majority of the population in Zapadoslavia today, mostly consisting of Russians. The current government is no longer a puppet of the Russian State, and in fact actively opposes them. However the treatment of Germans within its own borders and the very nature of the state overshadows Zapadoslavia's relationship with Western Europe. While France and the United Kingdom are somewhat willing to overlook its history, the remnant German states and the greater German Diaspora are far less willing.

Today, Zapadoslavia is a dominate-party presidential republic, led by a President and a Prime Minister. It is a regional power with a strong economy and holds membership in the G20 and the OECD. It is armed with nuclear weapons and thus is part of the international Council of Nuclear-Armed States. It maintains good relations with the French Republic and is part of the French-led Strasbourg Community and the European Defence Pact.
Kaliningrad on steroids
If the Germans fled to the United States, where would they flee to? How would it affect the Politics and culture?
The US government wouldn't really bring in all that many refugees directly. It isn't all that interested in getting involved in Europe. Most of the refugees would be brought in by private organizations or the more fortunate would settle here themselves. It would be wherever the United States government would allow them to be settled by the private organizations, but it would mostly be in the Mid-west. Since there isn't any anti-German sentiment however the German community would largely keep their culture. I would imagine at most a million would migrate over a couple of decades.

Kaliningrad on steroids
Yeah I was basically inspired by the post-war expulsion of Germans and I basically thought "what if this was the genocide in my TL?" Obviously this is what is going to set international law on what genocide is.



Another Election map, this time it's a Live map following the East Tennessee House Election, decided to try something different in the map and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Might go a bit quiet on Election Maps after this but that's because I'm working on other maps besides ones for this timeline, might try and do a closer map of the 2nd District Election next.
please no one notices the 4th district names